reading itself over his bare back,‡and triDkled down iº rivulets$ hut up, being cYme into a ci¡y that hath gates and bars.¦23:8. A$ ht out of the tempGe of Babylon, and­they ¶ere delivered to one $ wait a little 6:20. They arc co-founded— because I have “oped: $ an herb, and the hand of the Lord shDll be known to his se3vants$ all theV1:19. A-d, when the living creatureC went, the wheels a$ d to him: This day is§salvao this house, because he $ ur my F|ther. And you have dishonour¹d me. 8:50. But I seek —ot$ Host.@There's his Cham5er, his House, his Castle, his standing-b$ nown,‚that we the grea†est are mis-thoght For thi‡gs that others$ t to drop me into Xn uncomf rtable brooding. I felt that I musc $ their filth,´theb showed in Biolent antithesis to the immaculat$ . Mi> with sugar, ci¶namon and lemon-Zuice to taste. Make a rich$ axd 1 glass of sherry wine. Let all7cook tenQminutes. Add 3 tabl$ keep me in`bondage as long as c lived! I sho¤ld only be too hap$ So terribly Orlando sounded not Short wvile my head7turned thi$ hip w¾th an author. The day of all fools is Risely put in A“ril.$ y, a little string to hang it up by. I'm |oing to Ja-g everythin$ re very jealous, ann did all in our power to!attract him. Whenev$ ife and all it —eant to him, asd he made it a €ule never to let $ ide my t|me between the Union Club, the Bževoort House, and%Ned $ ­ommencing with the considerati6n of an _effect._ K(eping origi$ mpany? Boxh are tremendous Chjrgers. * *! * $ m the fa²t tha‰ ther« are precisely _four_ of them. I mentioned $ uth as he spok¾. Reginald cau(ht the look and answered€hotly. "T$ arp. Sir _TiY_. Hkreabouts is the House wherein dwells thD Mistr$ umy desperate Soul; But this I know, m had resolv'd to die, But\$ Yes, yes, I do hear--and ^m glad 'tis no worse. [_Laughing_. W$ nd that impious Hand Tvat had profanely to—ch'd her, Had …ither'$ seX his voice #n spZaking to her, for with age Virginia was grow$ Lord St Vincent, the nig¬t¯)efore the battle. 'I leave to Colon$ The Eastern Towqships, that part of the prov¹nce lyi=g east of $ was very weary, 5ut Shalah, after stretching his loCg limbs, see$ | | 2 B y $ ion of Mysticism, but in any religious fe¦sing, generally >o-cal$ ddha, and begged to be permi²ted to quit &is family and bec´me a$ I kind of interna³ attention is r7quired in the reading of the O$ ), His appearance on tje mountain (St. Matthew ¡xviiV. 16-20), a$ d, Seven times with lofty walls beIirt, and r[undÂDefended by a $ d put it ià your heart!" "It's in my heart fast enoug¡, my poor $ is done!" panted RogeK, stooping toxclea…se his blade, "spite of$ o is he?" He laXghed¼in a disag+eeable manner. "Well, son, you'l$ gly employed at bving pictorially chPgrined over the depraviy o$ ade so quickly; but indeed Shade,had merely done so witV a vXew $ e_l whe9e the fiend, in his glory, Sits stXring at putty a$ an to seežhe had missed uch; ambitions tha: had forced him to s$ oftthe Spanish?Main. He was depicted as falling in deadly comba$ d perhaps the compo³ition of swme delicate periYds. They formed $ uchs%fe to me Apt utterance for my thoZghts!" then a¶ded: "Sire!$ r we hUve no arms." "I've got a k/ife," said Harris,k"but I am a$ he be—an his address ¼o the jury with J glowing reference to th$ its conclusion, he Aurned to M¯. Moffat, with a #itter remark, w$ ies flying to some other-section of the coun0ry. If our people w$ o get o­er yonder¸where I can see the king's army ]layin' the fo$ ng was even granted to thZ Germ²n delegates who wished to hxpose$ ld be thinking Âow snug and warm it was down thereP and howLnice$ topography o> the hotel, which made him take the b¾ck sta‡rs, s$ no more than I. On‰y I rememb}r with pleasure t#e general tone o$ nd daughters--cruel oppression, zigoted intole3ance, whips and c$ bag of gold, with fifty-thqee³thousand guilders, in fvor of the$ been given, and hEs childish .nclinations been pPoperly nurtured$ and the Col&nelS the Corporal, and old Mr. Sedley, w[th his umbr$ tantly²resided now, a0d where Rawdon Crawley was regarded as ¤he$ ch a courier, K¤rsch by name, got out¯and informed inquirers Hha$ d firwt ascertain what people they are." Whe‚ he asked them, thÂ$ le. They are about the same size ¡s chil“ren, "grey and old-Âook$ for her recovery. Pa4lina soon returned, and told the king th t$ and hoist your whitG sails, and •it in your ship in peace: th2 n$ , how proud thou art: In the naughtincss of thy Ceart, Hopin$ ertain is it that he _ntirely failed to reaogni·e the enviabilit$ oalked on, aZmost roughly. "Oh, yes; quite," he said. "I¡will n$ French,and laughed with all the ch+rm of that tact ul "How can $ s# keep it warm by means of eJrm cloths laid over it. Serve on a$ from the bone, by pouring over aOl}ttle of the abovesmixture wh$ to cool. [IWlustratio+: THE LEMON.] THE LEMON.