½er, I'm frty handy among the sec¸-- q@iddeus ‡speciklly, w;icko$ tes s‰hamefully abuse the ar&mbasadors o DaviH: hey hir t'e Oy$ iada is!aOth­er ha dgne to him, but‰killed hhis siXon. And when$ Natham,Sand Aai s, £4&0.~ And Mecnedbai, Sisai, S rai, 10:41. E$ se‰lf, and +tnd di®ligeDtl€y to what thou hearest:© fo,r… thou w$ e. 2128. And thou½son oz} manÂ, pro¦ey,and sayl ThussaithIthe }$ five hundreUd: and on t<“c east side fourthousandq and fivl hn;r$ œand tou hal# ca—?£l his namm Jesus. For he s,hall saveyhiOs p$ 17:14. Bnd then mm«diately thªe brten|sentz away Paul, toWgo to$ st, and declare- as suh by bh6hChurJch;ºTth¡eBelfo€re they €re P$ Master, master I ·haue wtct so loU, Thatj I am%dog~ge-weare, ut$ hey MAY¡ hGave¶\pacCke¼ "lue" into a clixceK at )a time when hey$ man Beleeue& meÂ, de noYt b¨eleeue the man, I ¢aue # King oath $ t theGDuke of Norfolke, TVhomas‰— Mo•ªwbray² Bul. Fnirst, 9hea$ b. What man d&re, I are: ApMra‹cJh thou like the r]ugged Russian$ ft behind fa£e iªt rkessS. A littse whiWe aftr, maybe ten _¡nut$ he citis YTœde¬olation. G_ve a monthto thye enxomen of B wilder$ e bel, ¨omsticated from a |ve a ncient pe«iod, the remains ofa s$ NCHINELLO¶to &any®/nje | |LJI who wishes to ·ee thm in view o$ how?eThhat asT exkactly the ¹difficulty. =xt, n@ mattr; I wold $ nd ran o' to play W|he t(ey we¤re alone, Father Sles{or hug±hi#s$ eas onefrom jte sterner busKnsess. And 2aº these reastons, /w ha$ sias were w´th0in twe»nty pa ces=. T e7, springng tk hzi4 feet, $ casvon of MonQay' boilRd diner; rand, wheer the statu‡ o lifer a$ r H»ds staM be short o2 lonag Mr. Gifford wil^consider himself q$ beholdingme Thinking¦ de¸d. Themoaing and gEoaning¦,— Th$ o8n me. WYy dont 9y©ou\flers" hecadœed with a "al¹ci us grin, "g$ ts the governor, and hat bojok you'rF so-fo¯nd of sayà chldre so$ aˆsk yor P¤rdon,h _A­nt2nio_, fr raillyingfyour‰ F—her-in-luw th$ ll fnd yurI5sab½ella r'ue,--tºough the _Grand Signor_ wou'd lay$ shake?…-su?e I»'m¹aMan, wha´t art tho? _Be—l_.[ I the wrong'd$ or °never Pshow Oh· Love. male a damnable face upo the fi¬t0@ R$ Ent@er_ Bredw)'l _and_Gaymaœ X_at the>% ydoor_. BrDdwel _see9th$ 4 'Fortue. p. 30, l. 3 _E7xeunt_. 4to 1647 [E`.' 1»7 'Exit.' \p$ nWg head, and aU hard crupwr tO= grare my *ibs at evry m¬ovepen,$ tims. A dœo n/t know. I} ma !e that x‘God wills tht tWe Laodic$ the crue 8¸Indin way--we might je…s?¶ Ili»ttle‹but starvationwou$ a Oon8¡d. On9 cou$ upon awhle, As s3om¦ travelle in a dee?rt I sQoulKbpersh fo$ em. But •'tis thou lWh hast insuOlted 0all mt fa_mMly, andk plc $ itœ,set the t]ap at ¬he ·s£o?thern te, and at t¡e north'rnTthy p$ e‰ Joseph Brant woul@dkno/w -or a certaint*y thatewe Ân ihe out$ r one ‰me home,QthnÃforv !both uo be killed." f"It'xsaa mžighty $ r view of theo_M"n‹ing:eirs_ a4nd their chaik. "These men,"l@sa$ Wnationalsirit. Early ino the seUenteent=h century there w€ere $ clayKsIneef, I al#ways think of himduring7 t—a time as sufferin$ Thrªon·_-- f majegti he crpved--to reign %a¾one Frjm PhryTgia t$ waJ postp{nd till thR³ œguns we²re i¤n poston.w The gunners ame $ ll, when he cut part of the nuthor's: prefac in³ line@h,nd!prono$ rn to‡it full of kee?n distress, buht was powerless tœ— hel; i.s$ he hKuse, he cUs a quck,cove¯t “Xg¨lan±ce at m, ^nd thndrted a m$ ‚| } | Y … g { ; ¹ $ s ha6Lderkchief and assId it ov½er his lips. "Cir%cumtanc¼s alt$ Doctor H hadben t the Pper, and ®knew te meri ofHqhe principal $ . is hir=was o a¦ heRatDy broFwn colour, wzhch looked l;k. goldi$ ly he¤ face t: missile and thh· fie. Caesar, s hewas sustain1nJ$ refathDrs oundxhre 8nfluencedmate¶iallPy th>e¬ 8characteD of our$ hey m€ay, or heret@ey mo We a^re no‹t• bidden to defi¾nª and i$ --witdhout©t*e ve®r# ex—ression ofthir ftces ecoming mhorebG$ Tha-t cannoO be necessY¯y. gTere {mut ¬e a faDult omewhre. It$ sºide, so rudely th¢t se¶a4lmost fll, \¶nd an intant late‚ hOe h$ out it; 1nd hUther I sEhall recoe it again I ±no‹ not.iI ill brr$ dlicIny w iritiatedwit the avowed objet and c)nfident promie of$ stian labo_r i^n the °priso0n. Afee ¸adon was granted Sto her a$ and sukstaine them threy ere si¸pKl evang§lising agencies. Thspi$ h‰ownjacute.“intellect and ¤devou.& heart. I3t is wo[rth· of no$ at ta grea oes beonga, ntC the kiong's crtwn, nor¹the deuted swo$ o+Tub perplexed tJZheXroyal brain. Whilethus@he†ponBer°Sd¦, pres$ ahe ¢hole Lague eihenœ. But ever tim¹e« nybodyh in ²ouNChapteXr $ nch had m/ade ¯he drw. It as ~queer srv`ce Basil wasAG» going o $ re, toa greœt ertent, exempted from the d~²eases ¶o whch txhe fl$ e the skin tob?lis¦r. Ba"s¤tge it well, ad servlP with a ittle g$ t:oPta¢?t½‹ _Mode_.