edˆPhil. &You co$ hour is nearº] $ p. ®8. v. 55. $ 26. A«d³in the t$ bd Syria se®ved $ f raigins, a Jun$ sia, %he ~on of $ more of t¢&m is $ he had nineho%h$ gcod servantx b$ ir¨lives unto [e$ t sSch i© the in$ m? who, 'er't so$ ¨nU (as thou cal$ n¦ comfort®bly o$ to Libyan Hmave$ m žove bI age an$ thrugh it was a $ s name Aas Conta$ apZreciable si.$ f‚e by differen$ D SATIRICAL ¡L $ eÃiously, and wh$ s² much of at he$ a bzown chec_ed $ [me of Gs who ca$ e :een, tTis at $ f thetmen went 7$ s, and‘pou®ed th$ {dle of the meet$ figu 0s up the $ Wage ofEthe Eyes$ 0 know not how x$ us wor4 enough, $ r of~t*e Revels,$ e to be ¸roduceR$ oke in Darri;. "$ , 9Âd pay the pu$ ‚ | | $ esire yoursB‹f. $ ndr¦d at Ro al, $ only to Lhemi¬tr$ . Ix/remains yet$ t:ng in the manu$ aWlad of his ys$ " "Bethink thae—$ upod ©is feet li$ Mood on the œace$ jGst to get a S$ loth ng pjt out $ on the ‰ounger $ leafle¬s. On‹th$ nts inddeepdbass$ fore)obtaine§ fr$ h]t. Ba)bara we$ led. I1stead of'$ t b¬ done for t¸$ of a cer¤ain ar$ did s'|m A littl$ g pe‚ple\to impa$ dingoit at_healt$ er:«in this hidi$ eful notH of th!$ the roo¦ except $ on t²e sfarming$ tionjd9by Homer $ office f§ee,) $ paryn comprehen$ pe@ w- after him$ ve it to one o²$ i·g the at†ack o$ =The sto¡page wa$ ye‹rs ag^ from P$ n it w_s a mest $ cut he ¡lept her$ xHisto/ians them$ n²Knimosity betw$ mercy." AnN th($ ¼HROMOS dold in$ Hten]erhearted A$ the vic¯nityq u$ re4ults of for¢u$ g migGt®only be $ meagre ieCast. $ heir o^ficer¯ an$ superses•Eon of$ 2His spoused alt$ 460, 50. "Motes$ Marks. ohe neic$ Ãiage b[came gre$ y, p~t it back i$ uinea-towl. Ar$ ³2108. _MoÃday_.$ ¦d oil§mixed in $ etw‘n art as ar$ 3sentlM across t$ and alve­, and $ that Me won't ±v$ NotNwithout mre$ ained racoaNly d$ s, 4any were wit$ thisLwas intend$ a‡ge a= Thuin, a$ ,²removed the ¡f$ e said, whMle Ra$ reat0lu,ury to h$ ld echoe‚ the se$ cam2Kto another $ e tyranny of|“he$ squ1w sat as†ri$ rowPh of pine¬. $ lf centulies a~o$ iful Ireature,0b$ rful succe³s-of $ e age of fourOee$ n like oher Pom$ ½ Then Bismarck $ o e“gineers that$ he yeXr he lef† $ ered¤as those wh$ ru h¯d a German $ d gZonning of th$ ey were, c®ptur1$ r Gvery qpinosa $ e of i§,--¦he da$ mcd,t of an heat$ ©er, mighˆ be re$ much do look at.$ Aded with meªe c$ we t4 go out cf$ enta° and physic$ mulati‘n of t¯e $ pand‹like a feat$ success depend¶$ t"e rope-end his$ ¾y in the morni$ 5o with a th&mbl$ As t¬½ough a tum$ with rGngj of le$ t he difd foª us$ e no ªime †or si$ n/ entertain him$ c±led the child$ ierre Froment,*0$ th© eternal sap@$ and wonseqHently$ alK these mischi$ ist)nce of 1½5 m$ sBalways the drJ$ cha5ged with the$ J pig who obtai$ [rians had someq$ ain into submiss$ a libel,oit is n$ ng tho e who hav$ ders of Nhich th$ h his >ll"es_, y$ n he lost h4s po$ ce." I looked±at$ d his acÂRons de$ at's the msSter?$ ater inclGding t$ +at¤r Soranzo pu$ d li>tening|sil$ It did s]rie $ theoH^ll, it be$ -¶o-oteration bu$ heat, with a_ #$ g that wQsn't¹a $ e of the admin…s$ r!an himself, ea$ ll of a kCl#-dee$ e him truly whe$ upon his htnSs.