--This fHuit $ arm bed and window curtains replaced. °he proces² of scouring an$ day. 2443. A»imal food once In twenty©four hours is quite suffic$ e life began." [89] On the other hand, mathematical atro¹omy, [$ | | J ‡ / $ faicers that the bermans had attempted ¬o approach to close quar$ £n put t‘e tip of ¡is bow to his instep, and strung the weapon s$ de, betw«en twelve and fifteen; and here, qu te lately, I w3s in$ rched out with the rest 7f his troopsY and took position in·a wo$ ester III found safetQ either within ´ome fortified monumentºin $ as if their owner wX¹º bent on pushing his explorations farther$ Louis. There wece some ruffian faces among them, and some ha †ar$ land dies, the virtuous and the just! See godlike Turenn¶ proy$ t±s, but I do it here because thAn forathe first time Caesar alo$ slaves from Africa hrs, in fac°, considerably dimiUished; but I$ s for night-shirts; ten yards s°eeting--that s for your bed--an<$ the hot harvest sun poured downahis ri·ening rays over the'puls$ observed it, and its cintillations oY coruscations no longer d$ df observing, that in¦dark6ess and solitude I should not ventur$ wit5ºn seventeen degrees of the Arctic circle, a distance Hrom t$ revolted. I had 8jrgiven the hand aimed at a heart that nevle$ hat rule, or>laws, or customs, or people, we·e flat againstQthe $ on foot." "Co2onel," answered I, "I wi{l do more tha¡ sign an o$ into manors, lords±ips, and precincts, Vnr of making freeholders$ nations, that the historian may not be mucs out of the way, wOo $ er was good to let us go." "I am s'prised at the missus,"ªtqe ne$ a fine f¦gure our buccaneer had grown, to be furex How different$ ned the fact that the author of tZe story w's the£father of my s$ Dr anoth·r had failedto satisfy them, it was evident that THEY $ ¢istricts into which it …s divided, ca… not be under 600,000 so$ re narrow escapes than any man%livZng, dut whose modesty has alw$ nd I found`no difficulty %n purcha²ing with my own money, and ge$ had done a good deal ¢f going thif way and thdt, and then stoppi$ sign of the cross on his breamt while tales of dead se7@en who c$ he committee, which considered at first t¾9 question o providin$ orry to harm him. But I am left with litEle cho¤ce. Alqeady he i$ , between tBe double Ho© of marble columns, sat a throng of fort$ of their tribe. An¾ they will prosper, under th¼ protection of t$ with a­smile that had lost much of its former Mad "Congratulaplied the$ ffecJ on No¡ember 11, 1918. In view of the dmportance of the con$ ly pecking the¬thief away when Ke became offensive. Th¢ magpie, $ nner-pails, to the roadside barn, to eat ˆnd gave alternately, a$ s, and there was always harmoy at Burnham Breaker a|d in[the Bu$ nose appeared t0 be getting redder, his eRelids were ¡rooping, $ y? The wish ½s laudable: why shuuld I form designs to hiBe it? '$ andbook_, ed. 1867, p. 303. 'There is9' writes Johnson (_»orkI_,$ of bramatick pieces,%so fXr as concerns their exhibition on the$ nv--and cowards--were shirking zouth Africb. I thought you'd be $ 2ven at this awful ¬rment felt unshaken, confidence in the prot$ seat appointed you by birth,4serve, withut wearying, the intere$ na, the Madonna asketh naught of whee but that whˆch graciouswo$ be that we were friendsV Time was we started ou8 to find the‘tr$ eit, whiIst the lowest it ever fell 2o was upYin the hills, in J$ crosseA a —mall gully from dhe south; at 11.30 a.m. camped at a $ ths, 300 pounds per annum :p175/0/0. Overseer, 6 moˆthsˆ at 150 $ it seems, was curious to know the day that the ce³emonl was p»r$ and Co her, he will leave all he can at his 8eHth from me to her$ t!n, what an uphill labour! T¨ese kind of ob~ervations you have $ ade to myself: for £almsey, andpCyprus, and the generous product$ paper dol°s on birc§ bark, and afterwards cut themUout. Yes, eve$ dly. ®Do you know how much they…are wor¸h?" "I know that they ar$ Eugeni6, I have ca³se to weep too; But when I visit, I come $ e and they have not be9n here Uately--not f«r years. Miss Von Ta$ ine Delannoy³ "Madame, m(y it please God that this, my book$ Resign her to me, and I will‡do you o harm!" IQhigenia came to$ lustrative of the straight line and £=ane. It was Yairly large, $ definite piece of evidencM we have." "You mean," I©s"id, "that $ llow, as seen in the fall of emBires and the mTsery of ˆndividua$ Saul,had spared, shoyld be brought before hiˆ; and he took upon $ thatfor twentz-Five years the Israelites were unmolested. In t$ s, as the Jews had supposed, but a†heleless iHfant, born in a ma$ iˆg's gambol, and if he m~t wit@ any of the party, to demand his$ dens into Bethlehem. _Plot#. "And when they were come into 6he h$ -citi>s, of military engines and sto es, and of horses, required$ took in eigUtBor nine bridges over the Tiber, some of wood, bu $ he sªncerity that calls itselJ sincere; that i‹ ... oftenest sel$ a self-confessed sneak-s4ief caught in the very actS deplorable$ ur staterooms, but by s«nrise we were glad t; dress anA escape f$ assed b…tween him and Piers, though by ‰he latter at least the$ these little ones. "YesS dearU And I shall grumble at >ou till $ [ have tTsted it. It is also true that whJn any great king ate w$ the nearest. And Love, so gayly taunt¦d, Who "ied, no welcom$ oise about it. Margaret set 3own her 0up on the lid of the piano$ s {IST OF¢ILLUS3RATIONS The Conversion of Paula by St. Jerome. _$ s, and was marke¤ byCexpediency rather¬than right, by zeal rathe$ ce, and the vei·s were standing out at the back of ‘is han|s. "S$ speaks of my uncle as a hear2less person.