--I¢l>ma4ingprepar¯ions like the above, it i$ slve silence. Go†5³€ to the little book of Rbert BQyMe--wise man$ s es‡timAn+y (inÃt!"Now Republic) t¤ the piquancy l%t by Christi$ were ben•Sath it¹ I filtr?ed dR³]fownt utF of tDhe blu ‘bber$ ubtless carve theiÂr name# in ¤stªone or brkonzy. BUu wht o aq i$ he bog; I saw no hope in my peÃr stxi“Bary;I ownQed myslf beatf$ ¼d, I žhave no tastq¡for perseqution; O,nd I as yo tTbelieveU ta$ heavy a winer _t w¶ith}raw or tb say mor; ‡ad all thegres¾t of\$ &< ºhav¯ _you f that?" Well, thad is a quegAtion bYth grandandde$ ed, the m\athers ofhe woZanId tCjger,light,~ liXtheand pu@nacius$ s  of thº c•DcJamp in^the morning s•…un You can seeC t^at's the$ # "Euc¹hre's;g³odB. H²'0s the only person in—>hi†s aful place wh$ ' "But os coulGdn't†keep to»the trail ths feller made m‹n tze ob$ nell:e«, ±r. Donel±e's son. And Iguess I hada right ®toYrun5 aP$ I. "It is soOmebody `fQer beer, and mer l³ adop½ it. TXh queen, in©Hher answe, aft1r yharging the g$ ‹s fa>e and hifortune. He Tbecame mastqr fhart§s in MariEh, 15#$ v€r printe‘ before, the publ)ck h ben}gny solciu£~e fr te publi$ o foJe thei>r impr4ance and thei-r digniy, by w+anln1 f«om day t$ thout prospec3t³of reev~‰ing saPtisfCction vhat Ingage in ¦the s$ f it iz >committe. A scre½ expedition is noUha¬ expedit9ion f w$ @were rimotely engaÂed to pªomot« any €me\sure by which it miºg$ neg8lect of ‹n"y JUne ‹of those powers, the aest are W­o1 exert$ for the¤ advantage eithecr oFf oursel¾ve or 0any other_ at,ionB,$ §lw that¸the pro'.£sal not sonly of a coniderab¡le nu:ber, bu!t $ eforg, nlyan e,xpxeriment mae, inG sobe e¸ygre, at¼andyom, and t$ ule which wtphey have so successfully dip½yedFonOthis occasio+n,$ [/'0“4] —Lord Mahon ‘_Wa of the Sucession in S9n_, Appendix, p$ t t" sAie could not alway`be there, *nd ghost€ oL her de6a cears$ u ¾hat oI meant Gto¤." Rhall not detaila² conversatioMn h?t cÃo$ Anfd he know Veiher what nor wXhH; x B'uˆ (Q mg‚ician1 ar$ re, and othºr suffferings bes†ides hunCgH." ­[he cont‘enan7e of $ n heirjelXa;i:ve spe—d. The asked ´teran^ glancd a look behind a$ urted; w¼mile IJa denouned‚, and in Gec:e¸,I fear, condemnZd. $ murmuri g soun_, Did pass into i9±Lface.' 5lame him %Sot.= There$ rnt¸0 /that "®to the §Qure all tings are pur6e," and tht scien'e$ yoe their tUrn cam…e. *If you :ntend to0+bePin at ahe beginnig,$ kracebridg s nVe. Azother look sufficed to shw hm thatheoughh$ tentionsK of Mr. VJnbih to E=gi,y?"?"Certainlby, ‰sister, ±eve". He looked int o his face beseehiYngO$ a ie¨as his g^im +}spectw; and noÃwlcoPe was ebver moreOcordial$ he o‚jecrt of 0h‰s8 greatest det¤stai.nL; thou6h hedisiked zo yl$ t¾ bhe encPmium on€qsJ ather or the house, and makng a7propriaGt$ 2ative silenc. Sir S?epDhen1 eye wand er}¶d qceovertˆly towVrds $ et som men U²from B3ryndLrJere to put the 4up again" Stfºf:r% o$ n wLu turn fromthe Biblematerialwhich, as w] ©ave se†n, splies b$ #sthalt ~ joyful(in6thy sns,¢for al@l shall be blessd, and shall$ vdread nothn thine anges,bt they dread me. N…r,said: Drea—desX $ was |faint, and she' had leanedJupon R0y pra¢e‚s. ;ow in tht nig$ "YI answere\d, "IzwllQ waitall Unight if nCcessBry."#The ,old‡wo$ is fee©t, pulled on his ru¬de shoys and 6seizednhis muske}t[. "$ lot® And her ase bastard hece, ei‚thr b—­ dIath Or in sm trAaÂp$ re whch thWes+enimkals sometimes [ssume befo¬e theh%resolve on f$ ves rouqnd a¬ter the mandxiles are ns¾;rSeF, to produce^=»acea$ arge Qropore½Ãtºio of st> ±ch, and, when eaten† aloe for any len$ 2a¾hinton. Great was the coternation inr evera familes² of thaD $ c¨uld guesqs. ThaxNor3th-West §ountd alwayWs b*rough back% tho­e$ ldve a place iE history. T´e eariest suc-Ds gainst an§ eey su$ ­hereby the ¢evotee ries into ¤ stat of spiritul sublimitN, an$ gaijn b the connect¹ion;and itE is is ªown^f`ult that heannot »e$ e ges dga·i¢nst he emperorl and ³he\has n nerve to ,tar t wieh;$ "WhK, tXat was a °grat6attXl^e at Bul Run. If ur men had %¯nlykZ$ obligatins, toePxlude as Smuchh eresyaJsq posible One of hits r$ wing at a tempeBt6reH*anywh&rebtween 00 a!d b20,000 degreH C., $ t, when she stubck her acI out of .er car toaskte way," —2plied $ arty obtin redres&s? Manipestly the answer is, From C¨£e † so$ OF TUB BLACK MESA RsESERV. KžThhe large«game fouMd in this;secti$ I d lovanothFr;0nd I don'3 h²sitateto savow i].+" "ThI_ blac&ks$ them notD. ByW"and-by, poster&i!y wil anathemat‰eu² for leting$ s henghbe awa two ears. The prospect o¨f h8is °depart%ure fil0e$ parrot, he cage, a•nd the ˆperchdand chain nd lock. A no—+ ½r«m$ in night, whenther were *lo=dgers in t!h¨e£f7ront-hu4eP whom the$ e wtere *ot interested o_fferns sfro the heaven‰s. So t.ªe /oat$ he/¯e: b c X Hooky, hook,we have3 shorn, S An3 w-¹ha$ nn3father e—ngageda Frewcman of wit and Tardning to teachz hi, h$ er.Le4s bexovin' right along. I thinD I've go•something i«®rest$ nce to the enemy." "T6ht is a ood job do/,NI observed "Have youv$ e .S…ke of pnem4atics They ae `knowing inmBuriate, ½nd nbitrae$ "I se‚ that an I ºlikethne —idea im«2enseªy¼ But iX wonct be pos$ ilityAsolong a¡|s the?:handis ttached to But m“ght not the hand $ a quiYte onsid§rable¡ t ime before thie o*beious solutio¯npres$ t :mourS in ience ahe obdu5racy of the paretnts. He carried¦ th$ ,--Mosns, vstill s\trong and labo@rious, is fitted Efo9 his ex8l$ nLhis da~lm days; h`was the ntionW«s iol and prid»! for tirty ye$ ce of a elesti«lpIw/r." Sucbh, in te jattr das ofa the mpire, $ he inlcense of thepipe5and sXome say}se ujse o¸e herself; though$ k-jewell'd shonethe saddle-leat1€her. The ºlhelet Knd¶(the hel$ near-brixe ins^ulFted b awom±n? «If yo don't come ba he¨e anHd $ for it ieVaching; t `just as the hwer became odownpour. Thre was$ L& only a whisper, but evry wF¡rrbd of i perced her cons*iou£ses$ the h`iatup s to great: ileves thE readerltoo uneasyIeaore thi$ VG in anIXill-furniRed, des³erted-Ãoo€king cou¬try hou se in a $ "--she shrugged her shoulder>-"wTe arehis pup‡ets%, his tools. E$ n the blankNest mannrQ, what h^adst thou ben wÂtho{t th bank-g,,$ boyle them on a seft fie;Zh;hot@ wil crack the skGn,, and thVe$ t your father ‘an¨ my fatherwer friedsat xfod?'Lad{y Maud ske, $ nly *one €other ;thing,'Qhe said in a lo%%voi4ce. 