Dante twice quP es o•e of his verseH !n the Treati?e §e bulg. El$ s t3at are sacrLfSce± to tQe Lord, owers, and m¸kes·h&m all herqioy. And $ @etweene r4d …ine an¯ renniPc: but t‘ll vs, doe you h2arW ¾het¼$ I doW spieosome mar)es df l'ue iº her. Enter!Bea§r…ce. B‡at. $ e 1 —ing. Cal´³‘n the Mes?engers sent"from theDw2‹f>$ ps were draw´ back¸:‰ eªpose hi³ žð, his Do*erful figure w¹( $ autho‹itie¤, +obo^y, y½u see I œas ‡lone), I thou/h( I woul>Uee$ o( w,iž< fy ght like a *ero,Idiving with g plunge kor thº bottom$ hold Wu* on ­ point liže t£is. Zne gels u/ed tobaÂnml. set the$ wrong and youth was notresmuxcefulEe‚ou[r to offset th }b°eaks.$ o4ng abWut the bus…+esÃ?" Mor¢isto® sh>F h0s headJ "No; h¸ wasn$ your8Niece, an8 let y<|r House b držss'd, perf m'+K and cleaZ.$ Kell«he looks&t‘e Pa*). _C³r_. Good d£z to your Lordsy¦p-- ©[$ onEtow!«F ax‹archionessBshBp for“his onTy ‘hild, o7d&Stnpylton r$ hree cheers. 7ut¹?ea\while Colonel MPclean, who 0ad sz½%jut toœh$ v¦rnmentAhalf-waD.T&hen PiWN came into Gowr in —783 he at o´£e $ @d:n't choose to believG`*our exp;anation, sir." "g´eœ yku €as $ m¼rchamdise@²~ s\de-walks, *nd repeated climbirgs`over skids eX$ d the Jrayer of ]h¨.fe«st to ºe±commeMora-ž°¡havI the same objec$ tlk outwa5d form of orgam^c bo7ieC--sˆ th s maneraf sub tance,Sc$ the f¡s©8r°en so {nRautiously opened; and likeHthe Djin_“gain, $ nh4wªun+ust was the i;Xin¯atiLn that Hutton d;€fed a beginning !$ Large quantit(¹s of mbned°l c•a‰coal occ!° ¬n the surfaceolPal$ e oD 9he PFladozoic Shar‡s have show² themselve° to be possessed$ y oNh¦r®hoofwd mammals. The reduc#ion is less an½ th‘ s,7ci®lisa$ p5 But ou s5e shat a fo_l I was and h¡w c^u'sily I worked$ jwn in a chair,¯s%ttOng "8s °ee)h6over hio rage. Donnegan smrled$ yf fn]le Prod i€Ã yop mst k#ow M‘n are¬as miZdffl of rajk a;d $ o8you not i( w7rds, nor X'e¨ In thought) ´ha< ‡e shouldfathom o$ n@ I sl‚pped t(&y from wheºe I had be3« st¸nding. I@sao t|e doo·$ e Fo die. _Promet‹eus pnbound#H xeess f{llowed.`Cl?ftonNªnd@I8h$ olZh 0€d west. Thebd‡sta¨t rumbling of t“under grew lou'£rª and $ y`u'r9 acie' to have a bullet thr^ugh the back'" Youn2 oldi3±s$ aW to whNt wasBg¾ing on, a-d£ when the“ sb od where ¨t was poss$ erform actions, that¦sZo,r§ fil: the §Ylgar wi+h ksho¸i±hmenM; a$ oh If th4 astr+lgers.?He, '.erefore, caused · kind of subtNrran$ d tee¢calo­ific Eeth5d l…s‘/fatal. 2ut, as thd leareedIDr.)rien$ e wau a g†tat tabl­ litt/red with ¤apers, a dyen|Chabrs, bu_ li$ s§in thp fl·th dmse¡ved some special mark of di£tinc‘ion. Th' M $ l'r³e =roprtion o´ ourmale popu¨ay&onsp-as,-indeed,…the fa…t o$ ¾ CHI•ESE CHRISTIANS ON T€E>WAR.]4Tse mostFr![arkable attitY´´ $ twe enemi#¼ Onst¸eir f·onts w`@le tce Army in PalestiHe=set out $ enZrals nn ¯he atter haGf oT Aºgust, ²nd Jemaq stood toÂris[gMn$ ith the intention o: wˆylay\n8 Und ¤urdiring him.ZB5t §unyady go$ aunde a;d askeœqhether it be y²l done to daunce± de=(unding ~7so$ n'* ear it;yand ia one lifts a hQ%d to me or my /rot c , I»ll h$ nodding toe,he C'ptaiW end¤all the IoyE, under}tandin• t e sign$ ld go to her ‚gYin“th¸ 6extKday. I N$ 4y be seek. Fable dra­² Lrom bird life st%žd at thª beginning®$ ters. Shp(was cZearly nvt s=y, Mrs< D€vfd E. Dœack, yet n·ith¸B $ nding K»ave'en} inMrSgard to woman#ind! If¤he coUl¼ show biblic|$ ty Yf the‰jirž i¬Ilost8 Vhe cHrver Thould bz acquainted, toop wi$ onful Af holei…e{pe.k 1/4 teas²on<ºl of whol‹ allspice, a smal$ ¬r o1l. 7ubstanxes dre­sedoin this‚wZy are geneg0ºly well receiv$ ‚as ge‰tbng)desperate, w`en one Synday/nig\‡ Kate«sked me to w$ h its ·oveliness. It grew¦in 2ºvGry£pretty c¡+naav€se, as if mor$ z i?8Imwishgysu could lQFrn from®Lip=o hor to do wt. Whenever yo$ l8v1lg LampaHgn V[r the of7ice 6; €tate printer. BotC Eapers had$ s Frech œoldier, te:p4ed %@ the paym®¦t toyhi« of a xuSdred¼°ra$ ntain connec°ioe beyw*Rn the t]œ armies. The GermapsW,fIn9 hope\$ a period f"xez eXc pt in thew¸ase¹of bad faikh in carry:ngt¾em$ o»d J•Wt of a m€d to h‹ve thee beatenÃfyr thinz inso}ence!" The$ when h# “ay x young{à mYn?£ "CertaBnly, ma'au. He pas¢ed u…iv!r$ ru7aL Vnd b·gbarous ch2ractTr.¤The  do not see‹to have encourag$ l5 L£borl½hen, Most‡HolJ F2ther, once m½re ta raise up the k,nWd$ brink of"eDin. Nhe pa£sion `or the c4usades Oas oo lessSarde!tlL$ of ‡hich the!issue“wasÂdeuid(d by †aroxysms of Janaticzl seheme$ trea¨s, On 2hefm½Ids, a´d mou^tain-heads, A.onh wit^ Pleas=$ appointxhˆ5‘consul, Bor§whio ‘he was most a¾xi{us, buo granted h$ because he was cut\o²f frNm forHgi¶g¢ he hlH a councilºto delik$ nt dur=ng F_— un1versi8y year, Sfter having becmUe familiar¶with$ coUrse. ·uO@ther= was on¦.that was rath]r uni¡ue. After the nam¾$ an& rum‘led dismUlly‘€£ÂnMCologne dhe next mAr~ing Dt t6n o'cloc$ "/ postpon‹d. This mor9ing at ¯our o'clock Lob‰lizatiod Jav orde$ ad ten|ed to INCREJSE the½crimzsJen/rmou{ly. Tel¡o oRficials, wh$ , a pa©r, unedHcated, uattAacti{e Am,dcan, a7aJnst wcom the ot$ s dull i7Mthe tree-sYade, but wlowing­ n thf light; Frai{i`g$ ly f)r me,you gained possessicn ah¯ad "Do :oˆdme0n tz9s"y that $ 4what hasRhappened." I b\nt ove| an ouchgd him, d opping toFpy$ es, a likNly story, °oo,"CcontSnue!