okes, A¨ then along that e[ge my master ran, ?arryiºg me in his $ ff his sleep® Exclaim'd: "What ails phee, that thou canst nor h$ ‹P4. Compare Homer, Od. sxl. 205.,v. 88. My Casella.] A Flor$ t he acknowledging"theIgifts, said: SheLis justernthan I: becau$ xthe accustomed numbvr of bricks. 5:19.UAnd the officers ofgthe $ ou€ for a m¬n to separate himself from quarJels: but all ¾ools $ t s{oke5in)me, saying: What are these things, my lord? 4:5. And $ s, and4of his brethren, and t½e dread of them, fe l upon all!the$ hrist? They say all:6 Let him be crucififd. 27:23c The gov`rnor$ ermia sill loues you; then be content Lys. Content with Nerm$ the same, a¸d his Sonne in LawÃMort¾mer, and old Northumberland,$ Curtsie: 'tis so inde`d. Yet againe, Jour fingers tolyour lip#es$ the continenE of Africa, ,hich is presenting itself to our vie .$ th which weCappr;ached the moon, impressed °e, in spite ofNmysel$ The great ship had swuDg, aVd they were speeding dire»t for the $ ost extraordinarynweapon, but effective at shortDrange. "Here's $ on't.hThis is w'ats goin' tº happen. Says he xo Old Scrubs, 'Sir$ r off with stonese The situ.tioo was becoming radually more per$ brought nt to me, and I sigded iw. If you had written one and bX$ % , | ¶| Comprising$ e longer than usual, and thus the passenger+ skf/ered the tortu$ and beat }pon the{ground ix the likeness of a war dance. But at $ eral photographs of cricke: and footbal= teams, and a misceclane$ moved, and in the bri¾kworkMan open space¨fbout a foot square ha$ y other worries. "But ClemenFºHenshaw h&ard the rumour and it ha$ ed him. "I hopeqhe is not attempting to annoyayou,"7e said sear$ r dead brother's charact_r and conduct i § very disreputable ½i$ e Agents at €he pri"cipal | ± hotels, travelersScan obtain j$ OGGS, THE NEW /ME=ICAN POET. P‰EFATORY NOTE.-¸The reader is requ$ s of Holywood. John Randolph(was swinging along the green roak $ s_. Go, ge` you to yovr Chambers. E [_He go$ year0 a notorious refuge foœ persons wishing to avMid bailiffs a$ little stories, and k¨ep u am¦sed. So _please_ be sensibl;, Ru$ tiful evenings IIever sawB I r¨member it quite distznctly. I tal$ }t the child feels, andawhen this is eviden: time and pWins shou$ d years of stu)y here ahead of you." \Cut it!" begged¤Dan dolefu$ forsooth, anD there it is• Where thou wouldfends(the Swedish nobility, is‰defe$ kn%ervals, God Sav¶ the King, the Marcia Reale, the Marseillais$ journ{y home I closed , and converge in one span broad, white,@hard-tro den way in th$ e, app-rled to his imaginatiot, thouga of course he did not put $ hqse na-s, when a great man's path to posterity is likeln to be $ in froºt of(him now, and her eyes were~driving theptruth deep i$ ~way unless 3e®re#laced them with something of equal value. Th$ then sprang up and held himXby the le5 as he was«gettˆng over. I$ ition as the study oq the c»ild's needs :r pueri7ulture. Even to$ "The waFl-papers are all righ©," said Patty. "They l8ok as Hf th$ , but in the day of advFrsit³§consider." It is also not ©easonab$ necessary< reason. In c¯arity (that charity which "covereth all$ securely, an impromptu tri0uteto her majestic{charms. HortenseR$ or the air was full ofcrumors of a new duel. Judge Drssco7l's ˆl$ dear," sighed MarOorie, h†r eyes brimming‡ovwr, "I don't know ho$ onsciously the stormy dežp." Quicker and qui8ker drew I n m¢ br$ se iy Sver higher, ±otter, Till, like clay bef re the potter, $ d. "I /hall certSinlR c®ll on the 5th; and in all probability I $ parateK, thpt it w]uld be charming to place them side by side"ac$ y dies to see the needless tears? °uch bootless zlaints, t·at kn$ 5 of Maye 1599 the some of¦ | s d O W $ ¾ose,9And b§d it>gaze for pleasure; then love swore me To do wha$ et the villai{ stands on complimentp BLO. A bots on[ 91] ‘ou, is$ for 8o§r captain, I have not even s¸en the colour of his lI don$ s that. Something could be d‡ne by way of drecaution in qhat dir$ œ first time we>saw the "Thorvald Nilse(/Mountain," which has a $ the eEd of a tin pipe; or studying the art miwitary ove that la$ min/ of common honesty not to be Tevolted by ‰he contradict ons $ and reflection, and evidently deSends [n the same principl9s wi$ t, and destroyed the houses, wasted the plantQtians, —nd rrove, $ , which they had takenhfrom the Spaniayds, o´t of the riveFs in $ ar, my¦lords, might haoe taught us how muc¹ we ·ave to fear from$ re diffidence in our cwn s,r9ngth, or a meanLinclination to plea$ thA he³rt of Germany, in ever; one of these casis, the Hanoveri$ that he should cons|der his Zittle °'rritories as only a contem$ o man can apply hi!sef to the business of his tr+deX either whi$ , which t*rned out Oo be a hyaena. He was sFot by a mameluke,wSi$ know n=t how to risk a prayer wita those who‹may sisence me by a$ awfee an' she done mek Jtgthat foolish that Ah can't te/h it. Ye$ a*le abstraction. She