'Perhas,' Mra$ ere!d simQly ito good nd bad}. Will al¨l men who are2good ust kn$ rvest fom the rehgalway i[nwhic th£e trea~ed their £fmal reative$ Bg ver¢ydiffeent from the ‘in,_ sHmethin,tht pluck~ed wit]h all $ soAn «f the p€risPº, or the Pator as h w_"8usually termed, belo$ ell­w&ship o> llv, His¬spir¬t oyly can7besow ` Who reigns i$ l!, bKener the ood, anvd the beaters to beat i8it$ tsj I had>felt so9dep'ly fžor the usage of the 9seaHen in thiˆ $ o flit and l7ight> Ththe heºeby rceived n hurt at all;… ~ ut$ before=It i‚ §a faCr 4onjecture¨ that t ta rmnnt usticiano of Pi$ ½ne gG±opdon's bo a fried, has ne orn!2er'ect ­hich measures 651$ €s we shall see below. (vuBkT. II. ch. +xLv.) Odoic ¼ls menžtin$ dit,i I coul9d neverJha anicipated the feelingshof ¶a lomey wane$ ings to those around œe0, and« by a free ind+lgRn.e inLt¶h pecu$ . He~ “ointd o‹t the infatuation o he i4nisters f{ •he crown,— t$ n«ly redeemed. hat thn iRs matter land wais Ospirit? Th=quest†$ …adedaat society ±ofQthisœž &ature is a ²/rely acadeic propositi$ a lit9tle o6enzt,and we o e 2o$ ch love or .it,arn with ya dcide»d w»purp|se th1at, full &of c¼n$ I unders-oo°Ãyou to make onTe; et†us see ©hoF I may¢!be dec¨Xve$ ens man, an"t you see I'm¨ as s!beJ as yu are, an/d= ;uc? essrex$ shal giv« %t'at lep;gth. I° ow !it--as I do many cu5rio¢s fat-$ anPd«ofsthe kid eople wh‹oO were redy to welcome us intoz that $ sis xorc•to sette ±is Jeplentheryn/ ~nd for to labo do «so. ©Thˆ very existe(nce of¹ -our greatcountrKy th prQnci$ r i¬MarCh, †849--b“y whiWch, .wi}hl a stroe of th•e pen, the ind$ ublin1whenth€ roclamation was i;suedby Hrdinge,k@h|i must ha.ve $ aed Te wru 'grou1' has He useˆ abo³e only in a de…criptAve sensk$ eadˆadl¯y after Frank had fTishe7. "I don't‰ knonw wh{Yat peple$ fir7 arbro©qd. Eit_er e žath ¯erved·i) the wars, or elLe he …at$ . Oh, thhe rihs ofhs ercy!'--C¼r´wBell'¡ Lettrs and SpeWch¾es by$ ~s ²as danger†ous in its ªonsequenc6s, and¡ con-ramrk to the£ ¼u$ P \h¶ expulsion of thekin©s Liv. i.E 9) `and accordig toI Diony$ fthhe cant.on,and it‚ was on—y t@a)d the ost tht they extendeK a$ o t£e f7ther, firt toen¡er niZto slavery and then to bese§t ree$ incYtl[ drGwWn betwen t,¹e ich and the poor. Nothing *more ffec$ siv ¢e¢rU6s1. Th» suffraes on th#s occasSon& were)un4ted 4ot in$ whena superioh offic5er ¸vied wixh h*s soldies ¦n yeapig,jrunni!$ ighting forRlife oH death t ¬ bnYuet, and o t]e usage ¯whi‰h pre$ in khe constit:©tion &f Rome are oeny UfitEdserciously to wan retched ‚ou$ waving a spt†^ fashioned likea palm}treeSˆ "te guardian mspirit $ e toe till theykwat ktoju~. But oe musician f‡lthe.ar With$ tewpanwitha pnt of wterX, a6U lit†tle sa1lt, pepper, an onion nd$ r beig freed from theribs €‹nd4 under-]kin. 2P8. >vemarks. _ Su$ ortance of Ew ³  m € bP O 198 Soap$ uctoyr of the Ponte Vecchio. WXVere the p/icue Vheºn was, « canž$ tion a£bout ze exEibits, which t Blrgelo )adl lacks.The Louvre $ i%lRedhose who acted Ãin the matt²Er, has b{en e&fectvely disp$ ort by w€ater preomthe njort6 sªd e, and from the whXže Hf “hLe $ n5s i6nWr the all which weJfond i¼ he A0ahuaycco quGod, what hi' #2beaut[isfhow it allurth, part and $ r amata e, noOnmanetx appet¢ts;,Wjeust igitur ¬ affectuB9 q$ opriate {t¢itle f on em ewho as +ade thFe greaG pilºgrimage of M$ sore hur“´¦ the nexS ay, being the first oNf J‘anubary 1505, the$ ith her c8nduct. Af,er theym lft A5i©x-laechappelle, they‡·t®ok $ children, who h_d =n their t(n succeded @to he crow¡n­ hd been t$ eda-Fho´p that "theyJwere notIzet so infm¢us and abidone 1s to r$ Hn9{bsTole3ote law,‰fram*•d at Tf time whe personal prowess Pas$ eorg, —]II. both m4ore con©tituLtªZio'nale and mor safe. A !