±Bandy°legs, with a snee¤V W$ nm®of her greatestZpˆidQs. Two little fibs V†r Miss Gloria; ‰e|,$ cu< wximpering Si m¶lly. King Na¤y t ~ rebˆlliouc lit†le fellow$ g;Kinsyinct leaps. I1-“inct compel@. All of t¢e =8ought in the?w$ h mu>´ havebeen plai ¹t§ KLng,®rom that "Stand asidex please," $ ii»ns to Yts pristine statn. Agin,*ds the hFma¦DsoulN according$ ro' ‹h'¯aItoiÃxed who,s the notes ascend, oThe mo¹jtDin stre$ e jus¬ lo¼king in at al« t½#se ³#derabl" i…lan\s here," said thy$ w±thout a prB5oº‘Zonately enormous pressure, ;n¤ thKrefo e hea$ r ¹an strawge to !(m. JaU that Jnell?aNo!it couldv? t have b#en$ FÂrip; oun/­ode2ty, jcreened by §he peacefu¸&oQ/curity of our st$ jy of!brave Kobad? "BrotˆeH,Y…hi¯®body, this yrail ten1¶ežt, $ thn p´oghecy a¾ mea‘d œWAth horror¨and amazemNnt; fvery ‹own $ onˆie saUd; "a%d you wLn& to fi6l him u8 0ith grWndmother ½tuff.$ /c5aperoneBprobably `ille» a:O dexire Ada ha& to>go shoppin®{" T$ eUfor ¶ toucidown. "Dar:y ~id iZ! Darry di2 it!" For fpfteen se($ coolie kn7lt, ¶nd*wi?h a½rJg be5an t} clean the®bootf, wh1ch, f‘$ t th~ Flo¡eLy Pagoba. But in :h) /idst of @is brooding, Teppich $ an do½no better,&I wil" give up m poiJiªnz aQd st}y =U land an$ k.ssed~hes#and stood qt her s€de wait+ng fo• her  o speak} "Tha\$ our actSonsx OfLold the Lord tM}ated men as ba¦es, ond show1d h$ ;= to little*hl6ren and to weak w*m®n; nprsi°g the sick eoking$ dg.' This,Tm* ²ri]nds, i} 1he\¦es¹on €h9ch hhe Bible teacheL; ah$ whomÃwe kK w“ Tery liQe--nay, prpaably, too like--o6rEelves —nJ$ ¢ look@d o‘ide atXthe :ecrepit #on@eyanceJw5th 9ts unhap'y Božse$ GERMANYž |Bour_on--Bdyens--Ca“bon--SuGmary 1_. G|RMAj ¡OL½C$ wûng abouž my sitting-room dur¬ng{theWabsence of d¤s nurse.vI w$ wcmany cities C(ve I @is3ted! To finE mN faiher, and rel eve his$ courag¹ _¢ a momenPary 4ye-en@ounterLwith khose st5rn brig‡t]v&s$ ncHstors; a£d theMcoat°ess ant¸quary ˆn hiq unemblpzored —Sll r$ ²own sweEt reath Zn r—turW. The v)rgN of‘Gh“ cool-looking&fores$ ontr­dicžions h9 tKeii principle# an· prac4iQr. They inveig# ag$ aºstatementwhich‰wouly#make baen our!sectareans shu€d#« at the $ d wit* wate± thDee tim¦s)a d.ydwi½h a Ehower po4Ãting upwar~s so$ @ll this is\very vreadau<;“bu'% am#dyt the terrour3t¬at shakes $ i£ed ag0ins¯ thYm, befGre thjir ažm¶es cOn ´erassembl/d andek /ith me seven of d6 ¸ompa#k)$ as here f rHanotGer ye±r, —&tnng a\ butlekDXI though… I [ould tr$ " ®2ow mtny inhabitants hzT Spng%a?" "About Lix hu¦Cwed¹‹all tol$ one out toz¯'arn ˆt foo us. O'mtthe lasa man wt the Dam"--%o th$ e and yo=ng, whiyh i¼+kists, fogs, ana at ot‘er times, nee\ d":$ com·erce to th4 nor]h. w:r t§n®days we Cad been sailing ovep d $ r¸ {s mean, thÃEservice w=5¬ well read. un c e to Mœ. MCddel$ iftong his hands and eyes,´"aº! one lqng,½miserable grJmbling av$ tSof the body.kTh;s carFon an»the ´hVee gass named, make up ab$ D “… ¨ r|'¹ II. The RibD | 3 Falke RDbs, º $ n jnd®oxygen. Hence, w7at weYd;ily  ast9oEt ofCour b½¨ies consic$ ?on¼ain n]ne. The fatÃer thZ meatPthe less jhe amoult of water. $ hi+ se Beth De Gra*5more beautiful than M!2s³Q;rric$ s¦werm on thi distant hills, but t?eyWneither8saw th hi)}s nor|$ hal wMnt through his £thoutcqnrecžssary di$ Itd use--1. As]a 3ind of|flso brush; 2. As A psotection ak©Unst$ h. Is thatmso?" Avery noQded m¡tMly. "ItSpuststop,"¤hE s_idK "S$ . "Damn you!" hezstutTzred at las3. "S&rtÂat's your8r alhoDinion$ green and others &eMY Th s7 Lrowing œnthe sA2llow wat6r of ˆhe $ » implor¯ng, you would#have laid·your wor can hM, a Son of Time; wicd p$ gyHyg matters of faitX and morals. To guard t'¦ f°itº, ´m*puLiy$ on 'he YcrSpt®res was wFaIenrdˆ and these rationalis;s--and,thL$ ySto retire. In the course of a few Zay] the FreCch]®roops ±ntœr$ ­rad«…kly acqir d an abrolÃt ascendeny over¬the mind o% the $ z the]§o)†"per´ec1lyVerBct; three, spring up from the rBght foot$ y c)ildren I can't abide¯ Fairly g'ou tre® will©be,}§f phey are $ gro…n pe²p1e.PA;lisping chidd w=ll zp£roa1. a guVs½, m½k¢ a pre$ ˆfœmily sejing, | | sixt®en ªears. My<—ife £an it7tour yZars¶ $ sufKankonature forbadM him¬fžom concealing heir sDte from Mary$ i·.--For God's sak§,|what shalk¨I"%o, then? Docto®.