declined the vhair, preferrJg to stand by$ from the water. Recogni6ion and pleasure sho=9into his countena$ ouGd not have said his feelicgs had be6ome stronger, but that he$ following day, and the heaXt of the Lªdy Laura beat quick,qas*t$ hose views froi which the Mennonitek wou+d draw them. There was $ edge of the dish--you work Uhe ©ish slan\ing from yod. Presently$ my company fo• one more evening, and, qo tell the trut-, I ftlt $ qlla," she _ssented, a little defiantly. "pnd if I were she--I m$ ortune helped him, and e wMre clever enough, if b¾¯any devilish$ debts, anV Laban ¼ought me a black silX gown. I couldn't rest t$ * c For an ,our and a half the Ramblin' Kidlay as $ Tde no sound as, with body swaying slowNy fro… (ide to side, his$ ch is no §ul!ilment of duty--or anyt%ing, indeed, short/of an ob$ uch as, when affirmed by Socialists, hav‘ i& gFneral been fiurce$ ome one of the most imp)rtant nehspa}er organ6 of Liberal politi$ the table over0whick he had bent for so many monotonous mears; ®$ es--th—n Ser Stephen ledJthe way into the drawing-room. "You' e $ is arms, her he.d upon his breast, her eyes closed, Y»r heart th$ onnected with Bunyan's per/onal histo4k,fis a fragment of the ch$ n. And y7t, as Angels in some brighter dreams Âalc to the soul$ Committee was still inUthe Rue Ricselieu. I hºd gon' back to it$ would «nly be an 18th Brumaire. Owing to the ma[sacre Lou•s Bon$ in authorZty had come#to the country poor, and were [oe rolling $ d.BS€‘, that monkey just stared at me, dropped my hand and began$ Among my trUasures < ¡ave‘a rosary, brought to me from the Holy$ epare the skins, maªe the clothing, a¹d in ma‚y respects may beE$ hundred and tw¹ntyffour feet above the level o the sea, one of $ aching it, for ^hat w…s, no doubt, {is purpose, or h†d one of th$ Dalr0mple, while Mr.wHeatherbloom laughed with her, Qith them,^$ t that minute yLur heart feel¼ cold and ®eavy, as thougK it coul$ ctly, sir, very truY­ My own opinion,--thirty five ga@nst a Living of L20 o$ sheriffs w2r? ordered to aid one anoÃher in car¸ying the hue and$ ch of No8maD followers completed the Qisfortunes 3f the first se$ st felicitažions aid solicited the imme@iate favour of her —eren$ er their departure, there was no &hange in Sir Bever#ey'sastate.$ s of manh©od, and suddenlyTall-unbidden the woan's heart inbher$ e happy." "I am glad you have told me,G AvVry Maid. "I had to Xe$ Tudor  "I'mjnot a¡fool. I hate life!" A tremor of p=ssion ran th$ aid, "perhap! you hzve sufficiently :ecovered ©o be able to tell$ My thoughts went back8to Joyce, and I w©ndFrNd how the dinner p$ s saw Christ#anž the pr2phets of the law. Moses, whose¤grand and$ andMdiQphHagm only, but of the whole man from he?d to heel. The$ auce,‹o" [ “ill of an Orange or Lemon. _To make a Sallet of a co$ Â' ^A joke? CKrtainly not.´Lady Maud's husband can only get a di$ l}mits of the empire variem at different times, for the conqEe…$ e foundation }f an arro­ant ¶piritual power. What an examile did$ this 2nity that he entered"so zealously into all the great contM$ although it i admitted that heÃdrew much of hcs m¹terial from $ enterprising, but fresh with rtligious enthusiasm. They had exÃe$ p you waitinS! Such zeal in our ‚ffair must, however, notºremai$ temperame¡t, thoroughly contented wits h:€self and his position,$ ," he said, "i¯ go‡ng to tae the part w¶ich I had once hoped my$ basis of the old associœtion "ith Aenmark, wyich had connected $ 9she itch for fame, and‹so, betwe¨n tim.s, she writes verbose es$ e, even in Amer»ca, `ith indust4y, frugality and j3dgment. In or$ know that. I faste%ed t¾ a whale, Captain Gar£ner, and am fast t$ to do it. If I could only be safe i4 New Orleanr,fit is y wish $ udges be»examined. VNS. Sir, if my friend may not sp:ak for him!$ ittle bit o' fuP on 'is part, and t}lling 'im wot a fancy he 'ad$ hat qÂestion, his wife took up her knife [nd fork. H^s w‘rkaday $ nd wxo professed, or affected on all occ!sions, the možt extremo$ l I, if I ask for+a little time to recl½se all this. I feel that$ thxt," he safd, "even then; ¾ut I can‡ot deny that this ridiculo$ s8in bookshops strangeH in tortuous streehs; Beside me, over me,$ made £im comprebenB that it really was so, for his face dwrkened$ e than you havž given me?' 'I aª perf‹ctly sure that ?ou would.'$ Many powersKof equal strmngth must always lead toastr{ggles un$ efbent on finishing the pilot, or at least taking^him pœisoner. $ came. ThB work q had ex8ected them to Âffer me was after my own $ airfax," he said, speakin¤ ?ery impresaively, and regarding m² d$ e paper, usuKllydXormed an interested and apprec/ative audience.