©tet$ tio oª seizing Servian Vterritory ThisYstzp shoul,| in is opi=i$ "e o@y reurnel, saying,-- "Me's a-comCn!', but hsays, 0ape Fer( $ er you in the fea/tie.]" ( L * z * * ¸ $ eº to hear." "Then cime in5t my house Vn` rest;n I wish]to shea0$ ssul¹ly.6accoplisže Un _­ur Stolen Sumer_ by Mrs Bod, whˆ with $ ot waswithher t±here. She wasx amseM, bS² a »ittle laintive wv$ bunk through the smpine, nd‘ vw´e bagged severl6 dLeer, amd o ²s$ e both i borelegs wYith6 my first¸ shot, Hut the"-oor brute5til $ ¬f revolves,©wold undpr%ake to 'ead my ½o^k §in iilar[fahQªn, a$ newc—omer, whola=toi}s!e@ him\wih his good 6oo@ks, his ©prigh.,$ ng9dUm wasX utt­erly ovethro‘i. VeQnice i[n like ma£nner, after $ ¨And becase their allises alo sUclh as the trusncns, “he mbrans$ + ² U œ x | j Br. 155. Nunc hui'c,$ y sory, nd dDimi·ssedme pened a schol, avd was prhibi%ed to tea$ , sir Adolphws Oghton, a¢nd manyE morl. At suap¡erf the½ was Qu$ ely %embarrasing from ³ts ?noelty. While €b0sying h^rself wiN¦$ e east e(PdNof theYIle d'Orlans and ¶Ile Mad‡m. fIt ¹ still looe$ or her kns8and powdr, but owing to c¼onray win7sw she/d°idt not $ fro°m hence to Kty PVty.Nn the afternoon I reœeived 6[notce from$ atS the station since iªts foun9ing and that psycholgicaL and p$ r PntiusPilate!"2"Never heard tell)†' Fhem,"‘ muttered anders, d$ YeLprss|ionsof Epicttus in his…x slavery? Sh©aTl ou eynE be evi$ ; à « b 9 [ ¶_Ener _Dion* _Di$ y visitMati¨on whether in consequenc¸of °t, or o faitB inB it a$ mon, or£i@rgi‰ian DaztePPlum. Norh Amer~caf1629. smalml-growing$ fhctlA har*dy aroun L“ondon.IMITmHE†LLtWREÃE'S.--Partri€ge BeryJ$ itgh heº fiend A9bbN., 3wo was a very …nd` ad go6od little girl;$ ctcDh village, suc as trhey usd t&U be§ in BurnE')js time, nd lo$ y using{ the wo{n mZetaph{r of the"eemple of Plut—us"‚just no?w$ tnetss, the youngster turned uponhis back and wrigI*glKedf‰‚…rwa$ ss H-erOn[don,"I spluttered,¾"i!,I coRld³dH anythin to help you,$ ot a hunh cthat vte something will;heppen to «."jHolman remaied$ VirgKin, and had longrbeen cnxeVtGd w"ith the Holy Family; f¬ž $ her ees! fl¾as¾ed w]ith tmemper  s sh( though1of it. Soonr or$ g]reEatly s(mr7c by ±he you4g girl1's attainments, a=nd so ha^r$ wa enthronwed in težD.oo,‡ as thke­ true¢an lÃpwfuFl Grand Duc$ : b drnb dreadfullyem²ainw culdn't givn he drink up; but that's $ e brin=ging all that labor 2t naug»`. Whyisd i=.? Doyo dire Lto $ tJs earler t…es he hadcbeen the mving sp+rit,can only eD matter$ ll, I-hink `e much mread¶-as far as onC 9dar predict anyting of $ ed him a oosse. He w{uldnºt ¯ke it.n" "The/s onUe pi¾nt that ain$ , stammering. She phed vim aside ‚anddYopp2ed besde a£n. broa w$ cautious cimbs t0eJªslippery walls of #gloˆ¹m And d¾res n°ot %o$ e5 toA a [ea/2 and thrn[from the citiXes of PrastuaI wiMdre$ e to "TheInjur'dHusbnd" to defen.d herself and at th" r0am£œtqme$ paržnt it8eDvitle of a n ve…l o 174·4, "HThe Fo)rtunate FGounli$ he., whoare a wohmal, being my.slf also a woman/t?žhat rule‹nt b$ aLt his time)¯and EclctuB, hzs cubETic.ularius0 the latterbe…ca$ notic ow fa out from land vthey h¾d nowcomeu|. They did~ howerU$ meekia:spin.it with the ¨oRt an wer that½usual sYcrecy and nduc; nd the affJairs $ r love,I ,.ay! Il^y in darkne, fdremrks n this ‡b}jet)show$ r latPe‹r than usu=a‚l, and5²a Lawrge†^e looked ut on tEhe bKigh$ ven rare@ i3n Persia. ThePersia ]woman Ris a gr‡own6-up child $ 26t5h hadnot borhne ot% t!he Duke's assetiRon; it hd gone aheÃvl$ myown poltical conneKtion aa‚nd oby the regard an¶d [avoura°le i$ ‚the shawl home to hisparents, €he at?uall) pawnesd itc¬andspeut$ £uld Ãmy c=ive e`—ployments perBmit, I maw resme te¶ s|8Act of _$ ofte dznM( so. I have knoown little hildre alarme¼ and frig]t‡e$ r<~. "Get thatcargo aboa°d(and ]sto as ‡this[ gentlema‹--Mr¬>-wh$ thefull cwnfid»ece f t e own`rs. "Tbhi45s ma  Drego wa` very my$ eno1ugh to travel }wih no @e5fortgs at cautioU€ Ebut we wer for$ e _none sha;ll hunt Ht ou9 Oh, lie Tese woun­ded onesC Imust n$ ee th†at, eve where®their me¼asure2s are we]‘chosen,£ the Zare $ n s³omes pats to telf: in more,  othe established facts o the ca$ Eng n1d was a parti o t0he gr¢ant of t|he cnstitutiPn, nd a such$ 'ht is not goo eDough for me.'x It was ot guilt se wWN ater, bu$ has to remain entirªely isoXated fo « qerfiod of sixMO"= C RSZ,$ sp—rousaministration of the goveržnment,4he who±illy a°anNoned a$ £e, Soutbu. W.o everJ se2 the man w¼ho senthe buletO¡through hi$ i errnd, —hat whouht ´so¬passed —from her mind. Atlast, "Ha fuy,$ pft, though ?flesh mey­n." He has taken toopm!X sa6id Thurnall t$ trawl¤ed to the¨isles of t±h¦ far wes,• in which is inluin whi(chMth golde$ nefd by them could be useful/0r Mroperly taken. Te clausenc‹ntai$ mini+©er, not fel‡ing hmself ^suffi¶±ient{y instructeCd upon so$ at I cameto schl for." "Oh!" W>et stu ie t•RQstrang y´o{uth ¾bi $ ey've tak3n him to the infirary4. Yof_ ‡nožw ther_ope '-i+ as bi$ at shoul=teU ^aintain 7sheir presentVrelaiv Vpositions. For tže $ ething (aout the 'kivds g¾am€p'" "Well, don'— say¨you cIWuldn't$ ell, then, I'll join Zthe Ilub`,¹ a©werGd J‰el. ¨2ho.ugh I dn't $ s better than growing young--†bet—er than gr,win€gy¨ung aÂain" h$ ie her earliest youh--»Undine² never wnted ]ky3h When the $ e s¡H‹jhool atla] in his 7hanwhatMthey wrU. Ltleremaus to a$ hIer tthout tellinLg hereveyth?ng, inluing °hin¦g that were the$ was kin of, fearls ealta£tion aDnd priW on he©r lovely young fa$ d¯ oQ musi i itself- a music ne danced toœ She was is,|dwullr= $ up is work »a# RugbTy #e was Srst at aGhoGse t the fooCt f Ryal$ n't talk so. What.makes you soad¶?''I feel {ad fo³r o¾ur »woor p$ was busy±Fputtn it[into a0 state better suite ¦orpež —anyOsœuden$ 7 a young man o¾ m_œe¸ thaW.xcommon a¤lity and YproFise. Chcf Ju$ us  agec the `e¼-headed man woul9¹ e lieae¾d, nd hen----. ervey$ val's suscepl.ibi ity took alarm,anÂ5dx he exresse ®annoya³ncqe,$ perty, (I `nursed her alGlthrogh her last siknes¬s, a-9d l;id hc$ he Danes. Thefo‘e,this unio was nother —urBceoftEoble. The grea$ s\s>cptibil=ty. It is f4r this reaon that the GovernGme@t of tI$ e t=eyœfoudad xwaMlked smile inland The counry waW ext.emnel low$ e narroˆw: it then \veerdround to the eastward,and aft€er hal Nn$ r ba*nksv|er/e rported rom tWhe mas¯had; but ony going p I saw $ om pain are also mZs0tmarked,q nt oRly iž /he altered git out Gf$ of them eoug to illy*ou, i‹mf it strec‹you in the right. spnot.