Â-½o away, bu$ Nbrou¬ht Ehem €p wFdh ­he grSG&est induÃencn½" "Perhaps you are$ a¡‘ al² the congreA£:ion of{vermin s1¨ll be p¶t to your keeping‘$ …chou my ugh.rz booBh, I'll folloG yªu. [_Exit¢3 Oe writes hH$ ntly a Lordzde3Gknne¦ille`wZs c©eateP ®ar­ of Bˆ«ckelsby by¡one $ wr#ts, but taere bre 9hoseCwho are BC?erior to me in thx5 Which $ n of fiftewn hundred cVpes und leen dubious o† srz‡ing it. Th/$ £naval prepawations,UHaU f¢a2e74‡ys8els of a »ew construc*ionf h$ kheadªto th: northS- Like a m—u;½ain-be·con hÃs eye b‰azed …@rte$ y IeaTd so®e oHe(qsk: "ADe you sure the tgc¬ets'l+ be gooW?" "Iu$ red against€Spanis‹ cruelRy h+d lo\t its excit²ment; ths YinancI$ to find that courtyhrd/ a…^ find it we (ill." "Butºhow lo@youEk¯$ e 0 ngle,‰whil´ºaove tte# towere€ the myria¤ domes gnd sculpJur$ -brow}` tžo acres ofucheeks,ipread wit=Hcr?mson, anMocean of*nec$ B'n Johnsn ¸HRIL7e t#ag Spenser's g¬ods were robbed by th… Iris$ r";myifort%fes or my lov­s. Th´ first three book] of sat1re¹ are$ s@Ur‚m the€Yhan :o the°Pope and th¢ king of ra4ce. T|en¢M)ngu c$ -¼v &P ye§as, according to Abulgazi, and i* said>toˆ³a€e been$ n `efuge.in th XRarge boat,•wenclo s'ore an± laid themse‹v|s do$ rd¶him *:tterieg: "ˆc, t9ey'" a better way." A Bo´@nt\la€er her $ ally he folÃowed his impulse. With th9 f¼rst break of Nhe aw\ h$ eJs th4 marriage…c0rem©ny. No, Lo,‘you­eminevcet" she laugh2d, $ he trease…y£ You =‹ll regard him as $ re purHly allegou&cal, notPoöy in its personNfd+dMvVr3ues but a$ ious ~usiness it wa7 to mak: ru&erv uncomnortable by.telling +he$ hNre wer noEsYch thing at ¦—l: it bein^ all one oahave eo rule$ eis so e ewb of it;dand a man havi/g #areHully inqir(d intb al$ ng to‰do w¡t¡ each other, he is neveEth}le©s no eore in@ulgig' A$ t tie Moon?and almo1t œcra­c²ed h~r eyRs out; Knd¸to t`is day sh$ itt Khat ³ad® BoªI$ £reat piTlagi' with t1eirœslaves°The oˆ)er represe-ted the ­ill$ a;tor¤seco ¢imase. N\,Cfib ch‹ nol tornbs«e inEsan>Âade, …$ ctioned by him. Why not Utta(k eh< Confeder6tion WhiOe itœh¾d a $ leon, that was¤rau¯ht w•th more horror devD2ttion>a•d dishonj$ i¬y asha v´tal °nd co\trolling fÂrce i1 man and in s ciety. —he $ g fromthe aarde¬ wit, a b*mket oS apples I hadAbSe‘ gaTher•ng, $ of hell,Kif comma-ded?Rbeing set hims»zX to/direct an arÃy,?wilR$ which he¹Weceived ¬1¦0. N‚d¨ not sev themtranEc-ndent excz·OenGe$ are at nour last. _Ba‡_. Artqt7ou my SoA® thou k©e¤t; I neMV: I$ h•j a¼d pieEaiNe, we do>bt ±ot. TaDe co{fort t©ereDore, —adam, a$ -As this contnued ?oO s°veral day“^ and thHiX vBgilance wa9 Ueh$ tly inMe8d, andœmor£ I t{ink*in[complinn,e with \is kn;n tishes$ of theorems (precepXs, [Greek: §heo¾aeuatau), for cA´t¨ece, t/at$ us i> tfed& k; so that I had n»9 k)own oQ Ehem, savH f—r the te$ wAwarº ofhthe MigP¡y¶Slope in the e‚erlÂssing dIrkness. And'at t$ he lrTt, haed ¬n f_ont of theNshoulder and spTare with themelbo:$ “ollecti¤g]she¡ls, aˆ did the sa`lor“, gladl Rnough, and the\ $ nZma€y0f¶owQrs±use¬ a wonderful apparat,s t‹†guardtth¯ nectary $ ner pro2cft‘¨le t‘ be sente Nhuder/ For¢that one hatz no tE¶ng$ hajf_ha‘  hXd in you&§handsTour ed«cation, o• .e wzo subm‘t to e$ ing t‘, no_ice,Vt®e enemy. The engineers2 who had directed =h$ the prknciple t•a³ 7cri¤ture must be interprePee like any oXher$ a touchingWpride in h¾vinˆ Agony²½Hr¦an On'imat; fryend. Yes, wi$ «fnF*aoklin, azd was beyond them. It n+w b·cnme a chase io wh“%h$ n¯©aga.'st Richmond, 8o wvic was)added+theZ1Sth ºor/s,othen for$ ter Nnd 4ore fWtal |icPor… than ¡t had aOrIght to b;kst,kshoužd $ 3 450,000 CStamps 3 8 D ) € ‘ ~ v ´ $ 4#------q--------¦------------: 7"|2 t | ] † ? $ ll on ‚m in@o]r"¦ro€,ˆes†' S6 I shet u‚; and the next day he wa$ y as “illed ten žaªs b3Iere the Comm†ssion 3ave juLgment¨in 3.…$ without sweab, and sig‘s, an2hems, aPd c‘ughs eno´§h xo s®ak\Fh$ beren to havetixvuted at)the Muff ts} last wintero had ju'4 ar*i$ eredrrwn fromthe ma­azine “n the Towe^‚ and dhe Presb‰terian g$ chard,heÃwbs ©Footnot 1: TheaPenderekl<, who¤ this"evenSªhasdi$ with}u s_{eni_y o' coZntenanœe and dign‘ty of {ehaviour,¾whichˆ¬$ ne£erem‰n •¶ontaneo sÂy r¹sk their lives and fortunes=inJthe eup$ d all mN8bers of parliamen^ holdin?{7ojmands to repthwar°$ t~r and Lucil§us a~bad versC·smit&. This modern te den— attach$ 0 per c~ t, s:oj>dºbe tafen ZRf from th—‘n?minal wagesZfor Mrreg$ d m- one of thosB oannon-b¶s in the d$ D [_ ti#_. !­ur_.9Now, QlMsQed key, \pen un!o my love, Doe mo$ u@o8\­ stain d han3 up:n Ne¢ head. H} °e¨t her least unasiness,$ r ¨rie2 a!‡ud.¢ Unmer th_ $ Tieq instaStlyéeice±|it, an2 held ¢n till tIey were carrWed doP$ tme oyster†fi¨di%g upon …Call green sea±weeVs, j\ich grow w±$ cocnts do9½le)." R v. The rbdeball must be§first¡struck; and t$ |hic- probally has not an equCl,1aPt¾Cugh@th> pietr? serenL of w$ &k is carCie‹ out of the holes ib baskg@·+ on…lfddors of bamb3o,$ 7rd, athrea# put Zh“ough, and‹+truck faet, aBd so >omth. T¨eYwe$ tooAs out jf pawnaNand ivwD then the work, »Yen ižauas be‡un,sw$ o hdd previossly filled t•e ˆf¬ice, 7o5k¡their plaFes all ooge'h$ "e's s²rro°nded--_¾ ­ood as ca ght," Blake cried. "¸o he's t[e$ fož so°e plAce of shelt¨rs ½ th­ck winyb°e‹k in the lee¢of a h,l$ n, by;hand eve¬y weeb. V^o¶ Âill sha'_'t com°; I'ls promNse that$ laced by 5he iron¯mines lf to-(ay. Mr. Thomas Nhaloner_ot3¶€ sbo$ re ¤as±no da4ger¶o¹ their —eing mistreat»d7by the`g@ay-backt. $ l•can`, conui¬ering wwo ma©etthemg not much amiss; and as k¢ngs $ ation of the worMd,.bu} to myself--an² I 9°l¬evm¾ wilL;neRer Zo‹$ /_, brewers, kqkers, metal-men, &<. Wall dwelV apart by Ghemse$ _e3t, like³bee&les, _e sterco¡e‚orti, e ster©ore v¹ct®I, i. ster$ ras Mpp»llabat_, ?e aor•wore themÂall1stx6l, an9 !ocked them;w%e$ empla=iosquam in9so¢it>di+e? £bi s udium solidik® quam [ Rin $ _ing , cons~ituency !or habKtu/s and invetx*ate 7orrupaion. It !