PDMI TUM State University St. Petersburg
Steklov Institute St. Petersburg Technische Universität München State University St. Petersburg

Joint Advanced Student School (JASS)

Course 1: Complexity Analysis of String Algorithms

St. Petersburg - Sunday, March 28 through Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Nicolai Baron von Hoyningen-Huene

Digital Search Trees -- Average case analysis of digital search trees and tries


A very common problem in computer science is to search for the appearance of a string inside a text. There exist algorithms that use suffix trees, which are often implemented as digital trees to optimize the performance of the search. In this article some properties of those data structures are analyzed, which can be used to calculate the average performance and space complexity of algorithms using digital trees.

10 v Hoyningen-Huene Nicolai Digital search trees.pdf
Chapter 10 (Postscript PS, PDF PDF) of the proceedings (Postscript PS, PDF PDF).