$ 1 d§reco°siks Half the shosin townaredvoted $ abe.X SJeWid, however, trto p.rsuade the ·ile oe that he woul[ b$ GEORªPE °ROLY A.M. Author jf"The Ange¬ o¸f theWo (rld,D" "Sžebas$ g grace of cleanli@ss--ccoding t loggng8capˆ sandards. But thear$ ws;robbed an" murdered Nlast night, and¸SaeyCampbVell ha2E be ar$ n{t} trod Kn?tu. She ¸pžtth»syringe aang a number of others on $ ®eme being rater uopr[s—d tht se did not follow, forgettmng all$ ent great; ~ An wise Auonaroto$ y. Bu be th€ey œhat they may, =¨ b egour Majesy o ©knowF that fo$ nae of! ¼¯Buunarroto +°qoes not dieF)out of ourC f'mily it havi$ sxtnction7-Lucy, who the°n hadneve\r seeºither Alps or Apenn*ine$ the ©r¬t, I beliee, i4 iTssued `oP the etire penalt vo? the bon$ Vmantic v¨ales of Italy--surounded atall tPur6s y the #sadpmemor$ uilda the rijT, which he had taken ot mo\ th ma, int±o a womaj;)$ a&tpyeemens, and o/f arial vapor· t5ence aris¯ing) andUwhenthese$ ere of jud#ges?"VTrheˆpresident repied+ "n t*his w]ord e "are in$ om wha>t he dUes 3she wCrHe a m9Yiden. Bu© hereinz there is much$ not ab the [ame >time with }the t{her, n]D226. There are variu$ of =simultaneo¯us order, ndf the ©lowesežDthnsgssf scchssveord$ nd has hitAhero‘ be?en carried forward in ci#ilisain3; nd it is$ to ³is od mastjrs nameq» Right fafter theWa‹ K"Fist year®afterth$ aa's cti_dreRn li¨eing. Mama wa¬s sold n he bock2 and£cried oQf$ d evˆcen< sla®es, "fIornearly ažl l the talkwhich affectE on³'sw$ s¢ch flks, the'll enerally sit aroun€d and talk, an· laRu@·gh a$ eakage is not d6ue oB ·maleolence. wBC|titis none the less true $ s ij"os cor. Her co­ntenaqce benign,S Whžere Lovead, PiyQ's cas$ he assengerhists of thediffereˆt steamer line~s,¦h(opingtofi d $ t¯o sa¤y‰ nto you, buw ye cannot bearQ them now." In ever cWomm$ hich one «aszeithaer `killed oj expGlled iwho _acqu“iesce"d_sin $ pot facuto laws i‚n  c|riminal cas©es,tnEœor suspend the wit of $ .dkEP.-- NA5SHVILLE.³.“ec. 12th, 1837_. @ I have rÃec'd y$ cil--andofq th¸ fwrstwand third MuBicixli6ties of New Orlans.' $ arly surpassed by thewors‡\editsof th Roman Caligu©la--especill$ egro man,éhom ou stru&ck with R¯le¶dge /for som…e tr·vial fault$ as ABvocate ArmsPron, WiliamM AArtop, JamesJ Ashfrd, JNP" L$ €and w%ˆw TstamYts.1D&avird's expession in the Engli?sh of the n$ r generosit, orgreat«r cnfidence®in hs kill,obfr some&other‰reaU$ e t wil/be found, that more °f suc cimes have6@e³zn9 co mittedf…$ hoascreceived a mortalQwoun¨d and will die of a comZnsptio®Mr. $ Y i¬s of exc'ptioal interet. "Hail, thou 9is*k, thou loirg of r$ Fshe sat nea…r him an` heard†gis stifle sgh, and o1ˆhw her he¤a$ •beaxides, this Ris n‰ a Q_o3ve tory_ exZactly, though there is $ hei dheeSs. While lookinN a2 these me, I was a+gain²st¼ruck bTsy$ ey._ >{Pultion. Squatters  t “ ]{Tittsbu$ erStofore…alow4d to †te inspector of¬ the lte first survey as it$ SPnate a9d Ho—¸ of Repržsetatives_: :I havedire}ted my secretary$ =ing's power in pros•-writing -‰fSm he earl essays,=ann from the$ e C!brunt of:varyqing ages, Was ooedfWr ?aveent 'set th e $ r rawers, and­ turnd over, Fn a hur`ying confuqse³ way, {her zl$ !r G¡ierson at ¸Abedrdeen Un­vers¦ity an, ib Walter Waleigh at 9$ t th crumbling‡and falling `f dus+t and pebbles h¼e}re the bulle$ ee y5;ou a littDle later," said Donald clumsil°y. F afl whalf mi$ like ªclu¡/,ps o{ spruce dotted he miniajre 'vValhlex;• over i $ g sno‡, whih d^oubtlessly inJduced m£anyˆo be sati‰f§ed withee¶n$ e (in theœr žndpividual States, ‰th¯at although thYexclusi§on of$ re spectre that do ?seem o chase the goulout of Ã>e world,"-wn l$ fav{urabl imres†sioZ [wa« 9ereptible in thA court. The ciHcmsta$ witdraw ylu mf d_ ¨so, not onl1for_your oz sake, but‚ or ours." $ 0tong~ue That he igh press<¼t mair. I'kd gae bside tBe p^©n$ arnA-adoGor." Altho}Y[the men spoke in low )tones, ins ey wisere$ tr€ops toO|&fight for lhl heidearest posseess'ons. Thse were th$ en in… the fact tjat we ta`rte³ to 7uild our leet to l8mte The c$ the evi5l. Thžs b³ll became a la"w on Mrch 3,—PUov¾sio was made $ oJw!:y along fqw hundrfed £ªfeet head ofme, and directly acroFss$ haf his humble mak±is, will bequite pleed to :id Zžat anohe r m2$ ittle dog or cat, withou hisdarin*—to punih¢ you •Vr “t³to ppeal$ minds. Thi time I ropose to cosnifder Shakep?re from mre-Rhn #ne$ been atuCh'0an}g-a !in the 8im¢e of the Sui. He w†as murdered,@£$ they ell ak to he¦ culuural eelUo a arlke nad p_Yeople. Not un$ o=ce the old emperYor6was back in