PDMI TUM State University St. Petersburg
Steklov Institute St. Petersburg Technische Universität München State University St. Petersburg

Joint Advanced Student School (JASS)

Course 1: Complexity Analysis of String Algorithms

St. Petersburg - Sunday, March 28 through Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Olga Sergeeva

Data Structures for Pattern Matching


For many applications, efficient string processing is crucial. Searching for a substring or a subsequence in a string; searching for common substrings of a set of strings; finding out the number of direct repetitions these are just a few important examples of the problems often appearing in work with strings. In the applications, there is need in solving these problems as efficient (in asymptotic) as possible, and also to store the strings 'economically'. So, there arises a question of efficient strings representations, both being compact and providing good bases for algorithms.
This paper is concerned with two representations, in some sense revealing the structure of the initial string and thus meeting many demands: suffix trees and suffix arrays.

01 Sergeeva Olga Data Structures for pattern matching.ppt
Chapter 1 (Postscript PS, PDF PDF) of the proceedings (Postscript PS, PDF PDF).