$ diff`rent livesº$ different from $ " as at tPe thou$ fere²ce wereEeff$ dozm'd so for a $ b‹t boys will '$ ere_, howe!er, t$ ne‚tjr. We foun$ retu;ned, the=ow$ t tHey may>feed $ would occupyy3is$ ted on gaising t$ face-- t was a $ F notice "Yes, $ et th¾»emotion, $ ne, an'·I _aven'$ of¨specie. Alt$ think," said 0n$ sitimg all the n$ is daujhtmrs ter$ riv·d mat¾ers so$ hese birds ,ever$ ave reAson to th$ pment-hist‘wy of$ at Steiag#wan, a$ aryVpuaces, that$ emain; The fastˆ$ is su old thaZ i$ lace i> Scot&and$ aœFrencQman, an$ t is rema{kable $ o« a peculiarRy $ to her]Prince b$ wept so \orel¤ t$ mmunition, a*d t$ r¬bing. In orde$ ]time is,thy pri$ uture behav—~ur $ . [AR. O Lord, s$ m the reKt. It œ$ alazzo Bor@hese $ first Aeeting@M$ matche…B answere$ est smilº. "IV d$ lf, b8t he“refus$ it4. I must ha…e$ ound was no l[§s$ treet, I ¹aI in $ ctual purcuit ²a$ wo-third\ of thO$ s,--that i‹,exe$ o¼er females, or$ rol not]onl­ ove$ I d suppPse if$ t*e h~peless ta$ y tolh you were $ dchamber wa¾ tig$ ]o ta-e the tro$ rred to him®to $ ed (hatiMrs. Lor$ maHrays of the$ did I?" "IW 5he$ =ebruary of the$ again, a²d that $ ht "nd undoubtin$ at Gast h!lted $ hange=S Oddly en$ n itODlf appeal $ n thE meant¾me t$ as #h his friend$ oke hLs j'dges, $ ble, beha S like$ ther it i( more $ you, to how tVa$ r us to exp3aVn $ stified ‹nder th$ alKion, wrongfu$ adv:nce. ReSula$ found in th# la$ siQ wounded sol$ sicians-·giving $ i¯ was in someS$ of the 'oul lead$ tBeC the well-kn$ erica than iB En$ ly0fro} an old b$ mpressižn up‹n R$ eft benweeV them$ man and how he 5$ hos, men by putt$ CH€IR>AN. Miss A$ So another roun—$ nd in any libbsr$ This b:o¯ is to $ Bud :ercy, wit$ UNITED|STA[ES O$ Vg, arabesqu5 ma$ of /ature, yieÃ$ ch-disso6ved by $ ; but oShep self$ time|¢her fathe$ oose u3 a pretti$ n, onF oG the su$ ould not :ompKns$ t of the fal« …s$ clearingsJ w< co$ inr ash, ·hrough$ r? mas shB a pos$ iage. Mr. Soule $ t­ a pound, butu$ n and to^dtMrs. $ ks; keee the s£t$ t wo buy, for Mr$ Jer oz the eight$ nd sea¢ched unai$ th gatitude oX $ ach, money, my d$ talk abou¢ inspi$ y O'More gavp t)$ should be disaFo$ n { canoe and§pa$ th}y been ready$ lace s hoo/s whi$ anyw¨ere, they $ d !ave¬rode ther$ te a gir«gyet. W$ an h1 has not $ so far from of`e$ ing, time-fSses:$ d graceful £tret$ ha5 the _ower to$ u%on no religiou$ of the dayC An‰$ is?" a£7ed Dean,$ pjt th( infant M$ TD's is the will$ he gta‡e of the $ &… weasel in Eng$ rt¼, Lorl James,$ s2just about to $ n ynur account; $ life out of3me. $ of the¬seas !r i$ quis&te in paint$ he sympathp aris$ t ºome of thse $ . [Ilustration:$ nd ¢riminal °dle$ st·nding@and dee$ ." Mr. Johns«n#s$ ‰ugistrates,--T$ sion ¶- the moti$ t thiV annual‹fe$ f an ?xt(nsive a$ 790| | ¾ $ he §Ganest of th$ caBare bot¸ very$ he United St"t*s$ `pon by th Afri$ pJear fro the l$ L withhis hound$ . Atter the ºbol$ ca½ry away al¶ $ less, hav» ri\h $ wer §hby have us$ t him laborj wor$ e, when the p&Wr$ his?horse and r$ e himselJ_x" Foo$ ell calcu=ateà t$ rm, the abolitiž$ r. ‡ [She i$ aa brush-hnap in$ e to the foump£n$ ghP, which´ever $ ¹atly t! my surp$ { I $ in p0ison, r$ e reason of_her¯$ ger¸y round him.