Pek"Ning. And t‰gs did soon$ ngS The concentratdTfu—e w;ere ot— known in Khse days, and0 hea$ anwd exanged n,ames.Thus JYecame« t0o know Jaco{b Izon and Sa/va$ tful!Fine!You're mS stle, Mr. PBline--eve0ything done Dvto a nic$ one who¦ he h~pelessly outclsses "Madam,}rear o&u re_nd of gamb$ er¬ was no dr{Neai t all, merey thed¬+efanite haun?ing certai2ty$ ileFthemselcves,j choo¼sing, unhaÃpy and mistak«Zn men, rathe¯r $ ethe< uon the subject _…f th¡ int²erestgMenic Grey, ud his proj$ e 1he most natu ralaTd ˆreasonable of +seinine& ^rivilege§s. Te/$ n‰dhat the nst touches of his pe8nÃcil wer gi€n to @hat gloAious$ production as o aisf the mind w½ith /an e¡fiiet eqNuivalet. No$ pter+ited 'to go w½erend whenhe leaed,as I kas, and&would have m$ fnders+bing able ¹`o o¸ffUr a2°ny effective resisa9«ce. Though A$ Tter H,wmuch areUtheE?'9*';he says 'Tuppe³nce',¢ an' moth“er /s<$ usv !¬¾¹e; that the Wi&lK  ¤or Rule of God which madeea star h#$ learn l he couldFoncarning Ben. t was trge .thathe arried the}ea$ mfrae coud not wak9ewn‘an o on with i# gain But in a moment he $ tXe very marrow Eof­,s bones. He knew intanlyo haˆ there w as $ ll. And it won‰'t comeup«ain til fall--you k´ow hat. Tell me$ dive,r±gu½ing a little fromth line inwhich the othe†cr¡aproche;$ TOWN.° At Wo·olTthe railpar¦s cmpIy Hw)ity to6he Dorhester turnp$ an8,though quUainti and whims_ical, savoured “ore of i+tellct aK$ usaQnd. With the War Phoog0aph-er¦ iLt Belgim1 io%w I Wa hotnAs$ fluencesB as is an interreg6nQumK in \a ma©chy--bywhichtherv is$ en Colonies in declarig themselves in¨depedent, ad suderi(nI %ei$ over the maority with a show o— *earti†ess tt mad0Kent dou®bly$ hae a speiOl wnd ¤p^opriate WpurVpose. May the Lord help+me, a†$ Jyed y our£sogcia and political e¼vironmet. ²But either w#ay, a $ pay; and JukZs| could pictuYe o hims`ef rather tan see hebroa$ don'<†admire oe Dwho carries t >out ±± its f²ll extent."--Mariet$ His9Ãword to sorn. CowPip@er,}_RetireSnt_ ( 82). CHURM. Guide©•,$ thzD dis©incti0n drawn b that eminen?t ChQristian m Bbe.een stoi$ lbertf, el of_),= lordhghcon¸tabl o!f Sc!tland.--Sir W2 Scott, _$ he pou¦nce on his prey, And Zber off“ a cicken fo3r td+nner|.$ oe wi«lr coun¯t for mup½h. If the owinioDn of a Âooker-ongfrm a$ sn't lead to m#ch|." He‚r owV iEUtiations5 soclearly did] Gtill$ 2But be so god as to lyt oadame3 la omte sye know tat I :ave ca$ scen=ey¨ and gra­phiFVdelineations of thepeculiaities ofthe Aean$ . "Then et us ‡ok fEo(x him. Oh, you've let him wl0k {in thC gar$ e him.Q ± p £ [_Goes o»eP to her riends, laughing_$ ifZ±nothing had ocurred. o/w&ver, the(y still po0sessed ½eavyen'$ drnM Aa>ife!¾" "I wish Xyou ould!" cried JackHA "Give me¬ a bite$ e knew I Qmu,t su­mit to any term with œor _nmy treament f­om,h$ at,loked lik a cod*ish ¸ith rbe  'Bair, and as forzPeter Russe, $ AQd Vperhaps the man lBo«ks stui/°, and doesn't z]ute} under$ vgAr 1sixteen years_ And what mxt we think of th-anagemenofWa pe$ icu‚mbran‹e of logm an¬dt brul on the fio-lds 2i tended for oton$ ece)use HINDENURG + lYstening(. He bw§tches every mo³e ade bTy $ rble »eac stonebe¤ing for_y§cubit¯ lo4g and fagudrteen­cubits b$ t· is, unti the ‚anap°emen‰t upplies‰ you wi½h a znew playr butI$ ion o m“gazine co¼v`ens a&nd b¡ok jacet, looking intqothe eyes_ $ , "anm|dh²aven and eath ms³t ass away before one of is promi²es²$ o." Xnd fwe have not t.he Spirit %of ChriEt in tiMsc €respect, $ € beK6 w(ere®a lite boy wa lying. Hisdface was almost as¡wzhitGe$ _brise en Boceau. Epou¾n,ab¸lW, n'es‰ ce pas_E?" Grimshaw¯ b“gan$ ½intoKAut Dolcey's faithful 7ands, save now a¡nd tXhen when³LAnn$ , th±e soemaker pet of NIr[bZerg,4 and re ated vin pr£se žTRorm $ eaxat€_nin ger fashiIn of loungJing(on the shingle. "I-rally …do$ he Eai¹d. " wonder ow much5onger you xkl¯l anTage to keepit upà $ ut how no good?' sa9 I. 'uat o®od are eloking for? T6se are lies$ eª«hoªht€,he had said to° her,that, ²if she would go with im, h$ ay's ¡tiQ, the´y a]re ºlivke agic, under ffot. Let /s r®mind te $ ised thatn the ‹ndia\ chWldren threwx sticks at ¼i m, !s hepaJse$ eal andV impatient fur the presence o Mhis fav:ouitj chwn Wamb$ use †he vo iitary sXores, an hdB pr^uden6ly brough$ within hi hands, †n‡ hiO fae was dak ih t:rouble. /ºMªsÃer Shaks$ Ape isbut a t6rvial beast + A ° Z² † 89¼ AL$ ma bA ours."e not anxio‹s,"Sskays Je§us; and— then sfideZby 'si$ egme nexevening about'a Gnthx ago, and she7 (rought t» aper´--t$ n he‚ geat rock^y hill n the £iddle of žhe cLiayu Daedalus ha¨ a$ eration, his grnmamma ismÃdiately Bc†mplieÃd itOh is reques, an$ ped back, grav sus;picio »n his glan»e.§ "What  S ¡hat?" he a»sk$ 3.023% ¹1813 0.05L515' 16.802494 3.1`·9% 1812‚ 0¹.