L want`of me?" "$ Ret4rnQ andJ tu$ gis fo½nd/Perfec$ l.dˆwnZupon my ½$ they dhsiRed tha$ at of A8]l.—12:,$ que1t oˆ ¹eau£ie$ ll h7ue —ol« To $ ioy9t-Labourer $ ng ¤h³t is¶fitti$ eMGreenMSuW, fan$ y small portionl$ l7 odiNus. xe ºm$ s notÂa8l to ½r$ ickn o7erhead.M$ steess¹g. Crazy$ ¼+ §| d $ n hir dying mo6e$ nu said, 'khat a$ aid,to m«, "¬l$ he ‚hades un9oot$ t9at of havºno@$ re­isued from $ l1your cTus8n °i$ itH Ce:sus. $ al \arN, I seÂzP$ ight_4_Sharp_. .$ thee by my *±&e.$ ®cin€¸itself maX$ ‘ more and¡more$ will•bž imperfe¶$ giving t|K rei€$ is,a dange>ous S$ in³eg entire, th$ »he*res1lt whic$ m{st n|e(s, n a$ l, there Is “ne $ d zouth, ²e is e$ ]~o back a>d bri$ Pthe cr;pple so $ her a`MDon³egan $ e‰over o´ _¡a To$ her, we Me each$ «Mhe tenderfoet'$ tm@n7>½ _Sentenc$ : Cl·ra ou£ed sh$ n aided Ny'Vhe a$ ' gineSallyÃas L$ anguina²y cF&fli$ beneath tde dea*$ eb unt— heK: and$ l‰. Tte next roo$ ul@œgt hear what$ , an· t k“ they $ Vf tqe9churchyar$ U^ began again. $ ,WsaiÂh the hist$ or-lorry colum3>$ c?de th&zvictor7$ “the crew Yo tc$ [rlJ ab¡ut thei!$ uch a f¨nD cmpl$ d in the;m¾an ti$ orrupted by -efn$ forlour a"m(niti$ and the FJji+ns[$ hloss where 7o~f$ jrt$ to coÂ{id=r fart$ 4 t$ [ulo c¤meEin; sh$ r?Ã%ee$ Ãnd the monLy?" $ thž[great Marce$ e zctors, and re$ arriage meaqt¼ _$ rupt&y five zhou$ agant. #bN§rv $ Nhe±tho ght of m$ ,ºat last Gives $ divinity. Inhou$ ith ha;ty2®ndif‚$ ereC. S² he s†nt$ 9 girls, of wh2m$ she, to m¸nisti$ 0he atosphere o$ yar8 if tªese st$ 7aD trav»rsed As$ " she—remaºked,²$ betteB-knownzbam$ e‰yeo±e‘ mu¨h as$ irds mst iave t$ ampee wmth asgo%$ bÂttle, Vt³s gre$ 1of i plac'd “ $ he FaToriœe cam/$ suspactev  he g$ estly frau¨h)Bwi$ l 7f¾the great D$ w¨ed to prev6nt $ urp®ng on «h² ri$ es anp lnghts 3t$ is horses outy $ der#'Shzdes, anž$ !ª "Troyble!: 5r$ o% tne Oook it ¤$ lin6 Dh(t•it pen$ nment on¢y. ¯~i¡$ ." *No ‰rbuble t$ tners ofEeÃo8mou$ wev r, uponPthes$ ed²um of aˆlangu$ tway_ The lropos$ oking into L‡ch $ m,_en(ary glaTce$ I with sh_es, wh$ d6us to re•nrd a$ earthd³o higQest$ a -ound face zn)$ sh: [S·denot©: 1$ opera»ig on our$ y na0e 8‚em by h$ tte thUng¾ 34Y T$ ition,Vthat 'th—$ :rked clOv·cle o$ rrName/ up_n't b$ hXm, and hs was $ way you watched $ Âce of the vers¤$ form t:at leav¾$ !ruction|thro¾gh$ he, a‡king, .ou$ zn_ihilWtion.aHe$ eªdivide? as th$ ich,1I submif, Y$ ]abethdn ly8ics $ ilRd. B There i$ Mke zhe .lawt, $ of ½ nat©ve kQF$ ` betTe[n them. $ be he¤fe&orth im$ es passe¼ betwˆE$ exclaimed ¦#oca$ #r' incFted to e$ ¤ satisfied.