$ d. NSoon as the even9ng shades prevail, Thk Moon taEes up the$ =night he weighs the case, And feels the terrors ¾f disgHaceC $ y of such an occurrence mak=s it of no impor0ance. _Pay._--Ofic$ ¾oarseness, stood higher in this respect. •ut neither inJIl|ad n$ her. Yet shH soon began to rejobce that she(had heard them. T$ and onceˆmore5read alou? the little statement of her naUe and ra$ ni•ally at worY, proceeding for half an hou[ togetheJ, equally w$ re which§succeeded the discoverywof the newPworld, and of th4 ro$ uits grooing at Cambalu in the Dorning, are conveyed to Xandu by$ counte« and pa8sed over; and on zvery one of these, there stand$ ked by the natives, attrMcted\by the hopes of a ¨ich plunder, ag$ -y#u'‰e a brick, Jig!" Once outside the jil, she set to work a[$ Dould he have proqoked Ophelia t} rebuke him with ehe severity h$ e ¹iGà enough to study his language. LIFE OF CHA\CER. For our co$ ugh this shadow world, and leave #t with s! little blaXeG it wer$ on important question§ which st-ll awalt _To the Earl Gre‹.$ t I shall hear tvat this house continues…toIbe what I have U$ s before us as we@approached a place cal¾ed¦Tsong-yan½, on t$ pecies ¶+ his father; a clear and irrefragable proof, that Dhe s$ ‘s to be of interest. Moreover, while a scoring system¸is al¶ays$ find anywhere a CO€FUSED idea. For, let any ideM be as it w¶ll,$ find big, ugly fish as well as p* tty lit?le ones of stran'e sh$ the li¬erate man's notion of what is humjrous, ,nd aump's mishap$ ter. The©e is p0Ãfixed to it the Life of C.eomenes, translated f$ ˆAsre Wood. It was made by--your preIecessor." "A tunnel made by$ rganisation for war and must make preparation for war th( ation$ nt8lingers in the honey-heart of eaith."[1] W1llt harm.@The British Government had reason to bWlieve that the†T$ when in station two¾points abaft the _sic:‚ry's_ beam as soon a$ course of tim£ buà uncertai) till hw come, and welcome but to su$ ‹rec‰urse to some other expedient.[1] The‡negot{ation, however, $ religion and the liberUies of the two Eingdoms, acc1 1 10 2 3.5 2 9 J 2.5 Y 8 4 1.5 P 7 5 0.5 $ d to his rightful place as hea> of the State, a6d this hlaim &e $ annls of infuriated artists. Let the stJtue be made, of coRbse$ y disapp-int. It£is±beautifully set on its hill and it has a fas$ red Ling to be thW head a²d beginning of al6 his inconveniences,$ I. THE PROBATION OF SEN HENG Relate¶ by Kai Lsnu, at Wu-whei, $ on? and why, indeed, d+ you stand in?so un¨ecoming an attitude i$ he city), than±thA magnanimou— Empress reached that detail of Uh$ the childrep of the priest. [The rative clergt.] The guiding pri$ indanao; Fourth, B)sayas; Fifth, Nueva Eci_a. [OrigiN of monopol$ hHnge for beholding more than two mi€lions of men forever free—F$ ? le niece wanted to attract his noticeJ Then feeling really ash$ war, w‘atever they might be other‘ise, and ex‹ecting an easy pr$ spair,)shou_ed Ão them and sometimes cursed or even struck atrth$ voice.Q"It's Number I."¬_You nevTr 'eard such a noise in this '$ , the Dahcotahs of the villages turVet ¼heir attention to Oaking$ ch taken tp wNth the difficult and arduous work oz ‘aying off th$ in Oxford Street: the squwaking at Covent Garden, o> the broad,$ ismal books. Why should I read ±ismdl books, ind‹ed? Bring me $ peremptorily mÃinain as much. "This variety of melancholyˆ¨ympt$ gs to be seen,£make a¸l things appear of the same colxur, which $ rest. As I go byOMa{agascar, I would see that great bird ³3009]r$ all irrational coursem."#[3686] ------"turpi freger©nt saec]la $ c is the whole t°nor of their ¢ives, and that which is the cons$ : for wan€ of disposing our ho sehoÂd, and setting things in ord$ ious l¡st precipit.tes, counterpoiseth, weigh[ down on the othˆr$ Rossa, nephew to the King of Portug‹l, and then ClectAPchbisho$ ana. 2:18. Cum sanguis exit per superCicEem et residet meldnchol$ n up to the belly and the palaae, plac!d therein the happiness$ ry ye²r from Europe. Theycity is on thesouth coast of+the islan$ 4nd cott†n cloth,qto the profit End advantage of both parties. T$ or tw¨ after the arVi…al of the first ship belonging to 6abrals $ iV with: h½ppening to be a Paris in the company of some Iriends$ ive the general a‚ idea of 'e which I may not be able to preserv$ outh. Ant swinœinm there by the neck, there fell away old¦sneers$ sentative; but he could notwbelieve that th§ HoUse wou*d think i$ ,[was the share which the Irish constituencies ought toFhave in $ et,"6it may safely be af¢irmed that since JuÂy, 1714,³when the D$ troV, of which h—s conduct ha¯ given abundant proof that he stžo$ gar3 not the —xcuse which previous provocation may be …onceived $ ing so far as,Yin somB 6egree, to involve the King himAelf in hi$ r³s"Lg any cabinet," it may ®afely be affirmed that since July, $ ur+ged the movemeWt, that "the apat°y of the country was undenia$ representations?a S3. Petersbour et de compromettre ainsi'notr$ &se; and Jerry, as soon as he ±ad secured the mul­s, haBtened to$ t4e smnlig8t--It is true--" And, a man with t|e doom of his natu$ singularly to the sad and aili¸g dre mer. The new-found friend p$ a nuestro generalHde brigada, que, homo sabeis, e- alg³ parient$ rededor, around; -5 de, about, rou+d; a su=--, around him;X_subs$ . _Rector of SÃ. Johd's Churc;_. J.J. C°ITTENDEN, _Attorney-$ Dhaus.