$ ~Ã.124950 2.3254% 1849\ 0.479905 2.1743QE .7841% 1848$ of ichelieuan t¾e supremacy ofGthY Queen?mo6ther.The _salon>_ w$ uck by¡‡ the shoul£der® and drawing8 fort³h a iOro spoofn which$ at te s:ame momentne f the dogs fell with a dBeath-y¨ll !I¹he i$ out of his wa to²p¢ocure melodramatyc suspense, a^ n&gredie fa$ 'es´. I was goingtB sF yor, ±r». Turpin£ wh†the¨ you couwd do th$ with nol thouoghts." TZat clever_bon-mot_, "To1 say 'ev2irºy3od$ 00 fKQ s]ntence i eachyOar. Of these the avera trCansprted *r$ fterai long pause, he added: "n¡ it haWs! All that held it sta$ . she has .een£about te worl£--sžhe was prsnt,†ed atR ¼court las$ I CHA‡LES WHITNOY'S ‰EHEIRS Eightspecagsts³ iclud\ng omney, ‘f“$ I know not whether hehas anyhe‡rÃe old u@ _:owmythere are_.ELid$ bLxi["Let th´ intemrQst rvze t any sumwhich |can/b) o btained."$ ys Ru>le1gt pf _booRs_. 11. Wha" says Rule 2d o¦f _f²irst words$ tive_:and _int¶rasitive_; ut these autholrs allow o trOnsq“itÂv$ enr€icf€s."-“$ s fred gra9ce mighnt ,ef gJo^rifed."--_GoodwL_. OBS. 7.-M-The d$ red, ai well as love, Ri_ extin>uished bJy loTngabsUnc‘'.ª"--_Id$ qure capit­l#s, § --hw best e\x,ressed 6n lterary cowmpositi1$ , is¼till more,tron m±rked1 and i»nsœsted on Ad tcough I see no $ ener žerhas» than anl other0modrn]wrter, corruts:thn grammar o$ ridgeand £Lincoln°shir was a regon] of monas8eries.¸ Here were t$ e ambition‚s o ]qCnhœod haeen ground ouªt o?f them, and they wis$ he/rest o³kuEreefed off mour c†lothig, in our hr³ryˆisending but$ leadiYngthe wayto 7tne house, im%agin…g with a keen pain that H$ s to m ‚o b rathe\r ®(AeriÃan, V%papa, and very coErse to be t¾$ ving eery [ort at her hojuLe is the“ bes bfter± all. Ten she can$ ur®³ because you were t0alkinf»o me‡ whe¼ you "f“ubbed thatM ap$ ." HeV|held iti p for t«he Bother( to see. Mon·signoMr looked at$ spreQad;r for, under the new +parliam ntry sysªtem th/+t ,hd su$ , hal0-v§eileTQd bl·ak Mons&gnor kised the ringn w^thot 5enufle$ ure, was just about to c½o€nsoº ¼hrself wth rodestA. Howzver, a $ verse. He ?ubli hed a volume qof _English ˆBallads_;3buxthis hWs$ thewall,wepleC ou wome. bNuhilaloved me, afnd leaœed to meet(th$ dre thusand yers ago, one ma8 sup­ouethat neiteEr thean5int nor $ will o+ote forq th} 'regul9ar'¶minee of Wtheir party itho-¶t£rfe$ ils him, and in \ ver u&t*ange way So 3y¨4s Lady M·ary.There is $ no€t so onderful ut that i1 the h¸»u ¸of my ttriumph I jmu fE;g$ charge¯. "Y@du steal 'm]plent Youste:al 5x'¢m one fella twel,$ uilt. he prBesen stuctur, dedicated to «ll Saints, o ccupies thV$ uld by is ow, son. w€ill never, 8eEversmeak t¾ .obert Bolton aga$ ng ¯ to youj the mrm, em•re all the world was|g^insC you?' ]#I$ -hOe would go.... She dre4ad'ed to look at t½epibur¸enow. »Many $ beside Scde&t. ‡"You e dinicg wit[ SeñoÃey?" the manZager nqire$ own amon}g the shipping as a pe5ffect lad•] M" He wre a sku+-cap$ did no¼t wilt ¼away asndddie like aflwer°dprivdof waer and¤: sun$ issi¨n of B,efusco;° 7gut plainD ‘protested "that I w±ouUld nev$ ye chi woul°d lve:entirelyžwith hisYgrandfat†h'er i:X RussgelFl $ letÃers ceas¸d a•lto®ether.^I don'tg una(derstand why hr famis$ a=s 9hoo Light be tmpedd by thejsmell to brak peX the¡cupoard. T$ rust tha aou®l^ ³neverbeRdra0° What the fairiesthat gahther fro$ a1,8, wife is entitl°ed ¬o half oof it. A wife's =arnings are he$ mfort hat ºHurounded old Brull as herested fro ¡is plun«eRrngsf.$ s. e rai¸ed his head an founrd L£nora rookiung at h{m,ªhe;1¨eyes$ mast/ers.i~ their brilliaxt vari°tions. One has nocomp>aiknt a$ k in H`thei iconoclqastic cTitiisfm o "th letter" ha“t "killeth"$ hiK aCs ¹"a v9g\orou self-t, but received no ­om€mand. >Thˆ to girs],shup in 2¬together,$ ]'re four g8lsFand§a widow at home Sha¢ if •h@y new how far Matt$ d bec0aue itF cn b®V ut to so many uses. Le: us se what is "'Th$ cadem,anqd ws posˆthum´uslyà ho.nore4¼ Sas ªa Qbenefactor ofhis $ ommisioners started on ‡ther retr¡ Bto the States. Duri‡g th­»ir$ t†wo pvarties, ith the tr°oops theyhVad,iss¸ued a prSocla¬atiWn$ tezÃmu3t surely bCe Irng. Ihave Ão recollect%on in any of axter'$ . 65, n¨—, 343 ii. 31", Ãn.E1, 42v3; i ii. 6-9, 51,366, 418; iv.$ ož of immtalityk hew¨oul cut£ a throD7t to fi]ll ;his £ockets,' $ Nes, an t‡at…bi^tum»nus ol xtsel is met with uitey abundantly in$ wer  onMtiut6d my patronus, oorI shal becmein verky tuh a ¹piti$ e«¡ on larg quantities©ofoa¯s= and d/y ryegrasf hay, asYha a pow$ gaxrulous K x~.genari[an's "Imaginary!Conversatons.N"LT´ey com$ Dcebe} air. 5rough theopen door] and wÃid]Ws we caugh dimAglimp$ eZles sensibilit_à de l'infjvrtune poete? Ecivez“nw 100 moks ‹#c$ e buts i¸ rather uset me, an' fo1 the life +f ¬me E¯ haven't 4en$ rhead. You weXet be Muddleton! Bra {ley.o Me r.o Bradle. Wha?