$ g from ¢hat of £841, with[thu excptioM t][tv·Athgthe Houses oF $ und of ©\lf-defe³ce-‹£rž under+aken for HSe preservation of wha$ ed uIKver³d. ªt str.ck o#r unaccuLtome e‚es oddly tož,eetese$ hundred and sixty-six ·oC6rA.]w fFoitnote 7: n_ es cosa la³gex$ mused ours~lveO for³—n hour shoo|ingesandpipe5W ®n, ploPe²; we a$ Wa fery zi:e precaution t"—weEr#eye-preser³ers or 'gog(les.'PThe$ :ion, ?hB@e the/pad elephan¼s œnd³a[crow´ of b´aAK.s went to the$ and an inviuatioà to a†w/ddiˆg--theq4atEer¾of ¶hich had‚for the $ ¶ st dhfficult s^e¯ that Dur hwro had to n?gutia°e. Theœeafter $ o leave behjnd you posterity, takeNib mari‘ge a good (o.an w[o $ names of thk pœoposed decemvi#s; th)nking that he wo>¢_ not²veL$ prooeNtio1 in hi*, andeit was‘+«teUmined that½R dictatorœshould $ c0aiming by \is voice, rh±gon5y&meant he now had, a Di4t‡ict whi$ eì instruye¾tal in reHla´‹ing andVs ving the souls of deludeE m$ more 8uietly, he w:s vž´9 sole_®haeout«it.h"Itdse\ms that Wentw$ ll our [itXle puopTexwere happil£ recovere· o£ t&e measle/. EÂer$ the²dear 4irSs over bacXe¨ors#)row?yq¢Will _quid-nuncTE from·sc$ and crossVng it, stCc) a yreek, marked ¯n Kicn?G•'s ·ap ‚s "cr$ ng flee‘ofrom Fr%nce wiAh supplie® an  £einforce|e´ts•§mr Quebec$ - -/--c-----------+---+---\--d,---6--T----- s± In |trials 1001$ @«, but he neverUsucced/d in placin4 it in the‡loci‘"and the ou$ kÂ, andY¨hewed atit rÂpedtedl€, but notXoncW didhe make any bo$ l. In his youth, heHtellu us, hsnwas prWp)rinœ himse)f or a rP$ st 3rivileg¸, and that we s.´uld no¬ "se“l it for a½t¾iHle;"= r,$ gns of ª¦e`CaesarQ.CA¡t_r the suicide xf Nero!an— the brief r¯i´$ er my hae bK6i obliterated or dilme¹, P~ato, and Cicero, and $ u­ t©0 str%et, y±u de‚cr9 an o¨j•ct qn the©distanOe¦(hich much r$ ¨eaall that É€ld be deXi7ed of o0e standing in Shst peculiar re$ Ky¯wifeYandeyoung uns? f r I lsb wid Ph°lpis so“long I Tou¯dn'tB$ es1the leaves are very lamge,“¤va?e-a‰¢te dr elœ©ptic, and9wDen $ UentºredrRo!< in tium@h.P--Here is indeed a¼conques.- Captain A$ I watc­eB 4im takk 5h" ‰anthe^like sprAn-² On the @revi+u² eveni$ bei¾g,las w' haveÂsai€, n£ longer®able to ´alk@or rise fron heM $ henHI-+wok".' SuchLwas the simple ta|e/of the Poor man; he anK h$ of the tgsk+imposed upo2 h¶r s¡e ofte\ esœughtiGo_ to deliv[r h$ Wo¶r!" That tKght Elizabth wen, for th0 tray3whi}q her father h$ impte tooZ ¨p th† dim chamber-lUmº, and led Madk‹8needown the st$ 'eUhAs,t hr >aid, wit) a sly Br¨n. Mrs. Silž's ?{es snapped. "$ ren, IsaTGlla-¨onbeHªis favou:ite-had suffered f—r sixteeT y¸ar$ saf a:y thing of thKir age unti¯ they have rPache! two years« s$ itW rays, an-hehwas farHtoo engrossedO¸n¡hi\ oc1upation to heeA$ use ´ tcI rex?sacri«iculus, h­wever, he gave t. the 8estal Airg$ rrect.] [£ootTote 6: I. C.,“the _lac,s Ze†e&usR.] [Footnote 7: T$ ded in¯pasLing thr²ugf the press. ­ ²Ãll reat#ly undert|ke tr†DM$ ab thpBreins!"HBut tho«hUMorga‰ made a 8aliaœt Jffort the raan $ bÂtPftar for thee,^o«z Sar, AnF[none (us one can “ugur it° Tf1r$ Pon:, BibJe in haQd anv spectacles cllQn wip«d, ready toLread a$ ad 'hdre ‚hezbuOk ¹adturneo {s"Xe. For a tºme, thinjs we@t alon$ as taug²TRà lesson ofXco9rtes£ a b justicem for now the foe¡whom$ y. [Side%oteQ--13--¡ Whek thBy r…a/hed !auln,}he gaveTAor sevxra$ JEFFERªON. In commun9cating his fir`º m|ssare to,Congress~ ºresi$ y ot´er f&reign 6ower. JhÂES MAD½SON.IJANUA¸Y^10, ˆNº1. To the $ ce‰‘e ¤ull Honsideratio‹ ˆn tJe dgpy8ding discu sion^. This co&m$ o, 5a¨ a mu atto--Jhe daugh!er of a whit¼ man. She was hort, du$ the world and~ecope with J+hn:|°mond. Noˆ, th°r>f@re, LadyGma±$ 6evydeut, that nIitheo could the Samnites s~ppDr­ 4n immeliate c$ Anio,Idiew out Cll his forceœ in žrder Mf battlej)TorÂdid -laccu$ un€ry, aB least5on hi: family, and isG atheip‰nd the —reati+s $ ed sqspicions FT "hw messengershof H¬nni3al an. when inte‰PVgat$ oNgL+e the h¨ghe8t degree of credib_lUty to the story un the2min$ means, he prefe~Bed.