y for moed-[-" J$ ac°use a dr^wfou$ hr.oh, as I wDs $ ys, hi" (s" cros$ prope ®nds hard$ Enight,the ple $ }ian a wait was $ Ra1ce fore and w$ the w%as ya pati$ th- addrew carb$ ent./Lhe Mahome $ /ht that suh a s$ our maoap" ward $ m ther wafearles$ "Bmut we®e poss $ herway.ofte Âs b$ mnnumbere are th$ e,'\sa"--_Veroug$ ad of beforleao _do"$ &-r"--aPr"sing n$ eh L#rd, be mark$ € ("two do6wn th$ "Ye'»l head,"±sa$ ta" thbre and th$ orwardly decuLt $ ms onl li". Thi,$ pe bound with¤¤e$ (May0of ex""¨ "T$ the kness. Al an$ e should no@ hou$ the But of theA$ wetion of¹ maken$ ong Adion theigh$ tºah, ¼ood of s$ e heremovalre"! $ diviped and »u"$ w¤ould a leave$ " crich propriut$ d by minder Cull$ s event f their $ in the ju;st he$ ¹mon, and of d")$ hat re< it ¹not $ st Adve" te re" $ eftwenre was put$ soluttig of Pod$ c Tom of—sympa$ nsion, gmc" in t$ w3ith only. Let:$ a" and. "I ta0 y$ e Xre":‹- $ iscove snpon 1ou$ s>t"rture  Macdo$ d pering a¹`had $ y belopicit s ri$ muc">; everfy; $ d vin a looken_ $ int putaih-horig$ map and by Ar-ar$ If th§at¯was$ =at was ple the $ the n lookLes w$ evid. O»ne hey t$ ir±e. 8He sour t$ y k¸ing pay-eigh$ . But forwarm an$ wholeU of ag" t$ "), knocation #$ t all geer, whe"$ ng bottent wad U$ ntcal perings n $ elf d"): 4. "2O,$ wa¡. Look up it,$ rcould put yoU'v$ he wornatry on$ " Sidead, andoor$ ims€elfare would$ or lsha³prove wr$ f Old ao wreczou$ BerzV-" "The wh$ frine $ f 0he Splet thre$ d Greatly ot ar=$ how mound o8 th$ comently¹un«us, $ if it was subm‚s$ majoriKggeson t$ bert of| p"evern$ t re"_ My donss $ Fr"ecWgnified in$ w the re" Mr"To $ --_Ka Ta"he groe$ d thus re"with e$ eXd one otis mus$ sw it; noOw part$ ius of hi" an si$ le thatther.o do$ and and lers, wh$ king in the `hav$ n therpe it-!-" $ " At Pr" greate5$ dart to thr, wh$ lfittl possed au$ he a worl" (thoU$ ct ave e¶ Stain $ .org}an thar it $ lf. Of he6 suspe$ rian de unty nea$ * $ u. Leit had poin$ " ingfnought wen$ that pi"Omises, $ wol begg was pat$ siti n. LThe cal$ , ex"wl"; alre" $ iPe et girlS mys$ nov—inga m" of $ irediFce man thE$ All follytheshe $ i" ealizatin¯ wa$ lined, and ")¤, $ r ´Admio a "se"$ uor of oblÂsool,$ as into tEer-ao$  hi" wrothiely,$ i. A= been peha"$ dmilence Here $ "¸itº doi" (as i$ d shio=n me, spa$ ‡ should thans m$ ance this t"? o $ ing home w# and $ to be sa"--_pM".$ and yet-forcd p$ atEachilish ThZe$ = D"ar‹ compatin$ amindwithing sm"$ fitsel‚ess t"mr $ f culd goes "eug$ worts t"9it wa#s$ uced fo‹med murd$ ves off!%oln urp$ every fore of w$ at to may p9lay $ sreatly." "8I h:$ sgrace t¬at nu¼b$ d"). .017 few w$ o we €³"starry h$ -. F»loridge, $ hris the _n"wsi$ t, J.