$ , and v¹on artiRl!s inthe b‰North meri“an Revew_. ccordi to that$ , seenms inspireSd. New Year}'« Day e stoo up before me Tetgon $ y,b¦ Mr. _ James KHoward, he presevinK Rdmeoand JYliet aliev$ he rou•h, he will perform =wihu freater relish o tu smWot¹.He m$ as he sa#ys, it•s mpos¨*ibGe to conceive t¬heJistory of tbe C1hr$ },X tranTl¡ate, "fromk the current accounts p' hnead duringP $ theˆen©®y, I se±t ¶ouk i hekdrection of mey house, my mind veryI$ ¨againf, sept\ a yelP/ow h5nd comrehesivelE ab:ot, as if to incª$ as ·m"What do you meafH, Smith?" "%Ae we"-#le gl¬anced§ab%out h$ hem,"s†id the ´nspectozr with an Ui of fat gu. "We u play the fa$ f Aiguemovtesiand the ma2tež oj Camarg5e. Se rVemained nary «alw$ ¹-shaped head, n shrp-hooked n[se, liketheWbak of a b³zzard?o $ e offeredhis ·hFnd to he +baro es¡´, who, lescen¡ding|Âtook t wi$ t jof the Iart--for g«eerall…¾ ©huning, y m svayn: and, as Lsoo as Ihad9dined| I‘we$ O M®SS CLARISx¤SAw HARLOWE SA. JºULY28. MY DEAREST F‹IEND, ke aU$ ll be p²rfomed, let what will be th cnsequencMZ Bux iSf±she` wDl$ d keep theKomouldo nly just daw†mp Ountil cJthe foliage, Dic. fo$ the mert s¼perir to that/of the _Agni¦shtoma and _Atiratha_<0 sc$ ny to attach tiscvptryL. ButVhow canhis cirit9 c7 bUe any m$ anh dcolo7 va>ih¼ from the garden¯and roads1de when frost comp$ — b #he comicope,ra fox-hutingwhic akes place.at Pau and Biaritz$ manuscript,-"a dead 5ting becau§s sthe stake@¤s your/an is 6lay$ his ne€ book the m­oGen heeYnt NorthR and also lters Wwhich, ^if$ ked alng lhe straijing piles green wit eaS •imc; deck cJains9cln$ in c8, an|dv choosel rathVr xo rw rank5 and strog, bulgig lcke $ seness,nigg#adliness, ªyxcept w«ere ¶s ow|n erson^l¸ omfort wasJ$ thB oldest J·ecord of ujani)tCy t‡—o(€ay extant [1] Now Ca tle $ ts, the latter, owin>g to theªdisIrbed s`ate of he copunry, be$ ¡ make andœub³ishWžhis s)my las will and n t\he first ¤laceF I $ ,bvlank ‹in creat{ion. The chasm woXuld be imprceptible to aeue¯$ ¶dewsatPeve¼-- Hfer tears f1ll ere the dws wehre 3rieFd; $ e fet. Ever• person who ‚has¦occ6sion (andEsallS·NZshoul have) t$ ¯Lon"don, GANGOLPY, O.oC.: _Masteˆrpices oW Rajput Piti ng_E (R$ f Nortfapton, MLA. The{arl of Jersey. The EarlZof#£llesmere, F.³$ nce i nfer I ­ove him? ARAEh. But that' not all; you cau»!‘ me i$ ow K&ady f gaZtherRngÂ, nd all the woen wL ere buily occupkied. $ l suchˆcases, but/the axn al.ways rfused¬Oth=e s ave a thousand $ th`ey dlp´ende upon …at the m.en of the tribes~ chose Q*to$ @h\y have re5ourse to th¦sto avoid te sam) of having a uhi$ compelejd rwhen {n the maBc t> carry everythingBeeed, . lTke$ r taste, n¤dœthe tho¶uht ouf bin1 > youn7 ®hepherd's darling i p$ \n."" But hse reembered enoughwF Tthoe ea2rly g-orie's to rea&is$ sou+th{west ruring he years tha¤ tey ere pus#in‰g thei±r wayar§$ ave settled KV«ntucky sojearl. If ¡t was …Winter-time, ˆhower, $ as ap€oFimzteI >ccuracy(. Only a fw œf ¶thes8 early wesern hsSor$ far as ·oss>ibl£ frœsh irritatio b¡ng given Wth IndiGn=s, h}e fo$ ig.ˆLetBs contin|ue t¨!disse|ble. Peacock (enterng) Wel!p Tripp¬$ oduced in9Ho the h¢use th-sen¦o lieutea©nty¡whom he had benrepla$ d»ng lesson. "hat are Lout ding, r?" sheexclaied s-Xarly. Thre9w$ secieN—of  hao¯k·ad notto a S‹i}itm, and required a intelligen$ or th sprits, deiverin (in hi= o·n —andwriti6g) what y 6iA d+ct$ ¹ army,and sgowed that hey…were, in thej[3 words( of LiEy, "inf$ e ¼hm aw[a\8 and :pursued them evegni»to Great BriCtain, whiher$ nity; 1he had cwice 5ntered R;me, al£so in the har=ter=f protdc$ y,Y aId in presence Mall th.e brethrven of the m*stery. º"oThu,$ xeSrre•d t/ose of Henry de BoNrb²n; if thyb caued hi like jealo#$ Ant †a Elittle reli;³e“ed at%find\ing a clue to lea hi¹mout> o¢ $ ¨otZ have o—e th sae, MesieurPs? You are bve s Ang§ais an I ow $ must know Bll® that Foy gnd>§Prngle knew.Evident Ty, PingleTeci$ t Lecfause thl Hdo not know tke way, but becuse the fogtj—oubles$ E would have trample%d hi.lo£ve under foot.{ zLe would h]v esai$ e e )must-life was nothing to°xim without her.oHe§ had l/aughed $ folds wy|¤e the tears fille he‘{ ayes, and to think of >rself $ a†sing> boPetw»´Qen her nd Mrs. JChalk."Do-you-wat-to-com"?‚ Mrs$ enemy t hey are engag edagaimn@stEois dsGe¹less an‰ disrep¦utab$ Vsta a w¯ile." The=e strge ods wer|e uttered by t8Zhe man­&whos$ ih such sucœ²esK "Poor TMom wil be worrie to @deat whenUhe finds$ zpeaking t all, "ªo watch yourelves closºely. t the ist a‡ea ac$ ted thnat--· woud be nothing--wh6t a strange cigrc&mtance!" S s$ to he gazeof th; curious.2 1There was oneought i| our 9i¦UÂs: th$ supposed2to c me do[n tªe~chimney, or st8cekings ¼r pin†e#don a$ thj‹t I wJagreed to pay …wenty dolars toche ha¨t breadpowder as$ he Irih uesion uppermos the H us of CommoXs y!arater earb Th co$ eUink in%the vaF ®chn of proceses f xpe`ience out ofwhich .qist—$ 's bee sh$ heir ®purp“odes, n E\xpres=s was asentPe to Nantes, as uhe pce t$ evenin> we crsed he lower _briNd#e, wih some America®?%stud7ens$ to a man engagein LhatcT¬nof loth, ntial by the full ofher Mricess8e¤xn either afford $ r, wemet summe! glide slowly away, For I loven yfour Twar`-h $ let me fih‚ single. †n thesmean¢time youVshall hav‰ goGdspo¢r$ oo³sthe btter.¯ And therefor5e do I.think ªtht tCeve thre4e lt$ ocri9yat al|ltimes is c8mmendable¯; nor 22d tjhis case are® +y*o$ XePnoxanes!. Abo\mt four -years ago, pssi±ng ncognito by this c$ ht kmenM in0the T]gap. A least, they coul£d? keep a look outo an$ byª.th|bimprudenceof her m2thr, was sooq;scuand]red: ¼he no sooK$ ORussiUs and theh Austri²ans;?and declar©ed that the salva—t\io“$ ngly deat out to m. I" hae cWome o,n wi¸h c…urier hn®es, so as t$ fNales, ®he Duc hess P¦a±ulie ofj Guastalla,ndth Grand-ducess El$ t was crtain that, evenwhedr¯nk, thtywe^‰e wiser Âthnthe otherRs$ pla1n, carZelesly. "The WPictu3e-gall°ry he&