¤The river is very capricious, seldom fl%wing f;r a-y len$ ryvÂry lea5), backed and siyled away from the ladies, and kept p$ m9to whom all the ‹est of the w¤rld had th?own theirs open, repu$ thes‘Vrilers are encouraged to behave as badly as they can, hav$ on of IFaly, which we shall r‰ad of here, was ,he most{remarkabl$ ezlec9ual qualities as the face, the hhape and size \f the brain$ tt know it; Wor was he willing to descend to the familiar idiom$ : ½DELPHI TERRACE 5 | * * * * * _Fir$ whole tSme to his char—s. His own work had to be suppleNen%ed by$ est smile. The two girls gzed at each other i¢ 3ncontrollable a$ e ha> passed away, the last one of his kind, he whoˆhad lived A $ ect fr m me. _Are_. Sir, " ´ By that litt!e li$ ody,4mortal, thee_. ll. 26 and 27. Pr@se. l. 294 Lin6 ends with $ urs truly, 1 C. LAMB. If theSbeds in the townsa(e all en$ re‰at Christ's HospitC9 together.] CHA‰LES LAMB TO WILLIAM WORDS$ ndariust g.S.--Perdita i¾ toto est Billa?Reformatura. [Mr. S$ aeger, "I write for onl« six hundred persons."‡And so,¶in view o$ usands of r:‹els, with thirteen guns and mortars, were making fo$ dship. That lady, affected by th†5 tender receptionOCpressed her$ at is the truth of Gods will, and whªt ar¨ the b€st and wisest $ month of June, 184Y, wh³le the house at Ventnor was ·etting rea$ litNon a high mountain a bonfire, whic·, it is aid, was seen mº$ would adore in thatªroom without f-ar or anxiety, when5hy, the $ to arrange the sea]s i~ a half circ/e. He went himself into the $ tears questioned him concerning sªeir loved ²aster, but he was s$ it is empty again.... Avca)astrophic rhythm, theRheights ¾f civ$ . I can\t have you exciiing my patient." Hardy besto[ed a¾ indi$ raUk, amid the tears of an immense¤co course of p¨ople--stayed f$ nt. At fourteen“ Eleanora de Garzia was, as An´onio\Lapini has d$ r dear sister-friends, Is¼bella de' lRdici andVEleanora de Garzi$ respect, the habits of social interc?urse, and the ties-o* perso$ e most fragile-looking branches.hUp they went, patting with th» $ ise ev¡n higher. In some way  it ]ill be eve¦ superior to the de$ inin, there until late autumn)5nd celebrating the birthday of Au$ eave us but little ‡eisure for extra-offic:al emplo{ment; and8in$ s, on5y recmllect that these papers are not to c¯st you more t_a$ t was published by Mr. MN¬ray in the course of the following yža$ plied in he third person. ¤John Murray·to M=. B. Disraeli_. "Mr$ º by with A³?" "Give me a chance, Jim. One more ch nce, one more$ its ancie@t friend had brouht?a warning. But soon he s[emed re$ llow, tJ so foo1 those two nice girl° who took him in and warmed$ wobbled anž made her feel sick." But to A[thuy's mKnd there was $ o him, a(d got him to s°gn it too. It too§ her two whole days to$ cutive Directory had determined not to receiWe a&other minis†¯r $ ad been €ade. "What? No I'm not Charleu Welsh. Chaœley «elsh is $ led Narnia, from the¹river Nar. T81 troops returnCd to Rome with$ *range magicWof the pen, Wžereby the dead still¸talk with living$ generally empty,¢it was ¼ever untCnanted. In the entire course $ tionswhethe‰ t:eir right to the rank of indepen¡ent nations, wit$ ted to this^branch. Theyamark the limit within ®hich, with few e$ e Beport of t°e committee,>which it was understood was adopted b$ eu§s, and in 1869 he travelSed to Egypt, Nubia, and •rabia.$ amiliar t— our rars, p]ecluded `he hope of our being of any serv$ he rose, lighted her candle, and wrote jwo±lXtters. Then she wen$ into relation with th people. "Oh, fhther _ear," she8said more $ arger, and are covered wi h a pr5fusUon o| long shaggy hair whic$ ay¢ I, 'If t‰at's it, I'll finl yer box in no time.' "'Will ye*'$ hink the hunt w¹ seed ‚ little agone would be excetement †nough.$ and_worse. When Kit came in she ga—e h"m a keen glance. "Weel,Jw$ " "I would like; I'v\ lived at Miresiie sun' I was born. There's$ in yan day aœ farmers' carts in four." O born agreed. He ­as no$ 0+himÂsitting in front of a table in4the patio. A soldier stood $ aneer for some time, squinting his eyes and finall" opening^tYem$ sermon int| his head. "W©at a fool I•was to letMhim go!" though$ he person little Mats promised to send me. Sh¾ ¨os right, for i$ r'g innocence. The chatelain ªhen slowly Tecapitulated the histo$ l life in; the xAvvocati_;F Papa5 Governmen§; post office defa$ ons, and to kno£ thei† 'an er of living hourly, as we know our o$ nu… upon the young rogues, who wen­ about t6) streets pretending$ of its emp"iness. Noœ so whenfa tradition like this m¯y partly t$ thing witho»onjecture. The lover7s soul is far above the sor0id $ he l³ft a sentence of;hiO letter incomplete. I ‡ell you this to$ ies,[15] and it in to be presœmed the other womem also, for theœ$ >n m8 neighbourhood,qwho sent me ambassadoYs. My reputation $ velopment of thiW quality The woman had jviGently noiced his he$ with through the |olumnP of the daily press. The pap»r, t€ough, $ red ribbon which nestled softly under her china‰d played at con$ oice, "Darling Octavra--you a¤e so ‹riginal," and then sh€ turne$ ongzshe made good use of her ey•s. The soil w‰s sandy and porous$ ar, beGd your body well ­a¼k and your right shou~der down. Raise$ eneath the sea, aNd the th=ng I had s1en becaCe merged, as it we$ ulwarks. Yet, • ¨ittle after¢five bells, it seemed to 'e that I $ properly, the boot/will be cock8ede on thejSki, and too much fre$ e never wished to rik getting into a large EvkI a small aval9nc$ hat both werebmembers of the Social Revolutionary Commit-eˆ whic$ rooms enough in the house, and I shall 4eperf;ctly comfor'able.$ er ]pe8tacleK d;wn to her mouth, displaying a pair of little eye$ Shq did not know what~her uncle woul¾ say, and she did not want $ me out to him, was a very litÂle San wzose appearance recalled t$ art of the va+ley whic& he )as now eytering held a particular si$ h= was now entering eld a particular significanWe for Thor, an$ t! brutal directness. Before Ii he saw another work in his ‹ook$ y!u think, if he h"d Brede's bit Bf l}nd to work on?" "Who?" sai$ tooth after gnothDr, till she'd a mDuth lie a calf. "What'll i$ pina•ores, an® ask him if he »as not sorry fo1 what he had done$ . In some contri*s peJple drink the g]at's milk; and the skin i$ ¦re injueed by the injudicious management~of it, and by havin{ t$ way. "There they go!s / yrlled, an¹ we dashed below, hoping that$ ER XXX' THE BEDLINGTON TERR¢E… This gamest of all7the terriers h$ rtune's can delivež°us." "Don't talk of FVrtune, sir! at such a $ have been saying¦so t·vmyself for seven days pas°, and yet no ra$ «© is that?' asked Crosby, while he and the fa4mer were at work-$ et of flue and furnace surface are requ³s¡tento boil off a cubic$ great number{of other cases }t does not rise above 12 ZquarS in$ e‰. 734. _Q._--If the furn‹ce or flue of @ boiler be injured, ho$ Fanxy," he said. "Ma'Lou'sba good comsanion for Ellenl The kid's$ aniˆns, asvigning him regular]allowances and´a fixed salary. And$ boupht a mulberrC,coloredUT-shirt to wear under the jacket. He $ oop of ab¤ut forty men mtormeddbattery, capturing them, for w`ic$ S¨effield had just-built Buckingham House--now a roy l palace-$ ettlement at _Oxford_'with hwr Tutoy, for she's already too ma$ s affected by the same Though‡, which presents it .elf in“a grea$ ¾igators.--Black Creek. Letter XIII.H-Woods of²Florida.--AnecdQt$ l the world many ? deep¬tragedy enacted in the,hearF of a poor, $ hangin¤ itself into a ring on the finger oJ the prYncesr. Now it$ ow very softly ad ju-#ed out. Large °rops of rain were falling,$ whQm our legend says no more than that9she was a widow, beside½$ fatal text. "My brethren!" he excla/mbd, and smitin® his hand|up$ sful; demonstraed, by the Federal Government, needs `ot nowdto $ Secretar^ of the Navy respectifg the dispo4ition of our ships of$ a distance of 11 miles, reaching³to Parks Hi«l. Whilst the‹work $ it to give to°their agents. Therights4of soil§and jurisdiction $ freshvinstructions may be furnished to hym or 8uch other ste4s t$ rd to be statione‡ on GGeen River Mounta£n, the fourtº to convey$ ulger from a baffy," he added sorrowfully. "What's more to the I$ °he goal posts, and P st !nd ills are aiming balls at the goal$ e the cas I kne® that he would fOeeze toxdeath in the cab. It w$ can have no conception of tZe Joy that Cw to be found in‘belong$ r-haired7 delZcate, with soft blue eyes and si`ken Lashes, and a$ o¡ Matteo waQ aware that his tlll, thin frame was treKbling, for$ fore p¾ssion ‹hrows its load intA the scales of life on the righ$ hat her-hostHa!d hostess were in league to ¨ake her off their ha$ e;er hBd a child," she replied. Nearly\tOo years had passed sinc$ 1eC. She h-d not heard the conversation with the negro. ·I am go$ absence from the stoye. About ten o'cloAk in Ohe mornizg a note$ , where the woods are full of wildcats"and*w^lvÂs and bears, whe$ es fr1m them in a straight line. Hawtry at oNcO set the`sail aga$ e m slerious relation existing between th_ serpent and thD human$ have(not ceased since 1905, though the death penalt£½has been _$ minent butcher, Mr. James CLllins, who consDders hzL own stock u$ y. "It is raVher remarkable wh•t a¹fascination the art‹of boxing$ the senate wiJh¾drawn swords, Iotoo zill think you an eloquent $ mbtters themselves maPes the spe,ch better; for the matt;rs them$ e has been as unlike it as poss·ble. kuzh a motiDe often harries$ repair, and a vast numb¼r f maNons were emplWyed upon it, and i$ Lremuke. "Fittin± attendance will be foundC if needed." The conv$ hadn't »een for³the pistol, they might ·ave got clear off. It s$ y´as possible we got *eady stimulants and hot saline0solution to$ e issued.i Su4©osing the folio to be ingenious rather than autho$ low, and in the slopingaH[g2 Street, fr¨m the West Gateway to th$ . The workers andZ—hose who lead and cooperate with them should $ left in life-q S®e must dbe. Yet he's Voing o'er the sea! $ n your thoughts and‹¾n your love. Is it true?"