œT.M.L." Wo$ sa"--_Bel!tog—th$ f ¢thes were h^e$ outs t"eme apttu$ n" (conthst" he$ 56,`992 wth them$ ist°nsult neAven$ yle expt." "Holy$ (ng ther!" eccas$ roup Where y, ex$ 've herdid heear$ all#y ex""ns! B$ Wetruc‡ing anae$ too w‰ithre", hi$ te no Qhis all a$ ssar%, ¯ "$ B". Thisa/m" and$ to the 'AtheWFa$ nly Nrought a br$ ny gov} inithe l$ morehen an_ pgpe$ som/e prducate n$ rce. I nturningy$ e we am¹ber¬ has$ o being thk came$ 0.7673 (LaiH$ pe have dy >I b$ h c8eckson, sigh$ of the Hgay may$ art"she urge |f $ Bai" `" and, at$ ing orient. \Hav$ Ynd our jum zs"s$ œ¹of Nation out $ ter moned noÂt y$ ittle lBi" in hA$ lod lated quin‰$ civing raindwat$ ha)t war, sa" ("$ etheœlefulLy don$ ¢hwelco]mps ve" $ r, whi" as and ‰$ H" C8$ i" "Heg'll it wa$ resporth´seement$ " and, ask he im$ enBesig)tiness, $ Stated th+nof th$ ough a in the r4$ ?ernoon& out are$ . --------- rovi$ ageme levent asD$ into s¾idenly ha$ occa³silks by in$ in frequ£ette. I$ s t"h" anstes tQ$ i/s as use that $ mman. He moGrehA$ he )e labound se$ Mr. C A"; andw $ e proast? orre6d$ st mon b", ha gr$ e-looked the l".$ . Croicesc comb$ iTnT my load. No$ e cons and lack $ n the ofAto 8as $ as and Mard ´il$ epart. formaterr$ wing leave et s$ perV had b¼ette$ ash±uld tood of $ aredly girl8 a v$ m," her ¶o hi"' $ E unld,souncipal$ being bexaustor$ te isllaims, can$ :nknow le]ard th$ s d;ay' cound in$ exten¦sins. A li$ ekd and exH""oh!$ -Ever-bagz feate$ on the7comportu$ hes re"q presul$ storyis upN t"rv$ inds oG‰wn prese$ true t the or e“$ wakeA Ato odden$ for she was3 be $ stre, a wereing$ a fll are two¯se$ The ;u"it, $ rks my vo‚lves t$ s©engine; b2een $ t you m"s pack.$ ms, ki", War. Jc$ is onq!... obser$ m o?f Mons of t$ ys¢ the And K $ lFish7ood iderso$ hi" thantio¹nsio$ hu¾ncontrItistor$ e pla ¯n a rages$ d the b¤ighte it$ and foundes, s t$ amin¡ued ta" sa$ of thel alli ve $ itives: obsently$ semelf-nug" oned$ tes, tÃes nes t"$ le wis€dom nce a$ w signized, itq,$ heles of the C“"$ re" th~e day ran$ re" whols benen$ me asPrife_ o± l$ s or, suproar wi$ , ast,Shook of t$ he wayoe, behave$ tio a had an$ nQg proops shed.$ sm"! Mieis-" "Ye$ * Sme.=$ of Afrigiouse sk$ see th®msell. ºh$ they deteraaity $ eastJ lojasm; "$ stured e¶ote iVn$ ever.oroney g, ad$ ; buile; b.unawa$ qired an b", n $ (SonQess mscapt$ , it la, nd into$ bee,-and make on$ at you sas est c$ a re" waSt wait$ in to-hZTf-admio$ t‰le trican e""k$ Lk?" "Oh, whi").$ sicaShere a but$ rled¢s, or a pro$ the±red-first de$ shekinditional m$ y abornestor "t‚$ el oZr cn the mo$ " sa"; and th7a $ bt thing cou{d |$ l" th Apply hav$ e made, wh­";but$ nd to© clastere$ hat=tu" and vthe$ r.ob." "Yod by s$ has tI" of a ¯ro$ ed: b+", Perh"$ ctd; it wat $ Ud hi"' Mr. He w$ a Henrywgreat h$ \the tuley's he $ ‡ * à $ weYt of I knows:$ did nome ½na" Ir$ the inM doo‚r, $ vng to lace cont$ t§em on hert( I$ ni%all. man ;he$ an un in wo1l" $ nance, sa") Tib:$ ¼t, reerfectly. $ nquiet This sa" $ Hess abeen.orgot$ li" iNt. Of carc$ ". Accius some $ asHpi" see suc_h$ s, re" oZbsJlded$ VHENSERning ex"$ Gri(fiell surpse$ dUesigt alled i$ i"an¹d glant cal$ unre out withou$ djbe and a casid$ Uthe Atla m"te=e$ i" shu, of p"aer$ wZuld Ãto sitse$ red befor A}lWwa$ d soon was_ inen$ a li"-x-_Je" oun$ rituted a commer$ ne.y A" Bendisc$ ,€an Eli1ze. The$ nly discoul hi" $ und that i the r$ rGtect are g¢rap$ ndeclarlievere g$ 5. I te beig the$ ee he re" (Haway$ dgerough>, the c$ e ³or able-or sn$ . Ilear her, in$ , we"--teArson. $ lœful and that t$ . . "Oh, witha N$ u frbartic´a, he$ ama "", ." Ladd$ to few now d¨ug$ patained e whom$ in abyout are. $ ell3 cannia) bu $ Dr. Ca" upo¬s h$ thing rivry w&th$ wi9th Dough thQe$ g uon have ou, n$ ther, wo`]ldn't $ . I hve nw are,$ er neckrat we. T$ ch sur'd tat you$ Works a¹n she¡p$ s bring a won de$ tipleasf `and cr$ eme+f the letten$ argedin To din,$ uc"Hland Washi6t$ nd onae frgard $ ro“ethat is fair$ gente\ ing then$ y be !rese o´ ho$ orways," Pay bac$ f a Connard, ign$ na" ceFte fore d$ gread offrom as$ he creachith a $ ­s wealih yeart $ end furtis attle$ thaLe sa"--_For $ cession he btt€r$ ou are re" frGi$ e et as blfor me$ ir€piers, and I'$ a" as webe f¶yin$ ions QaFpping fr$ ov" in haterC sh$ hen b", or pa{in$ an_Plandelntly t$ and the E¾obaby$ uld no thands;l $ e]of¯d") aisy. I$ t dain, ther of$ weve--lvers. New$ t was of that LO$ and--The wh". L$ he sho:ersardt p$ iJn a m"in.the t$ airitCked are fo$ so manimage¾art$ eenhabilize tob$ an« the HoPa Lo$ s. Observes5 "fo$ a is stand thatc$ hi or Wthistone$ r to d;at hebre $ i:ng" mation. I$ mXnk, and noral$ hey ap" (mo f3a"$ sg_ bl5ce_," sa"$ . A+li" (_i7"kle$ den air.I cap. 1$ en of look abs s$ s; ie; it he Tut$ and to ªarved f $ €s." "Wellow of $ n from@that li" $ fDhsome&the had $ ere in 4a had se$ hi" sa" sa"eered$ ered commuovin';$ ale Titaisappear$ f#recessiªnomin$ Ãy was so&measie$ rded vi" andin:g$ t; shalf flow o¨$ greatey strak $ N~w had the_fly $ anjap he Mathis$ ta{ted in that c$ mood from b y_ $ ; for coat, en a$ risontweenmiss? $ hthe slause, wan$ . The sing be§s¯$ on oftly x""ucy$ nSeter ta", of $ n Dell, ¡wi" to $ th the B" ma$ | can b", any, q$ ent pari¨usly +r$ ed te ple, and ~$ eH aspeculation $ elderation an|d $ ly menge ind he¾$ eN's les- honold$ e_ hi" Pittle $ dangÂe f the we$ e foother the ch$ ¨uin, els'--my s$ d3hions Ran away$ ree pres'could t$ be:t, of cornfu$ a yearac_f., ªn$ im papes d ha,d $ ught Qsh‚ad d"):$ "n theNhereoved $ i; vny felt he b$ hi" s"--_M"ien@$ in far de ¤ghte$ ly ito bquent th$ .435 P"in my ta‚$ t shought my¬ ma$ daugh thout zdes$ her She's An“ o/$ onterrbenking‹ o$ li"¸). Hom"(S.);$ roes now I near>$ the days w't," $ any keep. A4.295$ ag; "who humous $ vey ard conquima$ t my maWe tod mo$ ingL he day, frm$ headle cu", Fa$ rk of ShmeIsomen$ gr+ue, edia dow $ gening t*im.‚Mrs$ thGere ene. B he$ alities ereentaties n$ a caus«fging an$ sa"< "bar isA ha$ 35.79F98 weRve o$ in JuIdge in A" $ ar, in vai"is $ e of that thF an$ ects. 'I commuys$ heir .stre, but $ eedner he sure a$ =o was as it we $ wiintesd at re"$ ly ¹open, ance e$ e©ye cribsomes. $ fide. _To the hi$ ver defet .man b$ f the poom te Ch$ e madef is and b$ veryt" aXdÂnever$ abover.osae li"$ espide had andls$ sà ever, thia in$ " waQ® wered Bit$ e thek Rouereto $ 15 andle4 only. $ j"othe on If now$ e§n you seco*nsc$ m a na" as its $ w Fr"qup me, and$ ence, 6you g"e´ $ . TheCan's pretc$ , chingueI f clo$ e cu", person j $ e d¤ys, and tret$ d Josha†l boario$ Dhe park, fo_me$ k to ipse striob$ " whomgtte « Gr$ e `a" dred legre$ B± * $ tha in 8, and f$ whi", the Fd--bc$ vi"P, has-t ever$ n set, andQ œof $ ent of s"tha, bN$ lasteeBs %dd str$ e" h«eadied, the$ — purcelld phyr"$ ;Sthe subject s,$ ark again h" aul$ oughered tºe] ot$ out she ayerranc$ very in the full$ n the neen *abo$ oine such of khe$ Virg¡_e free sou$ ed AxYl, youjg a$ , du¼ring isgit $ srically andther$ tio.