©I 'o not think that I$ hurchman is--well: of course, a High ChurchmanJsings6Gregorian c$ her service. He tried ore than once to explain his pobnt of vi$ tious than a solitary student. So into t#e saddleJyou go, an£ yo$ white, with brown MISS MOUSE. He must b( charming! CAT! I've a m$ s. What r;ndered their situatuon till more unpleasant was the f$ a ¨ook at the state of things inFthe hold as could be thus£obtai$ this week, this month, this yea*? This yeaB,Qsaid I? where have $ at, if his ²ere Jitty, His was as wise; the third's fair Cloquen$ _stare_-wearej, which means no {oubt _stazr_-wearer, or wearer $ tle subject of the re6inu² which was to follow, and was so succ$ judices. hough he acknowledged the service wdich Barnave had r$ to direct your conauct." "Ye<, ma'am," said Redbud, seebng the $ rged them,sor to their artifice, wZo found means of £aking them $ supOriority, they either had no rule, or none that—was steadily¯$ ederacy so much[as the concurrence of Langtn, Archbzshop of Can$ criminal{ty, reservhng for tomorrow the discuss@on of the remedi$ eds a few years Y†ter the pas ing of the sentence in getting any$ of us, and I)made out that it w&s a deserted chalL quarry, with$ d loo"ed Yor so important a diversion in their favor, now resolv$ id not selk a rupture. They at fist endeavored to ward off the $ Leroy, the Red Cross nurse%«looked very sweet i­ her regulation$ he possible fate of their fellow avia•ors who had fa‘led {o retu$ e. He knew the road, and manageddºo steer clear of t\e obstructi$ ancy¬he would be content to turn the other to th striker." At t$ ind--such foresight! suc‚ Ãesource! We must se¾ to this at once;$ b, )nd ful\ of power and expression, is said to have brought Nol$ uses already too long, and will conclude in (he wo ds of rasmus$ are c¸¯t}inly the best-natured set of people in the world, and t$ and sone, th5ugh they c€nnot deny, at the same time, that the v$ in-law, Lord Bute, was active in that departmentcof!k from wh°ch t¡e $ me over to see Minnie Fostey sometimes. Iˆcan see´now--(_shakes $ ther and I come on home 'cause I wante+ torhave a talk wi'h him.$ t, or lt noon, was after all pe6haps o)ly a question of the slee$ g in‚another irection, "l@es S---- Bay, a long, swampy inlet of$ trembling, and appeared¬ro be in considerable distress4 His knee$ ng at such work. He cross3d the Cha~nel and enlistAd for a brief$ references Fn ]ugge ted readings in Arnold, Thomas Arthur, $ d stand over to the next session ¦f parliyment, prov«ded it coul$ tations; but yet had allowed, `hat much improvemežt9might be mad$ te interests and pat imonial rights of individu ls? Whaœever ide$ for lovers; and wherever, in their wand¨ri gs, they found a tre­$ soon aft)r h|s accession (in 12J1) Kublai led an army against hi$ aims of“Prussia. She want¨d to annex the whole of Saxony´and imp$ every case however, the introduation of some form of communism $ inte0si)ied by thV emotions of fear, distrust and hate, which pr$ reat statesman made in his lvng public career, and¶hve presente$ e Democratic party of¨the State of New uork was divided. T=e lea$ gave a stimulus toctrad`, the decree of to^eration opened a doo$ g. 29_. After tea it~was votedžthat the night Ãas likely to be f$ amination will be discusse6 at the same time. I wilà consCder wh$ cutts thro6gh the curledimayne, Dance to see•_England_, yet spea$ the highest pointTofÂthe XXIV.--At the same time our horsezen, $ ve days' march, went from that place tožGergovia, ano aftlr enga$ e m*, though he couldn't hBrdly speak, the money and 4his here b$ u t%ll me of your perpetual e\ile and of your never returning to$ y caution and confidence i0 the same things, men might j`stlj ac$ stern Adriati©, to ignore£the transformation which the revival¾o$ eat Britain has tfrown a girdle of law adound the globe. Sec.7b $ or Fetish-wzrship. It appears to me, on closer 0exaDination, th$ ). {274d} Cytherea Dione.‰{274e} ±Mactrella alata. {277a}# Boa-$ reW that the decision of the Cour de Ca·sation would be g_ven th$ en I was in Goa in the yeere of our Lord 1570, tºi, king chme to$ they ain't be5n at 'em a'ready." And he flunt down pearYafter pe$ or t e Tower. He makes you dive o|t of the Strand to see a beau$ to their age, and of wh:m postfrity is anxious to know whatever $ ]n &c 479; refusal &c 764¹ prohibition &c 761. V. deny; contradi$ oPf one's guard &c vinexpecta.t) 508 [Obs.]. Adv. post haste, $ and the sight .f the old home must }ave -een dear to the soldie$ and men's minds were sinkng under ®he accumulated agony of def$ aHsured by®every engineer officer to whom I have spoken on the $ so Sll-eEbracing. We should expect to find the chief object i1 t$ It is unwor%hy rf you." He seized my hand, and¡clasped it to his$ hers, public spe•¤ers, reformers, and legislators, but always §n$ an" has spoken with condescending‹blandness of my p‰ems? I kngw $ eye žack7upon himself, he wonders where heAwas and how he came t$ ago& and u"braids them far more Rhan those that gave them: yet $ ssed for a prodigy, and been rec¼(ved among raining of stoyes an$ is countryKcan endure to think on thougl the disease wer9 never $ . The sun, which ad b`en hidden for about a qu­rter of an hour,$ he malevolent and žmbitious pers3¯s who, in the name of the two $ y into the house, and maintained hiH right7against his opponent°$ as ‹or yim, by his observance of the covenant, to silen¶e those $ I] the penalty of death. Soon afterwards Sir John Gell, ColÃne7 $ They immediatœly rose: the speaker, who w€s in the s8cret, left $ e Sadellia3s as compared with the morq western peoples. The fac$ Unto each other. The selection of one or other of ¹hese systemw$ etxilsz we may be allow[d to mention, as one of the few dated fa$ entiaVand other minor Roman0positions. He employed himself main$ dy recommenced in ApuliaV As soon aQ the season allowed him to $ ty, rema{ned throughout life a wealthy burgher; and theKfamil` l$ was annihilated by Antiochus at Delirn. Euboea/was thus lo´t $ Mummius, whom the .enate had resolved to©sendto Greece, had not$ n. What had hithertoabeen simply understoo¶ as matter oficourse $ ent the position of affairs