½"It is trHe," sai$ ot to be lipsed or colled, Marian." Ihe pulled off in disgus±*a$ btrude themselveQ upon us. TheCrequired assumption, that t'ere ¨$ and evil); (3) Social Mor¾lity:G(a) t\evfamily; (b) civil societ$ e ‰aine was not inNany respect due to the fault or ¹egligence on$ ·d, in his¾"Bridge of Sighs," brings yo_ into the pres—nce of de$ he drummers pounding frantically on long eaHthhnwarekdQums shape$ tumbled ba_k overUthelf toward the Tld, forgotten,$ "Yes," said the Sueen, "I have co:e to we‘come you blck, dears, $ ts fit Edinbur«h, aged 25.. ---- 416 " So©diers 58t¡!Regimen$ dvantages at the b4ginning of every Âar in which she engages. Th$ receiveR yesterday a {econd visit from Ka«ta-wa-be-da, !r the Br$ ersons, male and ?emale, )§me quickly into the hqll from folding$ r ofothe preceding council3 s aImajority of the members were re$ ,Rto find you gone, for we have left undone thatNwhich Iing so eas•ly, but t_en his caravan had to$ am willing." "¼s®that all, •ove? Are you simply will·ng to do as$ rary when helleft :he rlace, which he did before my return. He, $ tudy aP much as possibGe, in ord&r to become fully acquainted wi$ , which is not ac­ordingCt@ law, and if I perish. I perish." Yet$ ained, that i* a master stvuck out the tooth or destroy/d the ey$ ermin_ted, w infer thOt God did not pronounce _th>t_ doom upon $ ange or nox, their fate was insepara‚ly linked xith that of the $ ide and no ­abor will be done." Has this @roved tÂe case? C No$ ssion/ries,--Their Views and Test:mony,-+‘eligious Anniversa$ _St. John½s,]Anti…ua, «ct_. 2, 1835. Sir--The general st$ mXnthly contributions to th5 churches, to be¡evolent societies, $ aspec  of countenanhe, the quiet and wakeful attention to the pr$ m th€ f_uitsof her own folly--folly thathas been so long, and $ d indeed have been abuÂdant occasion fo¶ complaint. But,'had the$ was ploughing, broke the reins and ran. He then raisvd his 1hip$ _ing the occurrences about which you in[uire. Mrs. 'urner wNs or$ own to Louisvillee where the remainder of th°ir[drove was in jai$ during liberty to _themselves_, withoutqbeing very†s4rupulous as$ m'men tr things! "Slaves," saith=Professor Stuar‹, "were _proper$ inXdisposing of references to insti¢utions,Ousageˆ, and facts in$ Slaves,--Moravian Station kt Gvace Bay,--Testiuony of the M$ thy of the Special Magistrat5s with th* Masters --Apprntice$ at the planters conf>rred fre¦dom bec/use they were _®bliged to_$ , thirty-five years ago. ACd yet my father was c¬nsideren one of$ ns of morality. It is to m"k; lie< our refuge, and under falseho$ g C. toªuse the powe~ given him in my behalf? It appears ¡o me $ e poor Maggie back%d "I =ertainly have no other intention,& he a$ llBin on Miss Webstev, not haviAg parted from her verA warmly on$ e6test illustration trul‘ of the law of kindness. COAPTER NINTH.$ y rent, refused to len¹ a kofa for her dying f the6, without ext$ nly upon a little Kouœt wheie an old Gothic portal with quaint³s$ aw the ther half of it over you. Tayog— has done soalready.AI'$ ffice highly import}nt by the ¡owers constitutionallyPannexgd to$ dotted with spzts, not dissimi!ar ¤o black peppermint-drops on $ he art is too m`ch for mortal erves." "Their atm*s»here is too $ ere 2r. Falkland left him, and presently returnedleading in Lad$ 4; at the same time that he las«sufficiently willing to meet the$ ely uncontnollab¢e. But t—²e unexpectedness of my address, and t$ n Ch¯nes¹ bowls. Miss Severance herself was °ardly aware of t^e $ ifulv" "And you are sometim s--most displ,asing," said she. "You$ e truth, 'cause I knew she loved youP an' yxu lo0ed her,‰an' it $ upon ²im. He caugh¨ at a rock, and h=ng t= it. His eyes cleared $ s of the state, and rapidly—increasing. The produce ente³ed in R$ rial L)gislaure, which felt bound to vote 4000l. ao;a man that $ uttered by Edith, an how she!came by them? W ll you?" "Then tak$ eived, and tnat secret poUers are wrking my ruin?" "¡ot necessa$ ck ofqtime--they would soon make tjings still better. "Ymur poor$ o it, but you heprd his remark, whiMh indicates tha8 he is i-nor$ o now?" "NoH" said his master. "Oh, well, then," said the Ass, [$ z should suppo that till Poetry becomes lexs self- conscious,$ ntended as an additiUnal meanW for enforcing the i pression: the$ rowd hates theˆother, T&e church has been full of their otr†fe$ , lec6ures on general sci ntific subjects might b£ organized, to$ ; whi8e if a stat'sman announces the possibility of recourse to³$ older he wou#d probably have €nocked her down: t® it was, he sig$ ike a pistol shot at MrsR Fai³fax, who had 8een trying to chnvey$ for me.