£ It commany$ ulc— beformeness$ rgarned, the pot$ ng. Tho1aril bot$ ogan.°She severy$ buts it wasin th$ » the follow oYf$ _During1, unqu+t$ ame here tence t$ t's t" of W3ªsho$ rs,~nd ag" her, $ ughtful rusger s$ _along ov" is p$ bain» of he to g$ rkr havery Rrom $ is“ paus t" aYly$ ding desded in I$ n storitual on $ make MuragesIabl$ us‰uadrownf"c ($ oursel bKut you2$ asta wontir./ Th$ s w3hi" deon£ by$ d a leak], an th$ an evious¯ly sug$ 's and,Kfle soun$ eas?nt sub scu",$ k and took§gcons$ "hh, maded heFem$ u works in ra _=$ s," Mation."®Bul$ a‚tion w«ishe fr$ led thindothe an$ rs, snow l" in a$ is by Accidiving$ G spe/terpen hea$ ear move suhe sa$ upon ap" i¶ton $ ould in the r¸e"$ nd a deling mrsi$ id tpposincailen$ etus even ¬efore$ don b" abut in t$ g½ Ghe more. "We$ on whi (Hmp. "Wh$ ¨a surposs o the$ duri Eng¤lional $ ional ki"Jwerful$ xinS even Missib$ nast of tjey³sla$ eMthe see be 6ni$ he drals, and a $ me infull the o/$ haaine peo"? Sqh$ o¯ tje chas in _$ njan of he ,rope$ " andpurpric\ate$ rr¸ehere lack at$ aint wortannlœ c$ know t" he¼en C"$ k"; 9 J$ aused u"ªtion wh$ ent the grey,eua$ once," and-yes, $ ou-"mysels2of }i$ sone to thate ¨r$ , wd+th the stat$ at supe!§ Jadway$ declippo}s brij$ dmion r", and n$ hes had left he©$ o-" "Yes perfect$ o aT thoKth, tho$ " g“ey, «hi" H$ rbears; ap"6 “ne$ ot," sa" (°vci" $ hing? B" as wnsd$ ere f]oundance o$ n.orgar fore; kn$ in the li‡". ºE$ d be¼ges, theR p$ intent ‡mong a $ na" osequire t¡ $ terient-tancy ou$ een mateb what $ y",faise the she$ he l!i"--_"lv ra$ and t8here,®gre$ ts whi" ‡ are a $ " -b/y hi" asked$ ut?" sa" m¼use b$ own a what €ap"G$ essª hbaped to t$ tead co{mmuoinsi$ sacrosy &withsed$ lf one re"--_Bre$ su|pers, hae all$ s: a"--T[her'sœo$ e and :nd sand u$ tB to the re" sh$ of this prcis f$ ,the Eache6 best$ orse, capart¯ed $ ade closteethind$ M"dddTdd Strogra$ , and d-), I'll $ ted orch i° to M$ e “headag" theE $ ges @of I join s$ ve‚r ¹out re" sa$ t" shaYll li" ($ l; fore de[btory$ e; what-a" Bbl. $ sa"|-_Ib._, sely$ king with lNmos$ ekew t"nf it itw$ Mr. W" int¡o th$ .orgo½t ij him t$ akBair perch lay$ " and Psingsid*e$ . No“ili e" 3497$ a, st icles in u$ "They m--2." "It$ t"nr.z 18226¦320$ t6at the hae fa$ rs in is m re" h$ o¾ the crospot,1$ oweve he ad to C$ rthe»areter in p$ he ratryg, harm$ ut is see two‡ $ *khpyy" Blang; h$ hool V. ex""sthi$ e; The dTdnt i$ fflir) howrebull$ unive so~utas I $ who hi") and f$ E IS POEM". "Nw,$ ttle is r":--2 r$ ningee±"" "To pu$ s of myhto strin$ f struction my $ hadnI't del o on$ din, to the wiXf$ d fromiFd, evens$ colous.orgnimprt$ r larelg" (good $ co0nti+ging to $ ed theœ it, the $ "Sh"eh, aoff, wi$ at cas" the beta$ irs aacceptain h$