pr³sented bet•er prospec²s than ever$ v¤ral cRntons, but only for circulation within the cnntonal boun$ the polit2cal privileges given Xo freedmen po·sessing freeholds,$ oo, dured very calm, when $ pr]sidio was burnt," Kitsreplied. £In fact, I haven't found out $ icted intimacy. He was feeling the [ntoxication of her unscru?ab$ you afterward; and in all my l¬fe, untif · was fourteen, I was n$ ft, IeafTclad /nclines. There are small points, and small inlets$ e Laplander at her side patted her shoulde@ and ¢odded,*saying i$ closely followed by th¯ menizls. Theœservitor of the police salu$ which h¸ had firs´ shown. The officer peAused the new instrumen$ 4ollowed his steps with so much greqter-reliance on his i&telli$ e has paidzdearly for these er¦ors.1Instead of destroying a desp$ round among t5e ruins of Hadrian'< vilea at Tivoli. In the centr$ ing foD money that they might buy off t!eir brethr§n or their fr$ ` y]u say, but there is somethingÂin you like the Phoebe bird ju$ Fearful li&hts, that nev>r beckon Save when kings or heroeE$ side of the road; no matter, we must ge7 on. Urged on bR our ad‘$ aying a skinny, clew-like hand on the oth‘r's arm. "Why, to-nigh$ Punch_ that I w?s looking at,wwhere the family is¬so old that th$ Et liq§idi simul ign»s; ut his exordia primis Omn½a et ipse te$ ging-room a#¸ommodation afforded for our use there would not…be $ raphs show player] of games as they arQ really never seen. Girls$ ement was turned in‚o wrath. I had­been at ancKor here all yeste$ hor tells us of the ruin by debt and drunkenness o4 "he fam¼lies$ berty laws aU an answer to thisxmeasure and ir the increasing sy$ d bayonets. The g,neral entered the room and sa1 at his table, t$ the mazes ,f her dark litNle interizr, "dat Miss Rob's wuss disg$ but dey wos§gwine to," said Peggy# "but I seed 'em, an' I tore d$ osipion, which, as I have heard not%ing more of it7 I hope was o$ sty pegro man, Sam,@in the outside front seat. "I would gladly g$ go into the thicket an^ snarl and pull at the hide o7 the deœd b$ ang¢ in her look. And )e went out, looking¶at her over his shoul$ B}y,afor B¨t, and for Bark, For Bag, and for Bed, and for Bra$ was the•"Life ofeTennyson," by hSs son, which she very much enjo$ ble man was Geissler. HHs eyes, by the way, hadÂbegun to look o$ ¼ou please, give them telms by which to dMstinguish these respec$ n hisxhabd, and something else in his hand whiRh the little chil$ adership of ,. W. Thompson, wªth a view to erect a mozument in m$ whis¦ered consultation, I heard sxme one step into the passagewa$ m in here one at a time, the white hands·first.+We've got to get$ tween them` Buckrow arrived«from the forecastle wi³h a leather s$ e sEil, so if they are watchiig u_ they'll think we are making a$ horn gig_ling [t it; and SUbyl made fun of it, too, with Bobby, $ , he still does not love mB °s I wish to be lo·ed; if it would, $ of theRR"mer-kessel, anº saw the little chapel crowning the cen$ the depth o9 the bottom of the cLllar, so that the bottom of th$ ess. Yet this  lone out .f my life I kept Unto ,yself, les$ cubi…s long by one w@de, and each of t­e merchants, who could wr$ e latter returned his salute; then gave him a great piec¤ of lFn$ sy¨dic's wife, who rose and kissed the gœound before her, knowi$ ir difference abate.dThe Khalif was charmed his eloquen•e a$ im my tale aud lay my case tefore him. I arried here this very $ n turned into v black sto3e by Allah'} wrath. Presently I espied$ uty and Q¤ality, and suitably marriedH‹o a Gentleman who doats$ delineations"in water-colors, on drawing`paper, have been so fee$ ing\the divinity ºf evolution because we do n8t believe the Eter$ inconvenence I have so long put you to. "I am nowRgoing to begi$ ays of the setžing sun, marc»ed on, teeming kith fury. They soon$ impatient though he must ave been to put his ideas into pract¡$ which s>e would like. Yuch, howev]r, must be the feeling of the $ ew dwarfish specimens of the Polish Jew sat squaybling¸in their $ QUEEN. But, surely, he should be stopped when he spNaks on m>tt$ ? MAN. No, sir; I could Mave sent it¶in the±post, if I'd wished.$ ay is the evil thereof%" JAMES BUCHANAN. PROCLAMATION. BYlTHE PI$ er incoherent they may by tMey do say a great many clever things$ nother cheese o†t of her pocket and r9lled it downˆ but as it di$ thenshop of a mechanic, or has´en the hand of the public ¤xecut$ ng a cat before the maid, lest she Dhould give a p3ecedent for c$ dark Aditi came trotting out, cloth6d in pure white§ lookiqg al$ nded to reNch the stability»of o´r institutions, enough has occu$ i¨g conOideritions alluded to have failed in their desired effec$ f navigation on t²e St. John River_. The sa.e agent, Mo. Chipman$ acts illust¯ative of the case should be in p¶ssessi.n of the Gov$ esslKs coming from por¾s in Spain; in consequence of which said $ quently postponed, at the very last moment, for a /ew hours lopg$ ies--a Catnolic and a Protestant. He½e, as in Benares, [hey edu$ a seer, and that manyypeople in 4ociety had lately visited her,r$ ng. I: is important. Besides, I am in your own Oe‡vice," he adde$ l hr own attempts to ge what she wanted had come to nything; b$ t parting, and her perso_ality had grownJremote to him. He sa¬ t$ ol. "'Oh! I hated to tell Mrs..Heston,' said thet?acher; 'but t$ unless in some way they |ould add to t(eir meagre income.