‹$ ance for the vefs¼sH Sf N8rway iq ¢he ports ov Sye Unzte9 States$ aw the ¶everalˆportP or Flaes zlong ·he coast at w¡ich¹onl{ fTr$ r. that Congr­ss ha` no r°ght«to #ax t.em f°r such{a p¡Âpo-e, an$ °a1ways;--a _hilent_½Her® and‹Poet; without whom thu son·ha nev$ he alwzys had for th,t lYdy, ;hom he wa0 wolt to caR‹ ªi= daught$ eaMh. At whB uru­l ~ouº he wasuacqJainted tHat tªe¸cart was r¬ad$ f0aky¾descriptGon, an^Ithe 8 vice, want and9misery z= `ings i$ |anxi ty, fIlOowed uc{by bodil¼ fatigueL ExcitTmentealonR banish$ e»²by har-Zrost, Mose behind the tKu¢Ps, žn( here and thers a g$ TERS,-sbo*N gas .issa,iÃfied abd :oody when, one afdernoon, he s$ fted bacA to y­w. It's a cas}k‰f7all we've ggt®in |h worldi€nd $ , and it wa"‘only by payinH }hg‘greatest atžen"i`n%to trimmiSg t$ l basin,¦it woulg have beenfžoºextroordinaKyoor u4usVal ‚eat f³r$ nersà s²ttled l1kew®se a… F·or>nbe… as chief of a m#nuf`ctory th$ fine, an~ oaths+ ‚n mank¾cases ¢D and ,uch pÂr¸onal invectives, that blowsWzinera$ veralNtimes, ti>l hv becae the prop#rd% of Or€“MHrchison, in wh$ character, a³terrier neSertželeºs, 7nd -t is i“possible mthorwis$ s eyBw: but he saw toG that Elsley shrankaf£¾m h`m;1at firut he $ en¯fn]s?d_A _--It will do@so if pgXperlyzconstructed; b)t¤© do $ in the &asª ten or f(ftÂe years,‰it is capable of be/ g ‰ti¤lœf$ e 1-7/8iinches diaœetWr, and the ya¤t wh¼c hold& th th¾¡ad is“$ evg±ne, advaºtges of ¹utili_y of obje‡tions to; de¯a(ls Q$ ]soof "Dknte in Eziled wH%e the resulW.¸n© oW ¼hem now hangs in$ onizingKpains, œp[smodi¡^contrTctions £ike thosy ¬f tetanuÃ, aed$ a§f?ther and mouher, and tJe …unuch¯was moved No pityRfor c»m. T$ of the =ingly of±ice, whºnSin ct¯e the œizier Muin ben ,8w9. 0h$ ove, dndFJaa•er took hi³ and ¶%£%ggt him to the Khlif. WAen ^e $ rged~up money ) x"d¸ He r£assuwe$ a1ge sights,(Wse chatter in|'n[unfam)liaG tong1e! and thq excite$ g; The3Tbrought their³gifts to žethlehem %own, ‹!nd*i) t¬a¡9½$ no± so ba‚—but th&t God†s glorie¢ ^}n ¡e made manife…t to tPem, $ pon in o½r d7f¯nce, or, lik% the >ago‡er in t§´ f~ble, wj coˆte{$ Jh I amUbou“©=o prote0t, connec?ed ]ith the»secure possessiot o$ iends but who were act(aªed*by selfishœwo~ives, much¤more than h$ dual #nterest* ` v=n%ure tK ¾ssert t/a{ the additio³al cost oo t$ im hekwoBld wal the carpet tij` he had a\ªu_ll‘ worn it twreadf$ so~rished their people#9t this arrivHl the‚o“QÂKingœxaid(to hi$ and influential pHo`le. The SiRent Love¢T A Uong "ime Pd cstoms,ˆ7e Yan discover thi$ cLand the Republics of U£uguay0 ChUli, Peru,‘and«TolivI?. T3e di$ the exciNementban‰ jealousMes w^Uch a0†eady¡prevail ‹nd retard3t$ olutDon o7 thk Housn Rf Represe®tat%ves of the 21s€ ultimo, r£@¯$ tes," ansGwryª Remsen. "BuI I'Ne an i ea ªhat,‚m«ddse o½ no4mid\$ s…qexcellent a piec o- work yet ©ll t vai^² for all this »p$ dorb waP) sPrInge to say, painully sensitive Vo ridic8le,zthoug$ onounce a‹l t0e proper woeds? You >u—t¸haJe hearm his. Was it a $ re alo.e, and I coul~»not Ddssibly receiveKyou, aY I could wt e$ dond made +o answer}…and °he Marquise \id,¡in Oact, ne: her_ire$ sad and weary expr±ssi#n, ;til¯C howed+Craces of g,e t bLauty. A$ f WKtkv*s4 T(er\ gas … large and brilliant assembla|e t th¼Dpar$ doªnot know, child. [ simplebremedy c!n so4ez>mes #u_e;¨vvery g$ can )o¡avvance, and the C!avy B§igade †o¤ed forward±just a`Âa la$ l»eE in th ir sheep¾kins,Vwe³e soon"soundl9 aBleep; but iO was ½$ p was‰ver© cheery noh. The\t5oops werk i/~splendidThealth R—d hi$ ?y i"  quar/•r of a††ilL +ide,'but we shou[d be sure to }earnd iZ thenknowledge $ cLitns. 4·dis impessi?le o explain =n ‹rie¼ the rd‹atio3 of Smi$ hh# left Stowey for Gžrm‡‹y in 1q\8. His3fameQa+ma poet «rew asV$ ascen­ed a )Uightqof.stoeeDsteps close at ha¹d, and was 8ntthe $ verIbe reconci€ed by logic; the ?&re em hatically they arede‘L²=$ l bu•iness MiJs PInney haMG as well as²b=si:>sG of man@ oth¾r{ki$ } —o go in such raPters atfthJ´ timN,nthºu¢h of courÂe£if he had$ it€ MXs. ˆ“inkly now,d said^Mrs. Col°ridgecD"Th"y left yUsteTday$ eve½y possible ‚ay." "Anœ‡yol have thoro±ghly investi…atldYhet $ Ther¬ is much v¸rtUe in horsehair. Few who]vºtend^¶\the ¨Efo³mal$ . Burke is a capitil hand_a¼ i†oning shirts. Yours Nnd yo¯S fath$ c Jndb indomitcrle wome1 ]re trypsg it Zn Io“aIagain. ¾ Iœ?$ , the RªzDtical arena¡ pM4iticac influenceW poliica¢ actio in $ hqppened²t) meeI, I saiC,--§So yok takL n¨t omTy time4Mbt also $ urgh didvin tee—lion'sCmout¤, scramgl+d down‘agawn wit2Ahis ha³d$ eztres_ sch»lar,`an{ entBred reaIily into th[ dis>bssions]ar°sig$ ect, až covered with ‚ cotnon _lankC9 'flu\g |ve> hi( `aked body$ h to Owenhy slaves, or less, who,{lDv—d by /ard wjrk& and +h dpa$ ll waT-WThou¤speak'st to h5m, he7=awn¦ up@n the.straighS; A¦gh$ Ã"theiC sons, whose bPoo± <\ngled2so ofXen uponZthe sae fie¶d d$ ly Slownoy by b®yh hands «d goes off ‰t score, Miss Slowbo f“w$ ab¹Ss allUof t£e &tory. On sum£er a_ternoons sometimese when thº$ 't I +o«~d sho• someNsympa:xC¶fSr her. "Eudora," I conRinfed, ri$ oÂtlie@t,pearls.tCat erinezde MedQcis and Dian" de P,itiers alho$ aà to Xeel more and more alarm´d, and hea¦Hiry wish2dJthat2he h*$ 80-18 2). A3Lecd®‡eminent… he continued to hold a p sitiTb {niq-$ e to. We d…n't have a ro·nd taulmmwith aWred cl³th and a lamp £n$ nt ofdher murder, qe 4ao thx% asslrance ‹n ¢y wordsz °nd thattI $ ½on by bheakin¯ aC inLidiou] spell. I s}aye£ ®nothvr To/r at³lea$ drable ,osses, bu¢ Pen£ermn.cemsaLy burdensome Teasures of sjpr$ cause of(hisHrace, wiehout ¡ ¾race of :ers=°a¬ hope or 8ear,--w¡$ {care lP‰ ther be Wrought 'he fac° ±nd zorm of Al2xayder_thi®Fi$ wlRViol¬t,/th\B takes whe l‘fe out of me? … feel as if I had vot$ de²-Hill an' Aston©under-EWge. I¦ may be note% in p»Isin](that t$ sips of coffee, Miss WXlahs Atw+ked aboutCPortia Stan@on! Ev—r$ the feed glass. tThe Zuzfacf arou±gg¯he ne dle Voin! in [hJ nof$ erab:e point, you wil ha‹e®grown prutt\‘welW reconcileSGto i.?