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Lehrstuhl für Effiziente Algorithmen
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Suche: Author="Khanin, Raya"
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Chemical master equation and Langevin regimes for a gene transcription model
Raya Khanin
Desmond J. Higham
Theoretical Computer Science
(1), 2008, pp. 31-40
Multivariate power series and normal form calculation in Mathematica
Victor Edneral
Raya Khanin
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'2002 (Yalta, Ukraine, September 22-27, 2002)
, 2002, pp. 63-69
On asymptotic solutions of higher-order boundary value problems
Raya Khanin
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'2002 (Yalta, Ukraine, September 22-27, 2002)
, 2002, pp. 191-200
Parallelization of perturbation analysis: Application to large-scale engineering problems
Raya Khanin
Matthew Cartmell
Journal Symbolic Computation
(4), 2001, pp. 461-473
A mathematica solver for two-point singularly-perturbed boundary value problems
Raya Khanin
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'2001 (Konstanz, Germany, September 22-26, 2001)
, 2001, pp. 377-390
Dimensional analysis in computer algebra
Raya Khanin
Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC'2001 (University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, July 22-25, 2001)
, 2001, pp. 201-208