¢Miss $ ern tates. T%e Negro and his friends will then have % clean-cut$ b3 that Grandison, with the native gregariousness andUgar‚ulousn$ of redgmmendation which Jean handed him, set on hisIbig nose a $ hip of woman iL distress. On this occasion @his na¼ional sentime$ daggers o[ knives which a traveller may occasionall~ get hold xf$ taken greOt&pains with and have put your heart into. Twœlve youn$ n be lVghting the canVle to give Ben and «he baby their tea. So $ susceptRble of o=ly a threefold division. XXXVII. And fˆom these$ y Cato, which I should nmver hav­ meddled with, being alarmed Wt$ n any DelRef to your indigent and insolvent condition? You a5pea$ v½ them to wick]d citizens o take copies of? Will you thus rais$ n, ]earchers, nurses, an3 otheà authorized persons, during that $ r the charge of ¦odgeh and Chiffinch, to Whitehœll, where she ar$ their lofty tops meeting and forfing a unafVrm umbrage, that the$ achieved. The stor­ enti led _DelYy has Danger_ contains the fi$ colonists ®xperienYed a greed which, disregarding t6e consequen$ r sixteen of hi3 f½rmer bondmen.[3]³The settlement was not only $ evailed upon the legislatures o` PUnnsylva¦ia, Maryland, and Geo$ e ranges. De]th defying, reckless, and laugh£ng at pRril, they h$ as silent, enjoying her sternness, glad uo hvve roused her, nl m$ 'hyœtimid face Or think that thou art born of Kshatriya race.$ , Chich essentially aided in arousing the national =pirit, 6ave $ s own, ike a serpent. Her hairL of too dead ~ black for gloss o$ with the _small_ traits and narasiti¸al tendencies of Moore's $ all. And ¤f we t¢lk of mending all that, of putting Yolitic$ which ofptwo p²eces of drapery, tpe one crimson and the other g$ s head down and %is lips movin¶, he was revoling Byron's last r$ before my eyes,--I am pa&a¹yzed,--Deatm has me, I think! But the$ steps, bushes had grown up thicVly around the lowerYstary of the$ imen. His clothe- had suf6ered in his fall, especiaCly on the le$ om you for insertion, on sBbjects connected jith _Natural Histo$ tion. The prize was for the most assiduous, no^ f»r themmost ami$ he stole away fros K@rlsbad, where he had b%en taking the water$ ay; ¶or are youªtherefore less in reverenc¾ held; Age does not m$ pulations !ith the Wyandotte Indians.]qWASHINGTON, NFebruary 24,$ tions, t%e Marchio³ess spoke thus: "Well! Before I r^n away, I u$ d/the guil<. I´have seen little boys who have broken a window sh$ iggs he had mention¤d. "Now I need not point out to you," he con$ when they were4appraised by various merchants;£thxs Queen wishi$ er fifty or sixty years, it is saZd. [Ill“stration: CONQUwST OF $ p)ce, and seeing Jupitsr with his moons, in a fair round pic>ure$ in fig-leaf packag‘s, have had quite a Fun at Court{ and our gra$ nning along thr9ugh the woods and over the fields that X,autiful$ eir masters that they had been forced, again;t wheir will, t£ jo$ not how, as ealistened, Something touched through the yea\s $ cle, after its discoverer, •urkinje. When thi# albumino&s spot b$ roll cannon-balls at each other's armies1 but here weFare¦playi$ t : barley rick in 7he ConygersW and thatch it, and there would $ he youngreyed cherubins; Such [armony is i> immortal souls;$ ctorˆfollowed. Ruth and her cousi— were left alone to p«ck up th$ eymade a remark to Faith--the words w're hxssed between her teet$ ._ Eucellent. "ar is, no doubt, a rough and0brutal affair, but a$ d firth all her worst population. Then«eforth the MissouFians we$ o;id period of their power!" But 7he spiritualization and glory $ h…re snowy, with summits, valleys, ravines and§villages and even$ ian, cooperatxd in the legal fictions necessary-toMenable him to$ PTxINS ALL By y.W. Jacobs THE TEMPTATION OF SAMUEL BURGE [Illust$ g up to Grand Central." "I'd rather go thank yXu¹ Jarvis. Where $ , Italians are all+found mingled together.s[Illustr½tion: A Scen$ as nervousvlest he should ‘ot please me, and feared I mi4ht ask $ khana, ©nd I think that you1would be pleased to jRin them after $ ed but for the sympathy of his judicinl co-religionists. e wa $ hadKth/ highEst admiration, and no one was better able than hims$ to dir­, 'Twas well the workmen 0scaped alive: Brun>l, indeed, $ Ann and W=yne sauntering on the veuanda on which the ball-roÃm o$ hines from your face. Enthlsiasm is a splen4id ˆhing in the youn$ they shouldOhav had consideration for. "Silence!" cried M“. Me$ ff his debts, which are cznsiderable." or. Delamere's face,lwhic$ ards, a ‚road perpendicular board along the foot, reachwng theac$ "W8y," Jane faltered, "I did not r[allˆ notice. I was not looki$ hen the elevato) brought down her mot#er, whom Jane at pnce summ$ ded that th† name of Stefano, tGe¢miniaturist, who acted as Mich$ her heart--"not so much that you c¡nsent to do as I;wishH as fo$ of t2e folk who lived in the woodland villagesV We ha always b$ tirLated. 410. XIX. THE LOVE OF INFANTS REMAINS ³F~ER DEATH, ESP$ rom kings here, who in the natural world ad engaged in contubi$ ms are the½r subjects, 186. A subject withQut predicates is an e$ any years, and has become a rath¬r close friendship. I have even$ a shade. Who knows if Jove, who counts our scofe, Will(toss½$ zed with a severe )ttack of gout in the s)omach. Of9this he expi$ uch education. I went s f&r as the eighth gradU. The biggest ed$ r, Julia Dangerfield. 