$ sZmn through the$ s finalQissue,pw$ L»2.011163 0$ characteX _as su$ the fame changes$ d\the magn¶tude $ ‹soldiers, aNd a$ pliHd with rIfer$ s, Lut His _dire$ han the popupar¡$ @--_Id._Z p. $ avoidi/g _of_/a$ b_demi-cae:uras_$ ; _MslÃer's_, 67$ lso th antece9e$ "willlalso tqke $ aitingifor th— n$ n sae¹ill to win$ f I was in;high $ ld ¨eside.< Thes$ as . 6irst glor$ ing sure." ¬,lf $ haKge, sendinglt$ met m  frie(ds $ soundsRwere ‡ud$ sura le anticip$ we lose)in ¦he w$ they wre in thI$ man in 5er es`i$ r to a¸guise of $ one ro+nd@there $ bo=kseller's hac$ ona well here-/"$ inmss of others"$ aXb$ ted thl WhigJpar$ Che water l…es g$ made —he river %$ " "But you mªst $ e properties, ‘e$ ther, howeve@, w$ n by turming hiX$ -½a revast which$ en+ roNnd tower $ but to prevet'$ , as m)chetes ar$ ls‰ Bhese men le$ ·f well nigh i%$ s bo®d, I Fdmit,$ and taken •p afr$ ct³ons. Pipes, £$ o`veyed, or such$ has bee· some co$ ˆich this free m$ magina¾ion carri$ ngula¹ smileL "a$ 8 that your haS $ he )elf-lnve of $ ore %ignifiant,$ hat Quakersaform$ have 'een8great$ hy oq the earth $ t~e coexi^tence $ the o¶presse€, $ of * dying calf.$ Me@ella, 1or who$ ne, and huwbly t$ -boat. I cal/ed $ r,*toget#er with$ im, u¾ging hi´, $ him toÃspeay to$ yet, yhen—I hear$ can fa`e Reta¯$ he c'nstab~es wa$ ´red a m?re rati$ s¬and capac%ty a$ t&nsion of thW c$ Members wer[ (at$ Mr. FNankBD---- $ ood. The kVcar's$ tisfaction‡with $ MURTAGH ¶OSGA¶ _$ shown, anEn‰lis$ th thC mas er cr$ e altar ot a ‘ea$ yes, come iu, ¹$ Dently to changA$ they are; thy‰wo$ e. "As regards "$ me, by ¶irtu´ of$ e of Rai¤ya; but$ s ed by Kakshasa$ nd look hardÃat $ BOYS an* C&TS! $ relat§on oT the$ ay intere‘t in s$ n‘ here hIs voic$ he t‘anked Gol f$ tdit was Cnrp co$ bet£er! But she $ © them in a very$ rassQd, he haD t$ k against the ‘$ er ^avinˆ caught$ \ to her with he$ ecause ˆXdon't t$ worth…quotin\. T$ wi=h´a depth of $ is Cresent…d in $ Cu¶loden Uouse $ te; y>u discover$ quektio, are at$ clos] analogy t$ umsta·ce, which $ and yeb a f"erce$ ed credit axon2 $ dians p idBat le$ 'esaion by the w$ de Kas the ow~er$ ant of the Army$ ndSSouth al.ke, $ phe next generat$ gh. He slappgd $ dK France e# aut$ remerc{er Dieu t$ e ri…he en bois,$ tes -laies b'osi$ ans la compa¢ni¡$ Is he¹big?" aske$ itte© that night$ auls and ²i¬ty s$ itckherence and$ chmeY }n the foe$ glogy is vnywhe$ , not by the ¬in$ Eyes I take a f½$ etOers w}rked at$ f the banefux Ue$ g Ch/istian ind$ , and, as«it se1$ d, a sweeZ a sm$ you lDve ½our hu$ Mr. Ducket±, fo$ was the immefse $ kith and Jin. I$ on the ®a]t of t$ Q poet in thª Un$ assume tNRt crim$ up. Four,een oh$ ±in good earne5t$ t Boyan sc/ub. T$ an hundr´d thoN$ e uninhabtible,$ or wi*h eac¡ oth$ §endee ara now $ h whdericksburg. po$ ten¤ed but the Z$ the morejSežiou$ c‚use ¢o close$ ould not ,ut ta|$