@incollection{Laemmer-Burghardt/97, AUTHOR = {Laemmer, Lutz and Burghardt, Michael}, TITLE = {Parallel mesh generation}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {1-12}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Sanders-Hansch/97, AUTHOR = {Sanders, Peter and Hansch, Thomas}, TITLE = {Efficient massively parallel Quicksort}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {13-24}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Sibeyn-Guillaume-Seidel/97, AUTHOR = {Sibeyn, Jop F. and Guillaume, Frank and Seidel, Tillmann}, TITLE = {Practical parallel list ranking}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {25-36}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Protti-Franca-Szwarcfiter/97, AUTHOR = {Protti, F{\'{a}}bio and Fran{\c{c}}a, Felipe M.G. and Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz}, TITLE = {On computing all maximal cliques distributedley}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {37-48}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Arguello-Guil-Lopez-Amor-Zapata/97, AUTHOR = {Arg{\"u}ello, F. and Guil, N. and L{\'{o}}pez, J. and Amor, M. and Zapata, E.L.}, TITLE = {A probabilistic model for best-first search B\&B algorithms}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {49-60}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Leiserson/97, AUTHOR = {Leiserson, Charles E.}, TITLE = {Programming irregular parallel appplications in Cilk}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {61-71}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Bucker-Sauren/97, AUTHOR = {B{\"u}cker, H. Martin and Sauren, Manfred}, TITLE = {A variant of the biconjugate gradient method suitable for massively parallel computing}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {72-79}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Yang-Lin/97, AUTHOR = {Yang, Tianruo and Lin, Hai-Xiang}, TITLE = {Efficient implementation of the improved quasi-minimal residual method on massively distributed memory computers}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {80-92}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Dobson-Goodeve/97, AUTHOR = {Dobson, Simon and Goodeve, Don}, TITLE = {Programming with shared data abstractions}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {93-102}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Liu-King/97, AUTHOR = {Liu, Yung-Lin and King, Chung-Ta}, TITLE = {EXPLORER: Supporting run-time parallelization of DO-ACROSS loops on general networks of workstations}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {103-110}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Diekmann-Muthukrishnan-Nayakkankuppam/97, AUTHOR = {Diekmann, Ralf and Muthukrishnan, S. and Nayakkankuppam, Madhu V.}, TITLE = {Engineering diffusive load balancing algorithms using experiments}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {111-122}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Park-Shirazi-Marquis/97, AUTHOR = {Park, Gyung-Leen and Shirazi, Behrooz and Marquis, Jeff}, TITLE = {Comparative study of static scheduling with task duplication for distributed systems}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {123-134}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Jansen/97b, AUTHOR = {Jansen, Klaus}, TITLE = {A new approximation algorithm for the register allocation problem}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {135-146}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Srivastav-Stangier/97a, AUTHOR = {Srivastav, Anand and Stangier, Peter}, TITLE = {A parallel approximation algorithm for resource constrained scheduling and bin packing}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {147-158}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Decker/97, AUTHOR = {Decker, Thomas}, TITLE = {Virtual data space --- A universal load balancing scheme}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {159-166}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Panda-Nakamura-Dutt-Nicolau/97, AUTHOR = {Panda, Preeti Ranjan and Nakamura, Hiroshi and Dutt, Nikil D. and Nicolau, Alexandru}, TITLE = {Improving cache performance through tiling and data alignment}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {167-185}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Orlando-Perego/97, AUTHOR = {Orlando, Salvatore and Perego, Raffaele}, TITLE = {A support for non-uniform parallel loops and its application to a flame simulation code}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {186-197}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Nastea-El-Ghazawi-Frieder/97, AUTHOR = {Nastea, Sorin G. and El-Ghazawi, Tarek and Frieder, Ophir}, TITLE = {Performance optimization of combined variable-cost computations and I/O}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {198-206}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Allmaier-Horton/97, AUTHOR = {Allmaier, Susann C. and Horton, Graham}, TITLE = {Parallel shared-memory state-space exploration in stochastic modeling}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {207-218}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Formella-Keller/97, AUTHOR = {Formella, Arno and Keller, J{\"o}rg}, TITLE = {Parallel software caches}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {219-232}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Baumker-Meyer_auf_der_Heide/97, AUTHOR = {B{\"a}umker, Armin and Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm}, TITLE = {Communication efficient parallel searching}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {233-254}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Monien-Schulze/97, AUTHOR = {Monien, Burkhard and Schulze, J{\"u}rgen}, TITLE = {Parallel sparse Cholesky factorization}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {255-272}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, } @incollection{Michel-Pellegrini-Roman/97, AUTHOR = {Michel, Jean and Pellegrini, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Roman, Jean}, TITLE = {Unstructured graph partitioning for sparse linear system solving}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR'97 (Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997)}, SERIES = {LNCS}, VOLUME = {1253}, PAGES = {273-286}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Bilardi, G. and Ferreira, A. and L{\"u}ling, R. and Rolim, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong-Barcelona-Budapest-Milan-Santa Clara-Singapore}, }