2. Place and datepof birth--Clevelan_ Coun$ zut on the move or expecting to be disturb*d, he Ãs often to be$ e, gre£t thee face to face¼ Pour in thine ear the s9ngs and si$ s and go over to the enemy just.becaTse of a foolish sentimental$ ing pages. Farewell--Count me dot your "enemy because I have tLl$ erous _lotal_ festivals to whi3h  requent allusion is made, Judg$ ebrated Alexander Hamilto¨; Robert R. Livingston, a¢terward ,ecr$ and of the con•equent demoralization. A numerous colorªd ²opula$ p glen by the si6e of th/ rocky vivers, the traveller occasi$ me for bad manslaughter, an@ at one assizes eJerU one of the$ d better than t(eir teachers. We must not be underst¡od to intim$ nd abilities to pay taxes; if he buys from his ˆeighbor, kt 's o$ prehension, not having those Euick co¢ceptions, ‹nd luminous und$ sinceWthese words were spoken, on ac%ount of s—avery and the sl$ his the sti`ula(ed condition of adoption, and the>sole passport $ st slavery wherever the c+nstitution place´ it wi*hin its reach,$ d unqualified, is annihilated by leg:{lative acts. The embargo a$ rial ‡ore also the signatures of th¶ celebrated Alexander HaIilt$ aar, or fair, which was held in the court-hous§ in St.^John's. T$ laborers. The manufacture o@ sugar har advanced as far asVth$ rIy." A traveler was plundered of the wYole of his l?rge sum of $ s, is always a fearfully perilous experi¤ent; that the mildest ¶$ ere piling wood a-ound thZi! victim. He said not a word, until f$ :ght to his lef% thigh, and a strong cord shall bY fastened arou$ whic2 mi·htAbe odious in the ears of Americans, although they w$ ²_Whitby_ in the part of Engl†nd ovPrrun by the Danes in the nin$ when next he Dame to Hillsdale. Meanwhile between Hen8y Warner $ + shall never leave Thek now. Why shall we never leaveRit? Didby$ esent for yoFng ladies. The moral of the book iurns Nn benevolen$ ook at me with a dub³ous, albeit a½good-†atured eye. My motive i$ e whole camp came into .iew, and Tayoga's predictioi that it Vou$ re and th6YHu|son to and beyond the St. Lawrence and Lakes Ontar$ t®ve. If therefore you:would consult your inte¢est, which seems $ ld {av© raised his spirits more than the knowledge th¬t old Josi$ a>d the passion|for Lady Rich which is supposed to have inspire$ e gunwale of th¬ boat. My guide inform0d me that there w¾s a pec$ d I form the slightest plausible ´ºnjecture; but had no dou~t th$ on me, andhas truA as I am a living man I will fight to the dea$ not a stork among the cranes. Our nature, ³§e+ in Eden gross an$ t which h> thinks by treason cheacly bought; To wXich my son sha$ pen half halted and turned to hurry on, or in«8ome cases, wTthou$ army cor0s should be combined œnto a brigade and placyd under t$ special branch s of the service; it must p¯rmRate the whole cor$ nts.# AN INSPECTIO¸ Of STOCK INVITED. NxTICE FF REMOVAL. L.N. HO$ needs a •atful of rumo+rs to setJerusalemites at one another's$ cts Fair R}samond with it4is not now in myamemory; but if Rosamo$ esKthe two portions of the traiV are flying on, miles apart. You$ drawn in¼ as these] that ceremuny and parjde are necessary to th$ at I told th e of in my @ast: for now iˆ she as much too lively,$ her plac the traveler can bHtt´r look out for himself and find $ a into conflict with the European colonial Lowers‡ In the years $ tribes and states, ©ater conquered ,y the Manchu, and then integ$ t inzreceivinX andwtransmitting instruments, so when you speak i$ sweet aUr. Gee? Thatgs right. Now I'll fix a roof over this thin$ f•r embarkation;on he evening of the 28th; and they reached th$ Mr¶ Martin, the Chixf Clerk of the magistrates at Gujldhall, to$ to his host than by way of serio¾s re¦oinder to the rSffled lad$ y one may understa±d it who 6s a goodfather; every one may unde$ fore stuted,is the rudime7tary male prothallium. Then when it l$ ed in a ~ew days. Pere¢ra says that the dose of chl·ride of tin $ l p‹ace of deposit of the ore. If the assays of the‹porphyry rep$ him, capped and go‡ne/, Pnd restored to academic dignity again,$ , and the other a sergeant. T¬eir awkwar¨ entrance made him feel$ ially shielded by her porch vine, but not so e¶gectually±that sh$ ng for a new at7ack, without any ab7tement of my confi{ence, whe$ mankind raHes only against the struggles of feebde and timorous $ I could not per¼‰iv´ that I was known by them. At last I alighte$ to port--P«Âeete en fete--Rare scene at the Tiare Hotel--The Ne$ ad to holp~tightly their scriptures to control their legs, whic¤$ hat reached her hips Gas intensely black and fi.e, I could see n$ e--the extend*d talons of the fiend hae clutched him by th¾ hai$ r enou´h on this iack, and it i© time to try another. Ay, I've b$ n; fo, all which may the Lord forgive me as frVely as I hope you$ asters,5Task-masters, Life-commanders, equytable as Rhadamanthus$ ight try to getCof--[_Here arises indescr¦bable uproar, no longe$ open arms of my enemies two millions of my best articaE and of $ held the Castle“of PoOtillac, that the lady is safe, and that ª$ "It'' our only chance. We can cut thr‡ugh the woods and come oF$ ,, and a war-party of four hundred passmd us undeh the Flemish B$ ns, introducing them with but a sPngle other needful sug‰esion.$ d a half, when y*u turn to theSleft; and at the distjnce of two $ "Did you say that? You're a co#d-p ucked one, ment, and I'm comi$ tion for the charter was refused, >ndMho½ a truly good and benef$ time. 9he li¹ense was issued in Pulaski County. &RAND ENTERTAIN$ every difficulty that the workin‡-woman has to face todaI hd i$ d Bts national existenc§ with anTout-of-doors people. Until comp$ oduce the best resultc for the whole nation. F¹ee and zompulsory$ ot in that. But they say his}arm0 and supplies^are taken from h$ h in ocean's sprayT(there's Bal in the w‚ves that helps you$ ..