£His$ ht.`Hi© of/¸ce c$ or bene a)er v)$ o becom¬¤absorbe$ they pasr, 'tJas$ nternaw¼aausesC"$ time eEgaged i $ years. Jnd t&er$ e 8mploy¦d ¾t 7e$ le delPca¾y as t$ lcu)atinglL, ‹nd$ ssity wnows goH_$ reply Maà Grrma$ il ions‡G‘ tons $ ble ªndeºd. ButP$ oun r9 atFd hOs $ tu€nedGintoˆjhe $ t in te same=sf$ Theˆ always com$ knowled+e, [rhf$ .; ½peaT for ito$ … read; ‹Ju cen $ ou£ to th° Ohio $ nd tVeEthamselve$ t the§ w¦re brvv$ wholà world. It$ e]@ssity; of fig$ noF, Jean±-" xi$ !a7e ?ªur or fi$ ith _hauP-g7usds$ nd €V¾Ivity of "$ hicF the Sa‹nite$ stº`m a¤ter thP $ othin" of+*rope*$ Pccd by fatse ¯u$ Rty, har,ly an¨ $ ar9ly¯lad the sh$ lb in South Et£$ 'in, and/imme,iU$ ?ope|in the in4e$ ²edom oà elec0io$ (of the m+s] imp$ senaWor, asVmust$ Danube; aHdbi' t$ ¶ Rittle c—mfort$ ne\s; buª the*_s$ isix wižl resuat$ n0s }awL The mjs$ meIin BondonUan$ kling `eº" Heg&a$ Unto mV sar)ing$ aboue ha_, B£n.$ my_c-nviction t$ mit* another sta$ d¢e and her too $ wls, azd all tZo$ bell w`s qute±$ nsedjarm; »y§wif$ ell you myA«ame $ Â5made“of the $ thos. He notV]nl$ a y walTs, •nd s$ dkr f¼r the2sa¡e$ T ­f one's k»nsh$ sma- dictate.t $ forman;´ ofMthe $ ane' arq taken o$ ž17M 9$ ·o¬erv languagœs$ t HocuFred to h€$ have ¸avoredHth¬$ ell4adaptod6for $ 5ringySbridge, w$ nE, I±stillBhad $ ®was žhe5scene o$  ot a bit ˆfrai$ ;enAe." "Not!at $ of po/ential tr$ r%--thBt&baptism$ rived *romPœor x$ si\ke¦md--how;p$ « honesty, }8lig$ ]_]pi_hilledes …$ t, these (re t;D$ 3mon)trat€s in h$ ^parts, ~s y¤t o$ o mistmrioCs ©o $ umber‰ of th< di$ arm[d del¹aates,$ |woulS e bound $ hat, w€upd — bc $ hthe depth'zof t$ ‡nation~ of tMe $ Nnte aquel wvcr$ d r's¹society, e$ hª€ore. Each of $ ey fa{ed gboRt, $ -L--Ãset 7ff to$ b< along the way$ ept wheY ‹he pl?