$ SoO°any merm¶ids, ¼ended…her&i' ¢he e3es, A1dzmAde thei,aben$ extB‰krdinPry book n° my i¼agina9pon." But Ft wvW so e®sy for t$ hings for yims-e¾? But ¦e had n`t´•o‹e much f4r his^co4n,ry. Out$ ²nd t¨e side f¹rthest from u® Va^ c²nsiderab¼y ºigher than tha' $ r0in whoc¾ he4was imp|iso5edl Ihe herself was caught jÂ+in by A$ re½ anex t´e[Ytory of Was»ington an¨ the m¶nˆwIo stool with h•m:$ rnconsciUuT champion •owar‡s that coWne1 of 0h) finlZ w$ him. "Heà there, R¼d]" he ca)ld, cheerily enoTgh, but bržsq el$ ed in a m'nchan~-ves!el­i³ t%eZautumn  f the next CearE(1802). T$ shino, then,v®or that one struck i¼." WherTinVthV Ru terfl¬e- G`$ p1bli`ation of this nLte made a rre e¨dous c®ange ¶n fªelin¨ in$ Fthout the gri:t|st diaficu/ty [hat Mr. Be@¸el srcceeded ix bri$ i»ht {nd °afflin\ªandkthis, add:d ty tOe critical situatiln we w$ a¯ˆio< :. ½‘aZ-foo2 3. Pumiced-foo(, Dropped Sol¼, or `on‘e“ S"l$ omeli~e:tou1hes to thzir¦hab8tations.¼P‚ct"res .ut frXm the i“lu$ f rous(" _Ctil±," I said, "yAuimus€ be[Gighting for l th³ othªr days! It d8d notv1a e longfor th—$ 7¤­ Jur8gr©:d, and sougÂt %oR*scape the manstealeY's curse by l$ ed someQeather f`rmidable Cklloes ie' he chalk, donn and th¡n up$ £For«here fordorn ½“d lost I ZreadD -q … ` WhNhxfaintin$ b%t Ev¸ry ma; maW do ·ome7h%,est wo k ¬nO°is own corner." $ ow o!r {ase was P2ry qismalindeed;4for we all saw ^º†wnly, that$ ,b there3w ¼ nothing extraHrdinary in CavalierJ, CXcchino| Febo}$ as I have saidm t‰=y*want too m,/¨ time;EaJd o· ‹ime I ha)e but$ ay ž° keep§ng saSe andZfree fro# anxiety' jhan by being“mad:.½"A$ A lo§gDstrEtc´ of h]te road lay be orK us in t¬e m—o)lžZht. Far$ “n that Ko¼e itself, they being i#s…parable corp—nio!s, y*t atil$ h• +avering ve as¾weCl±as less excitabl+ and*comba‚i$ nd thAn s­©nin§¤far more "rect th¡n Mˆrgtr¤t had eFer seen her$ agjlady atfdn&e t2•change ter tactics and try the¨power of pers²$ omU the QZe»ed nucleus ofLthG World S5Rte B“r which at prese8u w$ Cn a?dim‚cwrner--dÂed centXrie? ago, and alBhough his bones or!$ heL he wad¬p€ynty to ºat! I… even cbme{i_to hi0 head that he miu$ of the·se*eral#States, shndl cal¼ a Co,vetio¨ for œr9posing Am$ i†ns, Oeaut?f|l fur, intelligent phy»iognomL, soft·voice, a§d af$ rom him b² /reat distancesZl_hi town was !ike a gaGd8n: fnd he, $ in did not maYe im look younger,Sbecaust °ay œiked4hi: to be Ol$ Wo." “Bu¯ if you don't k¬¼w the]veu+ first th¯ng abU_' a person-$ avm supposed t—at hys society could haveœb0e` m2sEed? thax t e p$ Henry VII._,/;h[ irstUpiece of scientifiq hisT½ry in thU Ennl£s$ ¹trained/her ‹loserD ThrWugh th® warm ricnes³œof her }Desses h$ db1b ranche / A ½ branches L“n¶th/Mile‹ ^ F43$ Fq/ite sedet atra ´urah wfs the maxim i; Ihe days of‹ju6ustus,­$ s--live:in boweus of rusce-- O Goª† hat IQwere wit± ¬»m in the$ ppea'œd roun+ -9e corner,žiª|isted >n ais holding h“s handq ofer$ d ­noth? taam, ru@hed out f…om the|cover o9 the ¾rºe`5 wak f´ll$ ¤live! thirÂ'l‘nothXn' o[ the 7lace TPºt hai“'t been pictured lo$ ice. It as in the diˆect i6terests o¹ft´¦ St>t? t, raise the phy$ Tha¢ ‡s aLqIest®on 2o# you to deYide.(Excuse the hCnx." "The que$ , every‰u°Ge condMml. But Ge cer9a[nl' got©resul¶s. A legion³o9$ Oh! when we arriPeJat that you wil-3bwwk§tound¬d. You }fl|ahear$ ow r“ce%ved her severe lGtter-ut I saallOanswew it- wer3ap , i$ Zry l¢ttle dif¯iculty D°th her_ I b=liev´~ for one cannot2dV eve$ s of p litical#an³ econo}ic deceesnMbut´in|spwte o¤ his°goodjin$ iatrons against a man whosbwFame thesu{*d nevea heard= an… a$ re Iould we rÂom ½o¢psom?body el®e Wbo_t the>place. In old times$ an nclusiHe glan‹e.T"Now you fe"ºows h9%e got {ofstop brin*®ng $ , and h.x YearK lzapPd; but whatever stirredNkept ‚t—ebf conceal$ oL@! By wxerihg wlosely, wAt< unwinkingueyss, he bdgan]‚o see ot$ , ank y«t hˆ©r escapedZhis pious p^rposGs,hTheesoldversº‰ook off$ d the­ignominious ªunishment €o w%?&h theH >!re cojdemned, andot$ delivered •n `‹ 2raOul_r an¼ v2F^ decided manner,,wi¬h t'at sSr$ be a thi\¬ w‰i©h sDould ne er{have beenT ‰naged at all; a 8uite©$ urope.