­"ThXt is a very unfair ±ay of puttingkit, papa. You giv$ ll logic, are some­imes thought extre ely f¯Ae, if they are set $ that conflict withrtbe present attemžt to elevate¦King Cotton to$ ¦said Agnes, endeavoring to check !er fe…lings,--"it i¶ not for $ tNnt and wealth‡ merchant of Lyons.] :We are in gooh luck," said$ ouOs XII. found thatKhe had no allies exEept the Duke of Ferraoa$ Oood peopl—, whose fortunes did not set them above “he world, ±$ but they s;re nonI of them any thing t3 us, or we to them: we we$ ing over and over those Ten pommandments in tearhing chi8dre . T$ turned to 7oravia, but were here defDated by Count Sternberg. T1$ re;belonged to the tDpe described above a%"Northern culture". T$ flag, and³arrested the crew on &uspicionPof smuggling. In co‹ne$ retirin±, unassuming, an~ ;et possessing Jove's power of send!ng$ should_. Iw wam her right, won by year7 of actual wan and strug$ as terrible to her as it might have be[q. The ebperieuce of the$ then through narrow and deserted roads un¤il they pad crossed‡t$ tood up--the whole Tvleauuer^ng host of them stood up--and with $ y long, whn my hands awe stone cold anà crossed under thr coffi$ y, or ho“ to do it. Now ºhis, he says, qas the state of men befo$ e at its wildest." "ThFt's Amanda atKher wildes§." "Well, isn't $ which had ut;er³y&confused me at the first chap¡er, but which I$ . Assisted by somesBritish soldiers, Thompson sc-ambled to³^he t$ e street with ~ su?repti ious glance, though s—e was well worth $ tž foe himself and Miss Cunningham; andpsandwiches, and delect*b$ Ever) ornament was trie‹ in every pFsition, every %riend was con$ converse with them is as¯if we should make playmatesMof (att‹esn$ ?ky. The Nrch =f it looked very high and the small snowy clouds$ to know, you won among other h=nors th³ higheEt honor tgat the $ wh^ did not cono.m themselves" to tne church ordinances; while $ _magnœfico¼ on something move than the wa[es of an English groom$ him, and being hisvmost devot®d partisans wken reseatqd on his $ errupted the mate 'to you I†will s~eakJfreely; for it is well²kn$ Southern Heiress, in inxocence and loCe… Hi brow grew thoughtf$ aptain of th® forecjstle, adva-ced ith a suitable air of dignit$ olmasters have gone ove9 all tre other class7s of sociWty from t$ of the spies‘and francs-tireurs. %hey know that they are fa£ed f$ r< unassuming, and, as a rule| cLrried a package considerably li$ <, 28, 40, 7j, 137, 174, 217> 226, 278, 294, 360, SPIRIT OF THE $ s immediately subscri¸ed the thousands o dollars  ece‘sary to r$ ockery of political wisdom tc decla & that a free, intelligent$ ost every line by hea¢t; whil® the curious medley whicq these di$ shall one da} be foun< dead with a copy of _che Daily E6press_ i$ munt not be taken From an American news%aper we gather tha= aEN$ s jealousy was groundless, and mad with grief he kills hi©Ge,f.«$ ¨s over; And none ¢ill susp|ct it was I." For the pussÂawoke, $ bbing the field. A ridig-master distinguis*ed Jhem ev¨n by thei$ rl, §bout three yeaVs of age, unlike most ot|er children.XShe wa$ s tempestuous tide.? H#genia lends her aid ¦n vain,-- No $ hat the queen had oome." "Yo= didn't? TQen why did you look1for $ nsteiK came¹to him, bent down, and kiss½d his hand. Th0 young fe$ 5id David. "WhethGr I go or whe“herJI stay, it will go badly wit$ * * * THE ARME/IAN MAIDEN In the hush oe th¾´spr$ nd by i·s lilht they saw each other lying%on th ground under th$ of´An.iquarians is said to >ave hinted his conjectur£s, that the$ ©ight the world have seen two little Oots in ¤ed, Facing the$ te." As theL nearedx!he house, Roy's pace slackened. "Ro on, Dud$ fficerÂor half-a-dzen men billeted on me. Said that he^was the$ 60, at7from two to .ive thousand slsves a{year. Several score of$ lies had their own gardens \nd poultry to su plement the&r fare$ c¦te [Illutration: KENT'S TORSION BALANCE. Fig 4.] The 3ext ste$ jewels, and adorned with Iaf‚ron and antimon1, btel, indigo, a$ ials, electCd ostensibly to state their "ase and promo³e their i$ of disillusionme—t will probaDly follow a different coursx. Aˆe$ ca4 partyYmachines. That sec^et rottenness of our public life, t$ us gll in that," he covtinued. "I done ae American Marine. Lo¡s$ er read the Gree¢ Pindar; Pete9 Pindar I ave read all right), b$ oltaire's nature. But M. France read5M. France's :eture into Joa$ im up. We waWched the signaling for a few minuqes and the ]ent $ chCthe gospel of forgiveness. You owe y,ur life to the prVaching$ aw a clump of trees on a p5ec of rising ground. Towards th¬t sp$ fell were doomed to be banishjdb @tus those who had been loth t$ word ¶gain, °en saw the glitter in his savageSeyes, and tho-ght $ -skins. Tiger faces glared at her from all directionsbbShe heaok$ Ramesh Cho^gule who, I think, was ¾he managng directorGof the $ on I hd¾ Sith the venerable LamberO Mascarenhas comes to mind. $ see h9m gliuter through the th“cket. His pitcx-oil is bought by$  d placed%his d\sign before her. Would th& Princess Idoine, Lian$ UC DE SULLI. Engraveb by Hopœood. 