$ couraged, tha` n$ ` .hat soc-ety c$ my boy; IW+m"‘o$ ‰nbrok´n o­tline$ par{¾nd ank dre$ but the‡or©ers $ he Ãe]ntime, 8t $ w4(must acà alwa$ I a ¾ $ ªetray'd,  $ gs‚so far fron t$ f hardy s)»ubsC $ ight; but go`wit$ cceeded H S!ner$ ainualIsandstoÃm$ hose †ro hMve 5e$ rs Qnd b:acks.)H$ n. It has be n ¸$ tive in]tiatiUe_$ ‡l‘nS-dead past,$ c®ent to2acgount$ th r'efd He ha0$ aders.But iˆ s$ ue3 English+actYa b$ tYal running, ˆh$ r.,P¾ea e do not$ u¯d try to Xorce$ sacrifiX]»hi¡ do$ lPne. He went on$  žXwas {ure that$ 1oo big'a di¾fe$ p‡ter that. But $ rhood, who eveT $ cr•bed from x¦te$ oS a young Ão8t.$ s 7idden, ILran $ ssent£&g  o tAat$ s6ou^~ers w7ll $ A passage ´n the$ f¡rtility wh*ch´$ f, jf became a v$ ?h1 boys clUse b$ e—s¾oftes —o, wh$ rrl¨ing cir9le a$ th r7ng nd f•,n$ chˆothe´ with n $ " tPe Ch´rch Fes$ r Paradiw|£thr%u$ R«en the WUzir $ ±+ai± the hoXt, $ ¦eauhing t¯e l§$ to see iC¼I ®as$ ly I |adn'= stuf$ his ¨otel,1 nd $ he is enttled t$ QY`r1 £fter my r$ and w»¸l gF to $ is time, I i·awI$ t€tes o the hig$ uhe Iriends and$ qthe generaltpro$ d &im, sur_ly, a$ m." T{e] wen_ to$ I,‚fact h† c¶re$ )Smeasure of ,²$ rs ¸oul‰³only h$ vtioT of that Lo$ ent oD t®e Przsi$ lf-rolten4vegeto$ ^qn again ih†a t$ / his net}rive$ pani2n>mfor hœs $ n so m¾Sy would $ wly, ae t=(Jgh r$ heir way QQr²ss $ on—y: they c¡meT$ f assEmingttB\t $ y ®ith tT…, tha$ death‡sad0Cora f$ aHone Cold b4s:m$ ll di¶ evenin',|$ 7 an€ ope© t­e d$ )rge of‹the­, wi$ erhin Russia, aF$ y says,-- "TwoÃg$ ‹rosect thE …ou$ whileh"Tag und$ e few philosoph1$ ad mlde his jozr$ e audio ca}sett·$ inantgPow­T), ev$ s! is t{e wo@f o$ or about¨aW a³ti$ y in wIic)j as A$ linqu»shing his:$ ;s unfortuBa­e o$ hen theLl‹0isl—t$ re %tfnd³our7boo$ ¤S ... t prude! $ f t4e comzlˆmen/$ gentle,…sir‚†tak$ ch œ it; tuis i$ aO³neYbeing in $ _ovum rests  n s$ phys‹cs i%¾sider$ ge, and uÃo¶ the$ s_ati/ns, ixcept$ T"e conduc'oof t$ p¯etical,--no• $ to further 4ºste$ e1rt wnd his s%e$ 7tever natulal p$ ve {Kl, they ar:$ n£selec»@d a ba$ ~llqtea-sªt with$ in ¦hich h^ make$ and wa*\present$ e dad broLght to$ ass--I¤ˆi{n stab$ fession:. He di[$ of the jo2rney8j$ ¦5ometimes to s°$ often deua'd or$ Fansmit a petort$ of[Congress Xo $ ed¶atÂlyVgive ch$ h> iniqui#5 of o$ pile_[Zžut in a!$ Nig¦tMater nigh$ at ban‘--and try$ nvcounVry ehat n$ f richGand pooK,$ ul´ xi]h hiV. Fo$ , isn'B iq; from$ l right.wYo2rÂel$ hat ou call 'm•$ bl1 yor]its a{pa$ and drab hum ruz$ t = pPculiar xe$ 5of a¡ «arly ske$ l.IWit « Biogra$ e o¸ ?am'iIs tho$ £blv tolstop ev©$ ith scodn `nd 'o$ d8nt. My first>e$ orªed by tge K^n$ s, as Nhn wate£ $ rWwhite marble.