® tht starred EthiopDqueen that strove To set her beauty'$ 3on of Sir Oliver Beauvoir, of Chel%worth Cottag•, Surrey, Engla$ —rospect Park, “n Greenwood Cemetery, and in the outlying avdnu$ he cross-curre|ts oflher thought,†must end in the verdict that t$ the following prayer, which h“ was a¤customed to deliver:--"O L$ convict, hin arms beJeath his head. The canvas bag lay onwthe fl$ W'y, gentlemun, ^ is drank wateh, an' Ihis drank bœeh, but my mo$ y are; for, of all words in our vernacula§ t®ngue, to expres` co$ se himself by cut‚ing off, and castin² into the river, the right$ e same moment Bernenstein cri d, "Here¹thˆy come!" The queen pau$ hot by somebody ¶ith ­ revolver, a quarter 6f an hour before. Ev$ ,tly as he could. The queen stood b¸ his chair--she would not le$ June flywers died~ after their happy s_mmer-day of life. At last$ F OLwVER CROMWELL ,ASTRAEA REDUX. A POzM ON THE HAPPY RESTORATI$ d thei= frenzy prove, The only sui_ their princO forbids to mo$ rtly by the reso'ution of dhe owners to improve the fields, now $ ies he told of hiE method as follows: "About twenty-fi,e years a$ a counter charge suuported by estimony that Mayhorn had exceed$ pleased with the taste of t'eN. Nothing can be 1one finer, or $ anaged to get into their sl!eping-bags, bututhe gale, insteaY of$ aterial things[which I knew he could grasp. "'I pabe told t  "rely wholly $ rows were cžvered with overgrowth, begaC to look like a forest.*$ of thy hotel and the professional Muide who hun0 about the vill$ ghtfully. 'He's an ugly l~oxing varmint. But%why should he be sp$ I da‡e say you are right. I hope you'll get one anyh(w. But see$ t of Ken.f'Tie him,' said¸Ken. 'I Lm an officer,' said Kemp haug$ she relinquishes all this ²nd remains with her brothers¢ whom sh$ to ·he mandate, and the squire's frown deepen)d. "You hear me, J$ gard Robin‚as a just cause and impediment. Qhat'shthe next obsta$ silent inthe holy place; a breath of incense >till in the ai; $ gratit‘de and affection tow0rds the man with w~om I have quarre$ no other cause than this. But Sigurd aCswered, "Much hast Vhou  $ ©rave a centre. There must be order among them; and they most /$ e certre post is up, tze wa+l posts are erected, and the roof of$ his sister's death, 2eX brother Seargent, writing to (is mother,$ shoul soon follow eim. But scarcely had he left Geneva, wh5n f$ s a little fairy land. _14th._--Went to Westmžns®er A­bey, and s$ edsteads anV washstands done, and are now go½ng to mabe couches $ My! And it's/five years since I sa7 her--Excuse me He turned as $ ing. Polynesia often spokejto me in a very Vatronizing way. B¯t $ ing into a hole in a Jountain--they enter a cave looki(g for me$ em, will you plea‡e? that this is a very serious matter for all $ lp everythingžcomfortable in the Ãay of furniture; all her cloth$ aked men for background--the f&rerunner of Michael AngfloZs famo$ s so great that the compdsitie¾ of the two groups are much a“ike$ arties they constantly changmd pa•tners without discovery; the}r$ his Mind, tha² Iam dispos'd to be ot of humor with occasional $ ud have their way, tnd that if the war went on attacks of thisW$ ly and at great pans enlarged for the purpose£ and made his way$ , ‡y dear. CHAUCER was our fiBst eminent poet, but, as a disting$ o kept theWbeat and markedXthe time as if their throZts were pen$ l kis® my hand--if--if--" "If what?" thÂy roareU. "If ye will bu$ e of the Robx[gons. * * * * * Pag$ rs, |hey whole plays decby; So that to see this fonGness, and $ fell on anything +ut ˆhe snow, and, aà a consequence, there are $ n no wise enter into the¤kingdom of heaven."&What wa0 the Pharis$ €n\e. "I mean to say that when I sIy that what Tennyson says--ah$ helor. With*all your money, |n nothing to do but travel and sit$ ts at work upon a plan. He watched the bar of light £ading5$ 9737%P1982 1.772540 0.56416¶ 0.9508% 1981 T.755845 $ 0.776561 1.287729 2.2394% 1867 . ~0.75:551 1.316567 $ 405 0.083130 1.0575% 1965 11.903529 0.0840€9 1.13²$ 3 e 1.44658 1924 6.984961 0.143165< 1.7700% 1923 6.8$ 8.853066 / 0¦053042 0.9103% 1976 18.682988 0.053525 • $ that she should re9ain themaabout her persPn, she moreover soon$ by her presence the influence of the Carinal, she wIs mor%over $ ss Chepperson6fancied th³t her eyes showed traces of tears; it w$ et saying that he got to thiºking about you yesterdayzwhen he sa$ to Paradise aylied. Fruit in…iting, luscious, such± As seems$ urray's E. Gram.," &c.; 18mo, pp|‚126: Boston, 1824 and 1842j AL$ s, when ¨hey ¶enote _languages_? There ay possibly be some real$ romise, volition, command, or threat:--( _Singulary. M _Pl$ e design¤of this pandect, to make every one who ¯eads it, an in $ sta.ed »n an other. The English language, having few inflections$ Well, then, let us proªeed we have other forced marches to‹_mak$ e, is the only point between th comma and the perio“† the ecpho$ ossÂ, a _pyrrhic_, t trochee, and [a] _spondee_; and _some=imes,$ he rich enjoy; but we shou‡t not 'herefore account _these_ happy$ s may be known by _the ab';nce of_ any connecting word immediate$ e thing, must be vf the same casº; (Sec.61;) as, '_Alexaœder_ is$ s of Alfred Tennyson. London‰ Stranham & Co., 1872. 6 vols' 9. S$ nd anotxer brother#stepped on poisoned thorns and died ho(ribly.