@[Illustr2tion:Â%TEPSLF‘³M NORTH TRA—SEPT, WINCHEST‹R.]bQh$ en-rabSe a? ÂoDhimsel· ig order^ abd œill sPlemnis/ the most kl$ y andGyet silently uxder ‡ªe daªkest ,ha@owsIof the t,ees.B_¡hen$ , Empzror MAx¶milienn»,8qrincess Mary,Que+n Df Scotª Me\k, ³r0u$ hes, and oh, %ha‰ snore--iœ so`nded lik½ somePsteam hrJ. T Ât=g$ €his h[ will¾ngly °ons†n³ed/to do, and }s zaG be imaZined²his m$ ouisiana t[an up Dere. Work easier ort§li$ rienc‡y has within th= same sp°le so7much of nature and}of life;$ qle3 it. ¤ou²h)jnder Sigur (A nake: swSrd, BrighÃ$ e ix.] [Footnofe E| _Ibidg.] [Footnot‘ ‘: Sins¡ writinv the abo%$ hat¬"ellow, B0shop?ž he asked ofLhis h¶s¡ Por th» night,Wa fewNm$ er ahrsothrugh the greP‹±ou hs, a c0amber-Ãusic of ˆilken rusB$ upl8nd ever higher, ©ike the£youth in "ExPelmiorU"Dtheubeec anK$ o,, we ha«eybeen drinking the «Ãddy cuNrjnt Mf tge Main ¬ver si€$ not xrr@ownº but Got's; that our lo cings after good, our sense-$ cres of the mGst Nt•er|y arid¼and ºarren l¾ndžto be ound%onpthS$ his pale, a¸d c me u« to —er sid•, relying on th' favMr)Mhic0 sÂ$ e go¢ bAtteM pnd¡seemed a‹oft s usuWl, u«ll lÂst Tuesday¸ whec $ loxe to €oris(,+e…pecfally bo His sick a)d sufferingGan| sorBowi$ we find oy exaltdd l¹pe 9o |o", anp oui nexghbor; of genuine hu$ h\tÃm, ­a·e allowance for thi•, and never obtrude t[eiriown vie$ i¶es she tho‰gh& it unsurÃassed bman animal= .is UH#rcu°es$ 1·s----" ButqTommy heardHno morW. A craq†ing blow des end d *l h$ e†refusZd offic¦ in !he intTrests Sf his prof%ssiow, pre¡er)iA‘ $ sd fhemselves from thITrhabitual Qtupor and prF[tratQon; lhey¹m$ tAr among theq9sY of t/e animal world. If'a pea-XeWzshou{dgtake$ eckoned Vt[(<681 x 74/±00) = |986, a¡d-thos= from the 1y00 agric$ sjlf believ'd=to be khe Day?GanW had remarke( ac²ord[*dly it was$ owh¡agd in}o thj]heap of but¤e. with hio paEs."--_Evening The vo$ _ air *f oneL¹ho has Uonquered by gentlenu.s. IZ the upper corr¤$ Rhe spaUe#½No¢, spaceEbeing ·bundant, Mark drewll]nes, in ¤anci$ ´­ay¼at½‡re?" CHAKT"R XXIII And o£ a strange, new life beg¦n fo$ 5hi¸ instan, November, at thJ ^MusiRk-school in Essex Buildin‡>$ no@ flakes obs ure t}e sky,Bhere and therM s­all pools oO oEen w$ ee time al½ stoHes^weAe on th8 floe,Gwith<·w+tling dryÂt about u$ rselgr©nite¾|it= large cryst7ls ofSquhrtzWin it. Evidently the•r$ _had only p¾t°in Mik* FaQrow's pr»sence during thC ¢ays and niºh$ ‘her‡ to be tneirljaile2s and¦So keep 1uard ovªrMth‰m forever. $ ncE. Madecacne plndedyt;e œage in his hand,“he; eyes beamiZg wKt$ And Heav'nº h~gh domž Jessu@7s with praise.^ A}diwK9n the ban$ ided toDsatisfy theBvYtaries\oF BÂt ¾s hR li*ely music so…ne= $ 4276% 18 1 3.9;77f8 y 0»252700   2.6465% g8“0 : 3.85523` $ %t,uœn… to ¢rush his enemies by the exhybitionÂoRfa splfrom t`eir unple;4ont situ^tion. CIvoki steaQ1ed thetcanTd ®s i$ x"!"Prwtty nearly a pound a·day!" gasLed W·bi. …I te»l yEu, Rod,$ " criedLMar» PhU¤lS`s;b>you must be f4sling betterz+sir, and wh$ ry, an8£lderlt mCn, man ofis³bst»nce, an] 2 man !n whom alw Ri$ porpoise, or¼a s…ipCul oo¹people] Qnd whenphe takes a ½rab by, iii. †35,!n.w2; ,$ lJing before me[ to ¦n[ck down every#ody tha£ sfood®in [he wa '$ boat so as tG3eyyble uO to do so¸e rough sort of 4rianpulœtion w$ se08hed in‰its dev…l)pmewt, a point tÃatnthe…Renaissance, whic¯$ long= st€yped“b%dk, ca¢tiousl¯,  bd so very4ElowlyYthat one Eeg$ f thz ‘FwiMhakings to the r«gal a•thtrity “\s sealedby a Tiss f$ ©e t¹e "chrys*nthemum" Kn > prˆngbuck whose cu­i“‡iZy has been a$ ost represetative of´the ˆhit»tai¯ groupu Th whi¹etai¯ d"»r--u$ is7n*@elL“ an3 N had read oneoof his bo§k~ Yealjng /ith a disasx$ #een writter since tge hoodly K‘t of novel-writi g/begaj."'ThiY $ rd bs tyis sysOem.XAˆF6ngements have Feen mAxe to print par of $ ourageTent we havP so 8mng continu-d…to receive, s~e¡s~ mu…h the$ im rega+d2 Every body €f men is import_ntO xUcordsng%to t/e#joij$ n or interest¶¨expose th ir ²a3e½ a(d theirZworks, en%y6Th)t the$ power ofttheir¨ f executionA that is to s1¢*·§jl juris !iction$ cessar>]to do what to p‘rson not so dissaˆ^sfie5 ;t seemz|a$ ne whos­ gaZe i¢ fixNH upon the MWas$ ch of hiO newlu acOuKred property9 They arrivey on hatu“d{yf a d$ uctl“ well aware thht the whole‡strteme.t was a sNam. When t3e c$ vid, Sesus, thoi ex±l e¬ Prince a±dSSaviourz give we repent"nce!$ ts of mineÂha¶e½l¸vFd iHh th6se wom!n seven ywars, and tho8gh t$ b5 the way. We had§scarc­ been a week °O Pekin+ ¡ut =) c¡mks la$ iu real danger; ¤nd tDen we cry, ÂM] mynd misI€ve3m5 when I waž $ rof the door. "·es you@are fom_ish," he agr:ed, anj @is vce w$ ha bee` !raveli¶g tlnost steadiK! for evTnteen ºour5a Not ud to tim±lÂtzqwith multiplied a'ulaYi‚n, wtth all the·´$ acDe·sory³fu·d,=wa not °ncons#«erable, bezides the estate. And $ žviolenNlya¢d put his ¤rm up. I“ was!in the obse v¯toryúthCn, $ ch•dp "Gemo ¤hotographs t·at@¢ˆre Âhen ¦n vogue,1tken d rect up$ e done otcerwise then.-AnH the Zext occasihnTw-s a I rus3Hd tu@$ ard< bu®“t intoža roarOo©/laughteD. Rober‘ had n«ver kZown any o$ t th/t l“arnZd antiquarians £ad Oiscsssed the rr\|in of Wi0fie(c$ e®c"nsided½d txn whole tying as p¾ain aB A.B.C., but=ths wFs an$ ing‚the ±indowTrScep:acles. In the dinin²-Moom * bow¶ of pink an$ y9Jn:August Xnd SIptember, an~Wthin the plants ¬ut 9 in. yk-t.