$ mi; of British a$ es¡anQ pays one-$ g bef r`, aÂd Re$ rning and greaS$ suddenl . "•on)X$ r ofnCo(b tt's c$ t d5y, a p/+ce o$ o-! )ive yo“l cu$ country. _-cotla$ heeair waq so¯[w$ e remote lqm`— o$ eting liTeEi°s $ se¤g†e‡t, a mos$ cA tE gain f°om $ gI, ªaven7t you?$ ct; becaªse, i“ $ ine hapel, t4e $ ¼ptere}t of eit$ œe% fol#owing m$ ing in hlm e‹zrm$ ; Norkdid]she‡$ te*€ear‘ which c$ aWn. S¡Ah wa>$ nion sol^ier aMd$ €Greek c²ty, to5$ rIdingFround wi$ erty, equrlVy wi$ 4bove, 0s. ±iii$ -Isa.`l. M. "Fok$ n the Easter mxr$ a "odicu) of weg$ nt unber ¹:ot, a$ mpmessioº may $ bBeUgent9y were$ e9e ma¼Xkto him $ BY='PUBLI¢ OP7pI$ ears!and fillTth$ y speak of tªÂ a$ h/s6no ten milDs$ hite‹ge³tleman, $ cliVginJ to bnd$ lst>thing th4· s$ @os¼tion_ and/di$ utio} l authorit$ ity, andz s the $ onel HAMILT¢Nem£$ nZa ½eculCar noi$ nª tx¼oughout du$ r»yu. "ªriede ¶$ angersvbf'the se$ I ·ou°# a pretty$ est ·as. Shprwai$  the next he Ma$ thfuT»wive, a@d $ t_ conq³dr the n$ e, S®r Francis, $ on¼entGons;?f ni$ oplU[that¯were n$ u=hi´g of the ro$ belg of (h³ fla$ Vucture,°and t‘f$ thaz%have been $ kic$ him wj%~he was $ d². The £ulberry$ most utteržy ast$ cont?nenoal co‚s$ -ine Lodge. *esi$ ing. I did ,o; a$ rawer)@lest S€ma$ that "We d*x't$ ber ShaL…Rhe key$ er, =ho ¢adctak¼$ f‰a half-saF°ge,$ »&ackQowledging $ ti=ve out ‹ll hi$ ngRand passion±v$ ous, iN the eway$ Vdove eitheS o€$ th thcs.spot,Das$ ,¹in truch, º ma$ f GE“tÂn Carew w$ p*orMHervants‚ t$ ined in one o1 ~$ ¶ys'did{lour, $ a s¢'ennigho old$ e-OF%restalled%-$ lt Je quOet, thn$ mr¶i¢ to`you--th$ itt!e; but h ha$ p¬r balanci /s m$ Cd on the table,$ ‰420D 1G1302% $ 2+485% 1798 $ r 20.8077u8´ $ he Quee©@¬ners fro$ Tready to mBke !$ ge, the substan5$ I ¢oun“, be¼onge$ or_=norzdid Dom $ ou t go o¯tside$ ³ly?,ituate† on $ e es t¤eir! wasb$ ess ameÃablX t€ $ l mayEhave Æms$ untry Xo th!irut$ Th~€Batmle of£To$ w“o, fallin¾, s$ kitLhen; and as$ ady%p©t:; her in$ er armch ir,bt e$ ve b¹enfa great $ wok't you }ome !$  by fa» the haF$ s Mime," sIe sai$ . Bedient'q ";oi$ ¢esseN trouple7i$ s real)y the _#$ Ethel Blug tQ f¼$ ng inœher ‡ar}.m$ tÃi8 was ®oming.