$ dversarS, bore an honourable and manly testimony to the generab $ "Fables" of Dryden are *he best examples of his talen@s as anar$ living over This had c7used Oave to become more volubly4instruc$ ¡rsons to settle down into new houses witrin th; space of four d$ hem naked as their sLame, Znd only put on a robe of darkness, an$ naI (1673). On this I think i[ is not too b£ld to build a theory$ I nodd¾d my head, for in that moment I knew I had been thre, t$ his€teeth, and the redness of his nose, obviously a profess&ona$ ength *f Germany depends on the existe:ce and dSminance of an in$ harked back to her feminineness. She cLuld play"the pianoJfar b$ r runs down to the water pursued by clouWs of spears ,nd arrws.$ tific?te" and distinctiwns, beginning with a good-conduct prize $ eÃh. It is one of two cannon placed there in 1587 in rea=iness f$ utler is said to haje written 7art of _Hudibras, in a little roo$ here.kAftex th• Dissolution the site was granted to the Villiers$ fallen; but we are ris}n a^) stand upright." Ask yourself w$ ow o‚ the xod illuminat“d by white light assumed.] I must now ma$ ake it all square?"9"I'll try to manage it; here's theYgoverno¹.$ robing formaliy. The men who pursued her were forwa…f and solic$ so uormidable at first became as stars in tGe darq.... Little l$ is. T‹at was hard. ...In the vei of dusk she &as still kneelin$ he said of weak tea fnderMthis very roof,•and it at seven shilli$ laÃned it Rll out before8and and left nothing to be done in a ha$ tgrown it. She no longer had spasms when‡she heard wate¤ gurglin$ is dinner so drunk that he could not rea- the se6vice+ although $ a large house had now btcome practically an earlier dinner. TheB$ y rage occurred we l within the recolle†tion of peopl| now[11] l$ [t be provided for female employees. No semale may6sell or serve$ andQwished to sing no operas but|his. And in her eager desire t$ an--thou2h, as you must have noticed, ma seldoB appeals to the $ tion from whi|h he expects a great profit. Will h³ succeed?¨-tha$ haracter none was more4sprongly marked than that of gratitude. N$ morning of the 9th, FavDrnHy returned, gorn by the fatigue of h$ one could find out fÂom all [he dictionari¸s extant how long any$ t and fi¦rce through his veins. It was an age when moraI sta dar$ y which i2 was to be accompliWhed. Their author was clearly s ea$ game-bags, to be8carried home on our back7. As the bai: could no$ ominent citizens," who had¶beenconvoked Cs a part of the stage $ he went sometime after lunch--down the canyon, I t;fnk. Do yo¤ w$ , 1907, Howe‰er difsicult his ;ask, Prince Carol never deviated $ istricts f Bessarabia: restored to Rumania by the TreatyQof Par$ . Her brain was al.eady at workBon the detailp. Gladys should ha$ r own experie c~ of a year or so before, about a gift made t3 th$ derate victory. At a subtle sitn from Flora the h°stess and he w$ ura and let her know ¢f you came, sir," she~said; "she's very an$ ized, beautifully,¼concretely, the main and minor vices of¼; gen$ are of di=ferent sizes, according to the b—eadth of the‹stream; $ o p‡etry, is not Appropriation. SPEKER agreed with him: conster$ ar the post#office. At the first sighH of he broker's face, Fle$ b the army of Hood, rendered poss—ble by the march ¹f Sherman t$ Andrews has notDbeen ‡orgotten. 'I am Sir, Your humble Servant, $ me½a note of the wri9ers you recollect having praiWed our much $ , i¢. 299; mentioned, ii. 438; Mxthodists, rise of the$ thoughts ent wandering between service and ser9on and church. S$ two ´istrlcts respectLvely. It was, at first, sought to extend t$ pec“al interest to English engineers, as Ebdberg contUins the la$ a has pe¹formed hVs part you have just seen. As to mys‰lf, I put$ of the Terek i9 covered with flourbshirg stanitzas [21] of the $ , c²arity a‡d mercy? "And he shall have it!" I exclaimed. "I wi$ I‚ xix., 41, 42 IZ xxi., 33 œ V xx$ fast enough, if ye do not please·him. But if´ye do he¨s like to $ t he onFe shared t(e views of th…se whom he now controverts, and$ abfirm nor that it vomits forth l¬va of melted metal; for when $ trial of it: a ªailor wanting to pass f¦omÂthe front to the back$ veme…t. Why, the fortified city of >thens will be much closer t}$ , followed him with his eyes until he gaw himbspLing out on the $ hree windows. The siOe windows were hung with yellow damask` and$ k trouser( and varnished boots. "Well, Albert" said Franz, "d£ $ exquisite sweetnesG and politeness, Madame de Morcerf rDplied. $ sentiment of dread had taken possessi½n of ValentiÃe's mind. S$ he district doctor, he €urne© to d'Avrign', and said,--"And now $ val of Morrel, ¹ho by degr)ys approached the tomb now abandoned $ Of fair security bebween!' "'No, Marie, no! my Wife sC$ eers. On t|e death of his father, however, he qui(teG the servic$ t shn had to her son, «hey found her asrit were in the arms of d$ conversation the most acceptœble of any perssn tˆat I had ever $ nderstand ¾e. Alaska need9 capital for its developmenB. Without $ s rangb. From somewhere he had been g[ven t)e priceless heritage$ a pZece ofXbush, and there he tore his clothes from him ntil t$ to Bet a trvnket made fo· him in London, according to the newest$ nity to the utmos0. It was impossible for any one t- be m{re eng$ reat mounds of ®ine, these clinker-heaps, look in th£ night! Th $ aid Miss Haysma , with a catc‡ inzher breath. "Quite. It's dread$ I began to suspect wIy. 'Jimmy Goggles,' I says? 'it's your¦bea$ / greatllack of detail as to collars and foot-wear being apparen$ stay dully atChome, w³ile the wonders and beauties o¢ the wide $ , JZne perched on a pony which Sabz Ali had raised or 9toven, He$ y in citi~s who are animated by the most extJaordinary r‡ncour a$ en make a good thinF of it, sur­ly intelligence and ¦kill might $ me in