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Suche: Author="Vinitsky, Sergue"
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Symbolic-numerical solution of boundary-value problems with self-adjoint second-order differential equation using the finite element method with interpolation hermite polynomials
Alexander A. Gusev
Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar
Sergue I. Vinitsky
Vladimir L. Derbov
Andrzej Góźdź
Luong Le Hai
Vitaly A. Rostovtsev
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2014, pp. 138-154
Symbolic-numeric algorithm for solving the problem of quantum tunneling of a diatomic molecule through repulsive barriers
Sergue Vinitsky
Alexander Gusev
Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar
Luong Le Hai
Andrzej Góźdź
Vladimir L. Derbov
Pavel Krassovitskiy
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2014, pp. 472-490
Symbolic-numerical algorithm for generating cluster eigenfunctions: Identical particles with pair oscillator interactions
Alexander Gusev
Sergue Vinitsky
Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Luong Le Hai
Vladimir Derbov
Andrzej Góźdź
Evgenii Klimov
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2013, pp. 155-168
Symbolic-numerical algorithm for generating cluster eigenfunctions: Tunneling of clusters through repulsive barriers
Sergue Vinitsky
Alexander Gusev
Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Luong Le Hai
Vladimir Derbov
Pavel Krassovitskiy
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2013, pp. 427-442
Symbolic-numerical calculations of high-
Rydberg states and decay rates in strong magnetic fields
Alexander Gusev
Sergue Vinitsky
Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar
Vladimir Gerdt
Luong Le Hai
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2012, pp. 155-171
A symbolic-numerical algorithm for solving the eigenvalue problem for a hydrogen atom in the magnetic field: Cylindrical coordinates
Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar
Alexander Gusev
Vladimir Gerdt
Michail Kaschiev
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Valentin Samoylov
Tatyana Tupikova
Sergue Vinitsky
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2007, pp. 118-133
A symbolic-numerical algorithm for solving the eigenvalue problem for a hydrogen atom in magnetic field
Alexander Gusev
Vladimir Gerdt
Michail Kaschiev
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Valentin Samoylov
Tatyana Tupikova
Sergue Vinitsky
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2006, pp. 205-218
Symbolic-numerical algorithm for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation by split-operator method
Alexander Gusev
Vladimir Gerdt
Michail Kaschiev
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Valentin Samoylov
Tatyana Tupikova
Yoshio Uwano
Sergue Vinitsky
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2005, pp. 244-258
Discrete algorithms for symbolic computing of topological phases in interference microscopy
Alexander Gusev
Vladimir Andreev
Vladimir Derbov
Yuri Popov
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Sergue Vinitsky
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'2004 (St. Petersburg, Russia, July 12-19, 2004)
, 2004, pp. 233-241
The program LINA for the normalization of polynomial Hamiltonians
Alexander Gusev
Yuri Ukolov
Nikolai Chekanov
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Yoshio Uwano
Sergue Vinitsky
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'2003 (Passau, Germany, September 20-26, 2003)
, 2003, pp. 187-197
The programs for normalization and quantization of polynomial Hamiltonians
Alexander Gusev
Nikolai Chekanov
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Yoshio Uwano
Sergue Vinitsky
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'2002 (Yalta, Ukraine, September 22-27, 2002)
, 2002, pp. 147-157
Symbolic algorithms of algebraic perturbation theory: Hydrogen atom in the field of distant charge
Alexander Gusev
Valentin Samoilov
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Sergue Vinitsky
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'2001 (Konstanz, Germany, September 22-26, 2001)
, 2001, pp. 309-322
Symbolic algorithms of algebraic perturbation theory for a hydrogen atom: The Stark effect
Alexander Gusev
Valentin Samoilov
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Sergue Vinitsky
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'2000 (Samarkand, Uzbekistan, October 5-9, 2000)
, 2000, pp. 219-231
On normalization of a class of polylnomial hamiltonians: From ordinary and inverse points of view
Yoshio Uwano
Nikolai Chekanov
Vitaly Rostovtsev
Sergue Vinitsky
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC'99 (Munich, Germany, May 31 - June 4, 1999)
, 1999, pp. 441-461