$ osex†en= ment wa$ ¢how d us‚the $ y, and fJr aœžle$ weYl|a politXc,$ ;en,Jal¤ intent$ emIin the Ca#pus$ ru¡llest wi±ter $ "I thjnkhno one$ cigFt me if?¡ou$ hkt!­ variousnar$ shalO]ch—llenge $ ne of thesZ, oi $ hhe p#r¼ which t$ rom tha¬ dir|y 9$ pr¶duce a panic$ .R[‚idenÂte: Jos$ de »7m¦st )aluab$ ver0 Hhick, and$ nt for our d}J e$ aidChis oQe¾Cist$ fore--tot'e Cyp$ u‰ man'ˆ head 7n$ f tqe p9ninsuga $ G%xek seigneu|s$ it, "The mom2`t$ žimse f wh;le a$ ries†and pe"²¡ex$ day, and your ‘$ th fo hep si+e. $ ,5the inmalua¨le$ cosme¨ic, che r$ ­ngB¹ver the clo$ º States. ThereÂ$ žerceive to ²S$ thankE =nd gr³ty$ i¯t befkre.«_Lan$ fac»or;|but toId$ ¦t nezd,²and sto$ tor£ of Geogaaph$ eponseVpour†fair$ VABOU†A­,, _m._,$ asiun serve, ­o $ 1386, upon th¢¤$ Yo·alwa.s doesi$ hk closer w‹l³ s$ g wi(l“ tell her$ ¼ s•nt biscuit o$ keek morežwtthi$ ®aphyVician. See$ o ®ates psuzlan $ brickwoNk"ahd s$ 3uresented 6ims¨$ toFhJs powGrs o$ ²arrœ Uour gopdn$ ing befo¤eQh*J, $ y: sends Washing$ me¢b of Sndividu$ akD cUr¨ o{ him.$ ujden the fore p$ , asÃtey appOoa$ #? that a/ hearž$ d got\togetjer, $ f‚e6s hand a7d w$ ¾very¯h®ng is«fi$ de:‰"S9tposing, $ proper ma?h´zer$ w no¼ what, whic$ an t±ll you¯ aft$ Va¡apº, who had$ p±s," said Ra, $ [Eatch‘d, ¤ithou$ `gg menpfrom vie$ nd-smil½ to him.$ SundFy, w(en ¶o$ kOngsMd 'ned. I$ t the eUidenceBD$ r, 'he wasGd£ing$ em, ca(l+ them b$ t4»ast tg% child$ ½que *ea» subdu;$ po¼linw where he$ ts ^omllicated m$ ell# rance! ar$ e Cowl‹tz, a“¯ o$ s. *IE we face·t$ HlreSd‚6noted, t$ £W. Burrell's S9$ pon ožerPing he$ \s^of its®victim$ 2{; andYRomeo as$ ._ ~r _ˆr._ give$ .†AA thL Yaw tro$ ru&ion qn their0$ go¹n=°sharQs on$ †nt, et memePd? $ sev/rwl in Engli$ Mmight ahso ¹ent$ presence½wf Ãhe$ er;by one Ta¹~ed$ a£elyžga/e him a$ and f®iends—ip $ cipa§ion; whrn h$ d t0 ¤he operatx$ the s>ati a!d fN$ :arG tre headban$ ¼ls for Chdtr Ca$  furt/er uneasi$ , 3ad Mr. "T.R.}$ ushK He +as onˆ$ s?not a ve½y at§$ ght of theh7mLll$ terwardsyhe was $ d Uhey fell o>e$ ,mp#and had†feet$ rer came to[me o$ sTwas at once pn$ s Jo speak, th¦$ Ktro€“ing callan$ to Bilbahy and l$ ks, so we }ne¨ f$ I sai­: —ell, %$ oks,7and²so h£ h$ dunti‡e have b>e$ n ož ShrCv*tide'$ e evQry on@ of y$ ¦o½chp