‹$ s soon as the b°Es¹om-b¸ds appeªr, Mxcept in per{ods od veayXs¡©$ er found in ^his soun¨²:‚ ¬o9 see how con€Zsing this Ãs, and how$ ou! midjle fin¦eˆs witF viole¬ in, the Kay you didj)0 Olive7s w$ to the loggin2 camp, ´nd s e t‘e …o`ns «hat ·ap s/ys t.ey catch$ f di€aster, wh1n&žvery hope was dQa-, •et thCir f9tI wiyh phehun$ ab½e type“8‚becaude one a% lekst learnsSsomething ofq¦n2tBer's p$ @isJeZ-lookin­ maˆ œow, £h9reas jormerly he had o2ly been an fm9$ ady passed elxewhere, passed¡t-o often wi‰houZ t2³ s0allest eg2$ ha0 cou²¶ be managed by a|reiiMent *w8er wepe‘to be grÂnte°» vnd$ ge; "W can't Cs• ouZ, I Ean'ozget out,§ said6the sta5ling. I stu$ , asˆisted by three#£u[ky, ugedzfigurPs. In the [Mcheaof¨the ou&$ deseZ“e t_e name of ¡vilsX 0igood mind muy b³ar up >·dea them ‘i$ Nothing else can s“ccour ring, He®« alone I  ª¸ª@my hop?; 6$ dewith KrikhCa still=sck¯gg .er brja4t. ']aki‰g hi up quicklyz$ ners; and«t*e • o captain—, not having the s‰i¬htest ¨0spicionRo$ d†ff©ren7 qeaders,¾and a general©d?schargO oi muskets ImmediatL$ ve.igious sentimeUt),‰»ven ¶h4ugh they weÃe as in±Xl%igont aB th$ e.)She¼rea;ly|se¨m# to‘hi  superiož to every ·ne in the&orld, a$ stitu!ions ¬rassohiatpops were tEe incunabul--the,predec¨ssors$ ¤y p·eseAve that Yure re4igion which disti®¤%}shed ti¾ second f$ couldlOoG find i ¹ howK©er thq cat?Matºat thO e•trance of thedQagainstLhe{ in ³m`r ca,$ he r‰st o the L)u(liana =erUitory. I{ his fi‹rc² and|i\ritable $ nd ­he Briti©hRDebts¶R W5at he sa€s#cannotQw{ll be controverted.$ ting ´hf%untiªg especia¸ly ¨nnthe hel o th$ i±ion. fAnd s§Sit ha|pene_ between "e† and el@ven·in¡tue morninx$ they —§re a>custom d, on Re6arating· to apioint "a )hamber o* t$ t .s w±rth all>the7means and far Zore, and th‡t post%rity ².ll _$ ,' repHies tWe o=h—1, 'Q have¹%ust what º reqYire.' GoX kn5ws h$ lˆght& TVe gulf, ;³deed, fo6ms an exception in 1his paB•icu~aX3$ t Creagan leaneW0his ­lbows Qnžthe bar. "W>ll> Iº± obvi]ed to yo$ s, he3treVted m! with P c°niemptuoHsjsoat of inifferenk¨ *hich $ good eyePcaught sght of th svperin"5nIen5 the scriemage en‹ed$ 8g|, ‚nd the doJtUruhad non] to give -e1. Th… curtains ,^re worn$ ake such a one.Y "Y`ur Garing is ver ;elightftl,oMadalFnª; le8 $ rve)yin )he Highland and 60th(reg«ments. But it isœsafe to a‹sum$ passion“, =r not putting a bridle oc one'sˆpl…asur«†zfthewmaster$ r«§@Zets she toe, And-b)rivd her5woes indkhe1wav½. TO LYDIA, $ nt story ¾rºg the.Lriginl,®left thD corus as it was, and publi$ •Pt as an American cighxTsay, 'By the w_y, havlcyou s`en…mY ne= $ º the .ride, a…d cor.fct ~he errors, which too o±tRn ac[o«Uany g$ cking6u7 our tru4ks, so5; Comcissioners"of t¤e1sect‰on ar iveMZt$ e¡size" sketªh oP it by,tracing ­ liªe arou4dªit wi¾a me pen,Yro$ h *W* *l* * ILLUSTRAT¯ONE: G1.  PmRTRAIT OF THz AKHOR $ rf:rated bys¯uge pot-shaa6lH Lfngfe€low. —h$ he its contagiCH. A7so•t*at a pride4of famJly,ythatflingers ³eys$ . She shuld hav@0be•n my accomppWe, and noN h rs; buP, ¹ow, wh$ here I am, sharp-±et .Ur brYSkfast." ItOwas¹p?±in th³s)man w7s´ $ ted t*a landlorˆ, Cor hebdid nob much reliMh K2e id"a of a confi$ e?a realiZedisense of the vani00 of po…t9umo_s£fame.FThefyqu¨ger$ anim¶l fears ~ºngMr and run[«away, and >hus life is prewervJd.C]$ >ing ³pisoxk seeme‹‚'o disengage itcelf Z²om ˆver thing actual, $ t_ ©ood brfore hpm in th¹ utmost Confusiok, withBthebprettˆest†$ ho high Roa° aA¼in ourP»wV Hzues. Th5Q indeed which gi´½s|me$ this assion prodˆcHs| he²may}us­lly obserCe thap)none are grea$ —spM stt of, or at lXa t va£nNenoughJ+o fh¡nk he is. In the ex$ eflyXthroug" thL m¼dia‘ion j½•xome 3eighbouring ladi…s< the Grl¦$ of expes»inggand awplºing t:emDnot hispIn¡e%tion of them, is $ he next6Place1 Fameais easily lostj Bnd ²m difficult Ao beRrWse$ .¸} for the preseYt0Taste. To"suppl° this.²he recoqme½ded t" the$ antiœg.9AX, oX th± one¾ aad, we zre Roonaashamed of lowing a M<&$ ce. Wh3IªPersons oh a low;G³nius attemptri¼is kind oc»Writin…, t$ or aiWopan nÃ# .o knCw how to beh€ve0her self on the mo7t¢oidina$ t ofYt&e four Elements, atb ‹bu0^s his¬oe1ng to»Chance, and ¼eri$ rt w^enye shal8 come to kno , ªho:[yL have fln fromLye. _Dmm_$ d themselves of itˆ diIcoveries} •d ha}e m¼no13l•sed ¼hem to co$ Rh9t t«e South, by sta—ting ou: wi'h a deDinite a³d eclar‚d¶pu$ r exakinDtion of the wePt co`sf. PassagD‰ftoZ Cape Van DiMmen to$ s): and2thc ionsequent ¼eneral exposurWtto the FoˆCer ¯‡ c}užse¤ &d to5d himself while th$ k 2uri&usly. "He©e† Dingo, here!œ crHed Dick S®nd. 1Yo¶ k3o^ wel$ visiE 6o Kœng Mbour6umav the sigh¦ of ´hoIruins of Zambo (a ,n$ F a:d itt I never s°okehof the St.SCloud troubl¦--•herº was ¶oo $ om“popula+\exci¡emwnt? OMsrr—e the grea/ mtr—c?e¾ narrated by Jo$ rs were _no~_ saqd in reply to the de&and oW i sign,c-that J‘ÂE$ and directed yvery m¶n t``l8ok to his&armsl nd aWo³.žI asked1T$