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def_graph.hpp File Reference

Detailed Description

Definitions, mainly related to boost.

Wolfram Koska


Here, definitions for the Boost Graph Library and mappings from the BGL to our interface are defined.

When using another graph library as boost as a foundation for this graph library, this is the main place for changes.

#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp"
#include "Property.hpp"

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namespace  gns


#define DEBUG   1
 Set to 1 if debugging, comment out if not debugging.
#define foreach_node(G, n)   for(gns::NodeIter __next = (G)->first_node(), (n) = __next++; (n) != (G)->last_node(); (n) = __next, ++__next)
 Loop through each node of the graph. Inside the loop, n is a NodeIter.
#define foreach_edge(G, e)   for(gns::EdgeIter __next = (G)->first_edge(), (e) = __next++; (e) != (G)->last_edge(); (e) = __next, ++__next)
 Loop through each edge of the graph. Inside the loop, e is an EdgeIter.
#define foreach_in_edge(G, n, e)   for(gns::InEdgeIter __next = (G)->first_in_edge(n), (e) = __next++; (e) != (G)->last_in_edge(n); (e) = __next, ++__next)
 Loop through each incoming edge of the node. Inside the loop, e is an EdgeIter.
#define foreach_out_edge(G, n, e)   for(gns::OutEdgeIter __next = (G)->first_out_edge(n), (e) = __next++; (e) != (G)->last_out_edge(n); (e) = __next, ++__next)
 Loop through each outgoing edge of the node. Inside the loop, e is an EdgeIter.


typedef boost::adjacency_list<
boost::listS, boost::listS,
boost::bidirectionalS, boost::no_property,
boost::no_property, boost::no_property,
boost::listS > 
 The boost graph type.
typedef std::string NodeID
 NodeID declared as std::string.
typedef std::string EdgeID
 EdgeID declared as std::string.
typedef boost::graph_traits<
Graph_t >::vertex_descriptor 
 Typedef for boost: Node descriptor.
typedef boost::graph_traits<
Graph_t >::edge_descriptor 
 Typedef for boost: Edge descriptor.
typedef boost::graph_traits<
Graph_t >::vertex_iterator 
 Typedef for boost: node iterator.
typedef boost::graph_traits<
Graph_t >::edge_iterator 
 Typedef for boost: edge iterator.
typedef boost::graph_traits<
Graph_t >::out_edge_iterator 
 Typedef for boost: outgoing edge iterator.
typedef boost::graph_traits<
Graph_t >::in_edge_iterator 
 Typedef for boost: incoming edge iterator.

Define Documentation

#define DEBUG   1

Set to 1 if debugging, comment out if not debugging.

#define foreach_edge G,
 )     for(gns::EdgeIter __next = (G)->first_edge(), (e) = __next++; (e) != (G)->last_edge(); (e) = __next, ++__next)

Loop through each edge of the graph. Inside the loop, e is an EdgeIter.

See foreach_node().

#define foreach_in_edge G,
 )     for(gns::InEdgeIter __next = (G)->first_in_edge(n), (e) = __next++; (e) != (G)->last_in_edge(n); (e) = __next, ++__next)

Loop through each incoming edge of the node. Inside the loop, e is an EdgeIter.

See foreach_node().

As there is no means of looping through the in- and outgoing edges of a node in boost, no makro for this functionality exists.

#define foreach_node G,
 )     for(gns::NodeIter __next = (G)->first_node(), (n) = __next++; (n) != (G)->last_node(); (n) = __next, ++__next)

Loop through each node of the graph. Inside the loop, n is a NodeIter.

This is a makro defining a for loop and thus can be used just like one. n is created in the loop, if it had a value outside the loop, this will not be accessible.
is a NodeIter pointing to the actual element in the loop. Note that deleting the node pointed to by n is a valid operation and does not influence the continued loop execution (see Internals).


 // g is a Graph*, p is a PropertyFacility*
 foreach_node(g, n)
   p->set<int>(*n, "number", 1);
   p->set<double>(*n, "weight", 0.2);

 foreach_node(g, n)
   std::cout << g->node_id(*n) << std::endl;

Inside the loop, __next is an iterator pointing to the next element and should not be used. This enables the user to even delete the node pointed to by n without compromising the continued execution of the loop.

#define foreach_out_edge G,
 )     for(gns::OutEdgeIter __next = (G)->first_out_edge(n), (e) = __next++; (e) != (G)->last_out_edge(n); (e) = __next, ++__next)

Loop through each outgoing edge of the node. Inside the loop, e is an EdgeIter.

See foreach_node().

As there is no means of looping through the in- and outgoing edges of a node in boost, no makro for this functionality exists.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph_t>::edge_descriptor Edge

Typedef for boost: Edge descriptor.

typedef std::string EdgeID

EdgeID declared as std::string.

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph_t>::edge_iterator EdgeIter

Typedef for boost: edge iterator.

typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::bidirectionalS, boost::no_property, boost::no_property, boost::no_property, boost::listS > Graph_t

The boost graph type.

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph_t>::in_edge_iterator InEdgeIter

Typedef for boost: incoming edge iterator.

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph_t>::vertex_descriptor Node

Typedef for boost: Node descriptor.

typedef std::string NodeID

NodeID declared as std::string.

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph_t>::vertex_iterator NodeIter

Typedef for boost: node iterator.

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph_t>::out_edge_iterator OutEdgeIter

Typedef for boost: outgoing edge iterator.

Generated on Sun Nov 5 12:05:29 2006 for Graph by  doxygen 1.4.1