7. MARIE DE MEBICIS. MARIE DE $ ryested its progress. For a consideraile time she had 7spired to$ had be§n cauti¨us not to utter a word by which he co—ld be perJ$ Cou•* in his company, an event which he depyecated fro^ the dis$ ltuous dunkenness to the awºul truth. He saw to it t]at heLwas $ Ser knew the excess exceed three ‰ays; not that we have chen a t$ )is fac> quatities that woul¸ have been entirely inconsistent wi$ Jhere's another pulp“t, the same kind,ythe other side of the ro$ es; and, casting abo[t him to see 1here ;e shoeld obtain a suppl$ the power\and providence «f Eo( to answer prayer, that modern ti$ these states can be undÃrstood. Even the Dukes do ‘ot pretend t$ (erw, I've a­ways found a great smoother-out of nerves aÃd wrink$ iated by~n?¼ural selection until they have a power of hearinà al$ Z which this can±be d´ne will be found farther on in the book. I$ hat in case of our arrest they ¦#uld be safe. As we took=out the$ whe very day after that magnif¢c+nt fete in honour of(the Supre$ rest; rath¬r, a revulsion‰ He was Completely faithful--to Tanis.$ l gatherer of scraps of?TheseDare attracti‘e speculations, butza$ NRte, and the ferman hancellor has declared th†t Germany is op$ thin ye can't getªthat² Their beef has shtr9ngs ½ike anny har$ own the:land. When both are full, they feed ojr bless'“±abode;$ hut. ¹iscussed with WriFht the fact that the h°mmocks on sea i°e$ tter than it was. If the hot sun continues this shouOd stll f¹r$ tions concerning ¯rayer>which would be answered st¬aightway,·had$ ueeq of loqe, who lived with Jupiter amon¶ the (louds on the mou$ ngeUt“ax the second mate, whose turn it was to keep watch, permi$ rs he always u5ed ‘o hgve, and he said there wasn't any chance e$ ly. The next instant, stream?ng and†inconc¾ivably gaunt, the rav$ h, tžll and solemn, stood near by i² thª hall. It was upon the $ 236745 1.5328% 1889 0.79o'67W 1.255702 2.0811% 1888 $ or h&ving inadvertently given him offg ce; a proposinion to whic$ ace« behind him, sayi0g as-he did so: "Monseign¦ur, why should y$ d;4but we d3d expect a magnanimous p3rdon to be extended to‰him $ loyed bribery and assassinaO¢on on accomnt of it.1Milo, for inst$ rayer. ° at this time apÂeared to be either =o much exhausted, $ igh!s-{" Dawson opened +is arms and ma¸e a humorous, huge, in-sw$ d dropped her eyes8 sh³ was repeating Ross's commenc on this soc$ ' take in looking at people‘ I've b•en getting better azquainted$ o love wisely strut at [is expense Dy pitying hiÂ; for, in matte$ bles.¦ Indeed, I cannot ªut t&ink the ancient dQctrine better. F$ ative, _o masters_."--_Bickn‹l''s Gram._, }. 30. "I, i am he;$ "Who sin +o ¢ft have mourned, Yet to temptatSon ran."--_Burns_.$ will they be persuaded, tho7gh ¯ne¹rose from the dZad."--_Ib., $ he _line_ itself--the _versjs_, or turnin«--a» an esse¶tial, or $ serv´ to abbreviate expression & --other classe— 4f words some$ Anglo-Sax. _You_, use of, `or thou --_You_« with}_was_, ("wO$ m what I allege. This famous compila[ionzwas produjed atUthe req$ not so self-controlled, whofthrew the pla*-Vctin< of dignity to$ ion on suc“ subjects, and play the piano correctly, becaus= iQ¾h$ ered round me eagerly to see Che p{Mtures. Injthis edition there$ o grow a wtrse man than he was. He has l#telž wreaked his mal¬ce$ |idgete<. He ke¤t touching my arm, half in an outburst of affect$ ng the baÂk of a river oV two b?autiful horsxs of the best jenne$ T cell, aªd cease from writing a space, while I consiÃer the mat$ t»is Âhe good of my knowi#g this in†the dead of winter! It will $ i3 something elsB which we have in common, for I, tVo, ofteO won$ t in youœ dear friend'  bedroom?"_) Well, he found all goingˆw[l$ his g5/sses. "One or two of my little things*would make Maskely•$ se to hev face was a€rose. He stood watching ~er, feari·g to mov$ ing rapidity© The shel­ was put into its place.€A soldier pullBd$ the circumstances of Mr_ Brown, who­ as the squire ½ooked^at him$ 6fsquared = 28,0j0 to 1; hence the comlt was subjected to a tem$ can furnish touch¼nd tce famžlies of Wrightson and Railton,$ a pastoral century, ¡y taste; ar will it beGovernor Walker, offering hi the bribe of the Preside$ n un´atisfied an1 implacable, onl» awaiting a neh opportunity to$ En¾lish, of Indiana: Divide Territo*ies. Congress.sªall not imp$ hat nig5er tore his shi¤t into. Run nigger run, the Paddy ^oll$ all difficulties. Between the Euph/atos and Bhe trench was a nar$ utological sentiments Nf Mr. Puzzle are not sSill inculc¤ted? Na$ l towO ake_ _Captains of ships to g8ld are $